Found 575 Articles for Physics

Scalar and Vector Products

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

3K+ Views

Introduction The numbers or magnitude can measure a scalar product whereas the vector products are described with the direction along with the magnitude. A scalar and two vectors can be multiplied and can form two kinds of products according to the rules of physics. Both scalar and vector products are used for defining energy and work performed, especially within energy relations. Definition of Scalar Products and Vector Products Scalar products can be defined as an algebraic operation that involves two equal-length sequences of numbers and as a result, returns only one result at a time. This product can be found ... Read More

Shear Modulus Elastic Moduli

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:45:20


Introduction Shear Modulus of elasticity refers to the mechanical properties of solid objects. Other types of elastic moduli are Young’s modulus and bulk modulus. These particular modules provide a ratio of the shear stress in respect of the sheer strain of a mechanical body. The Pascal or Pa measures the Shear Modulus Elastic Moduli, which is the SI unit of this property. The dimensional formula of the shear modulus refers to M1L-1T-2. Shear modulus is generally represented by G. F denoted the applied force to the objects and Ac stands for the crosssection area of the object perpendicular to the ... Read More

Shearing Stress

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:43:28


Introduction Shearing stress refers to a deforming force on those cats as per unit area as well as in the direction of perpendicular number axle. An object that is stressed experiences shear stress, as well as tangential stress. If the shearing stress is normal as well as longitudinal stress that force vector can also be perpendicular in terms of the cross-sectional area on which acts on the particular objects. Simply, the shearing stress is a kind of stress that acts as a coplanar with the cross-section of material. Shear force is the principal reason for rising the shear stress. ... Read More

Semiconductor devices

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

2K+ Views

Introduction Semiconductor devices are the type of devices that involves an electric circuit which balances its quality of being a moderate level of conductor and insulator. These devices have several distinct advantages’ that make them useful in daily terms, mainly their cost efficiency, reliability and compactness. Recently this device has become popular over the years manufacturing different electronic gadgets. The semiconductors exhibit an effective combination of conductivity and insulation. The electrical conductivity of these devices is low at the room temperature as compared to the conductor however these devices are efficiently conductible as compared to the insulators. ... Read More

Semiconductor Diode

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

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Introduction The semiconductor devices are known to display properties of partial electrical conductivity. They neither classify into mainstream conductors nor insulators and thus they permit partial conductivity in the process. These semiconductor diodes are further classified into two-terminal and threeterminal devices. Various forms of diodes fall under the category of two-terminal devices. The semiconductor diodes are also made of a single p-n junction and have metallic contacts on both the extreme ends to enable the application of external voltage into it. These diodes have the ability to conduct electricity in any one particular direction. What ... Read More

Satellite Communication

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

1K+ Views

Introduction A satellite is a smaller object that is built for collecting information about the happenings in the space. Satellite communication on the other hand, is the process of sharing information between the satellite and the earth's stations. This communication ensures that people on earth are being updated about the small to big happenings in the space. In simple words, satellite communication is an electromagnetic way of making contact with space and collecting information for research purposes. Definition of satellite communication Satellite communication refers to the process of sending and receiving electromagnetic waves for constructing communication between the earth ... Read More

Save Environment Reuse

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction At present days, the rapid growth of industries and the process of urbanisation have been identified as the core reason for the increment of significant issues in the environment. The overconsumption of natural resources has started being recognised as the cause of increment of pollutant elements in the atmosphere of the earth that contributes to degeneration of the human life and its quality of life as well. Focusing on this matter, the present tutorial will explain the process of reuse, and the benefits that this process beholds. Common reasons for environmental pollution The massive drivers of environment pollution ... Read More

Satellite Communication Active and Passive Satellite

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

4K+ Views

Introduction In order to shape telecommunication in the present day, satellites are considered one of the crucial parts of the entire communication system. The presence of artificial satellites helps in receiving a fast and easy transmission of both kinds of signals such as analogue and digital. Focusing on this particular parameter of telecommunication the parent tutorial will discuss satellite communication in a brief manner along with defining the active and passive satellites. What is Satellite Communication? Figure 1: Satellite communication Satellite communication can be defined as the particular communication that is established with the help of different stations present ... Read More

Safety Measures Technology

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Natural disasters are uncalled for in the lives of people. It imparts a long-lasting negative impact on the livelihoods of people. In the aftermath of the disastrous events, various relief measures are implemented by the authorities. These operations are conducted by the authorities and non-profit organizations alike under the department of disaster management. Apart from relief operations this department also involves the people in various activities associated with safety measures during these calamities to mitigate the impact of damages in future. In the case of disaster management technology plays a major role in warning the people and reducing the ... Read More

S Waves

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction S waves are one of the main parts of the elastic waves. S wave is known as transverse waves. It means the direction of the particle motion of a particular. The waves generally move through the ground. S waves are unable to move through the water. S wave may propagate through some liquid solution that has a high viscosity. The name SD wave generally derives from the name a certain fact that these are the second types of a wave which can be detected through the earthquake seismograph. After the P wave, S wave generates because the S wave ... Read More
