Found 20 Articles for Plant

Different Modes Plant Reproduction

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 13-Dec-2023 13:48:10


Introduction A reproduction system refers to the procedure of producing new species for the parental generation. Plant reproduction deals with the procedure that states the different processes of production of plants. It deals with the inherent features of most living organisms for the continuation in maintaining the reproduction mechanism. Sexual reproduction creates offspring which can be identified genetically with each other. Asexual reproduction refers to the creation of offspring, which can be genetically distinct from each other. Plant reproduction system is very important for the environment to balance the ecosystem of society. It also becomes very helpful for animals who ... Read More

Mulch Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 16-May-2023 12:09:16


What is Mulch? Mulch is a material that is used to retain moisture in the soil. It is also used to curb the growth of weeds and lowering down the temperature of soil and plant roots. It also prevents frosts in winter. You just need to spread the material on the soil. Some mulches have the ability of adding nutrients to the soil. Mulches are of two types which include organic and inorganic. Organic mulch is natural and no synthetic material is used in its formation. It can suppress weeds and add nutrients to the soil. Inorganic mulch is a ... Read More

Study the plant population density by Quadrat Method

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 16:58:30

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Introduction A single quadrat is just a simple range of fields in which a certain range of plants is planted. In utilizing the quadrat method, the specialty of considering a quadrat in this measurement process is very important. Each of the quadrats possesses a specific shape and size. In measuring the exact amount of a plant’s community value, the quadrat method of plant population density is the most applicable one. Also in relation to ecology, the quadrat method is the most applicable and suitable one for measuring the exact value of any plant’s population. What is the Quadrat Method? The ... Read More

Study the Plant Population Frequency by Quadrat Method

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 16:48:19

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Introduction The population of plant species in any geographical region can be determined by understanding the plant population frequency. Frequency is the degree of uniformity for plant species' individual occurrences. It is a bit hard to determine the plant population in large areas. The quadrat method is used to know the frequency of plant population. What is the Quadrat Method? Quadrat means a sample plot sized specifically to study a community or population. Quadrats have heavy usage in botanical purposes like plant density, plant biomass, and plant frequency determination. Quadrats' shapes and sizes control the frequency. Metre-square quadrats are ... Read More

Reproduction In Plants

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 15:45:49


Introduction The reproduction in plants like any other organism aims to bring forth new offspring. Plants are capable of attaining both the kinds of reproductive processes, that is, sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction occurs through the fusion of gametes. Asexual reproduction is carried out through various processes like budding and vegetative propagation. What is Plant Reproduction? Reproduction in plants is referred to as the event of the production of new offspring from the plants. The course of reproduction can be either sexual or asexual. Sexual reproduction is done by the formation of a new offspring that happens ... Read More

Reproduction In Flowering Plants Mcqs

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 15:26:32

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Introduction Reproduction in flowering plants takes place through several stages including seed formation, germination, growth of the seed, reproduction, pollination, and spreading of the seed after fertilization. The plants that die just after flowering include monocarpic flowers where the flower set seeds and falls off. Sexual reproduction can be seen in angiosperm only. Non-flowering plants like gymnosperms do not undergo sexual reproduction as they lack reproductive organs. In sexual reproduction, DNA is collected from both the parent and in asexual reproduction DNA is collected from only one parent. What are Flowering Plants? Angiosperms are mainly determined by the ... Read More

Study and description of three locally available flowering plants families Solanaceae Fabaceae and Liliaceae

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 15:12:32

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Introduction Solanaceae, Fabaceae, and Liliaceae are the three types of families of plants which are locally available. They contain different characteristics and they also have medicinal qualities which have various usesEach of the families have its vegetative, flowering as well as medicinal qualities. In this part, Solanaceae have a taproot system. The family of Fabaceae contain bacteria on their roots which are very useful. On the other hand, the Liliaceae family is described as having a fibrous root system. Aim of the Experiment In this tutorial, mainly three common flowering plants which are available locally are taken. The plants belong ... Read More

Reforestation Planting Trees

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 12:32:32


Introduction The rapid cutting down of trees for meeting the unwanted and ever-increasing needs of man has resulted in deteriorating the standards of life on the earth. All the organisms are affected by the impacts of deforestation. Several threats have been generated including massive change in the climate that is resulting in the change of living habitats of the organisms of that area. More to this, the soil is becoming unfertile for agriculture, reduction in rainfall, and irregular rainfall with seasonal drought, adding to the worsening effects of the greenhouse. What is Reforestation? Figure 1: Reforestation The term reforestation ... Read More

The Dangers of Sassafras

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 07-Mar-2023 15:33:24


Sassafras is on the list of natural supplements and food additives with a bad reputation. This herbal medicine made from trees has a long history of use that dates back centuries. It is a famous ingredient in everything from tea to gumbo. However, despite its popularity among Native Americans and early settlers, the usage of sassafras does come with some significant warnings. There are several convincing reasons to avoid using this plant product, which was considered a potent tonic, whether used in sassafras baking, cooking, or drinking. Before beginning to utilize sassafras, it is worthwhile to learn more if you ... Read More

Plant Respiration

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 12:52:37

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Introduction Plant respiration is a process and for this, they require oxygen and they return carbon dioxide. The movement of air between the atmosphere and cells of the species is seen. The process witnesses the inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide gas. Parts for the respiration of plants are leaves, stems, and roots. About Plant Respiration The process of respiration is considered a biochemical process that helps living organisms to get the required energy. Glucose is an essential element for starting this process and it is diverted into energy that helps in the production of carbon dioxide and ... Read More
