Found 575 Articles for Physics

To determine minimum deviation for given prism by plotting graph between angle of incidence and angle of deviation

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The Angle of the Deviation is the same angle, which is equal to the difference between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction of a ray of light that is passing through the surface. This surface is between one medium and another of a different refractive index. In that case, a prism is considered as the minimum deviation position, in the time when the angle of incidence at the first surface, equals the angle of emergence, which is at the second surface. Aim This experiment aims to determine a prism's the angle of minimum deviation by just ... Read More

DC Generator

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

3K+ Views

Introduction We all have attended a lot of marriage parties or any celebration and unfortunately sometimes we face issues of power cut in between from the power grid. At that time, we need some power back up so that our work or celebration will not get stopped. So one of the very popular backups around us is the electric generator. Electric Generator - A Power Back-up Electric generator is a device which generates electricity with the help of mechanical energy. It means that the electric generator is the machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It means that ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction: Cyclotron Cyclotron is a device used to accelerate charged particles to a very high speed, that is, to a very high kinetic energy. These high speed charged particles are used in the following purpose: To study nuclear reactions To insert an ion in a solid Used to start radioactive decay So for all these purposes, Cyclotron is used. Since we need high velocity charged particles in this device so we will keep the charged particles between two oppositely charged plates. The electric field increases speed because it exerts an accelerating electric force on the charged particles ... Read More

Cyclic Process

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Let us take a container containing air and start heating that container. Let the initial temperature and pressure of the air 25°C and 1 atmospheric pressure, respectively. After heating for some time, the temperature of the air will become 100°C and the pressure of the air 2 atmospheric pressure. So the temperature and pressure of the air tells us the state of the air at that particular time. And this temperature and pressure is the thermodynamic variable which is defining or fixing the state of the air. So we can say that the state of any thermodynamic system can be specified ... Read More

Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

2K+ Views

Introduction We all know that electrical energy is required for running a fan but where does the electrical energy come from? We all know that we need chemical energy for cooking food but where does the chemical energy come from? But one point is very clear that we need energy for doing any kind of work whether doing any physical work we need muscular energy or for launching a rocket we need chemical energy. So we need to understand the energy, its usage, usability and sources. So in this tutorial we will study about all these. Sources of Energy The ... Read More

Convection Currents

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Tea is one of the most famous beverages in India and almost in the world. But have you ever made a cup of tea for yourself or any other? If not, then definitely you have seen at least. When the tea starts boiling then you must observe the tea leaves which were at the bottom start coming at the top of the pot. Science is all about questioning, then start questioning how it is happening? It is happening due to Convection current. But what is convection? Convection Currents Convection is the mode of heat and mass transfer in ... Read More

Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Humans always have curiosity about the sun. We always wonder from where the sun is getting so much energy that it is supplying the whole solar system for billions of years. There must be some continuous process which is going on inside the sun and supplying so much of energy whether in the form of light and heat. So the answer is that there is a reaction which is going on from billions of years inside the sun which is called Thermonuclear fusion. Thermonuclear Fusion In this process, two or more atomic nuclei combine or fuse to form two ... Read More

Continuous Charge Distribution

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction: Charge Distribution Let us take a very light rod AB (as shown in the figure 1) of negligible mass and hang three mass ‘m’ each. So the total mass of the rod will be ‘3m’. But the mass of each part of the rod is not uniform, some parts will have more mass like CD and some parts like EF will have less mass. Images Coming soon Figure-1 This is because masses are concentrated only in some parts and this case is known as discrete mass distribution. Similarly, if we take a rod PQ (as shown in figure 2) ... Read More

Continuity Equation

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Praveen and Shubham are good friends. Praveen purchased a bike and went for a ride with Shubham. They went to the petrol pump and asked the vendor to fill 10 liters of petrol in his bike. The vendor started filling, meanwhile Shubham asked Praveen, “how do you know that we will get the same amount of petrol in our bike tank?” Then Praveen replied, “Do you know about the equation of continuity? Shubham said no, can you explain this?” Then Praveen said that the Continuity equation tells us that the law of conservation of mass in fluid. It means ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Once Shyam and Sita visited their village and went on the roof in the moonless night. They are looking up in the sky and saying that there are several twinkling stars there and they are looking very beautiful. Suddenly Sita asked Shyam from which the stars are made up of and why they are shining? Then Shyam replied that the stars are made up of gasses like Hydrogen, Helium etc. and they are shining because these gasses are doing a reaction called Nuclear fusion from which they are producing light and heat. Again they start looking in the sky ... Read More
