Found 575 Articles for Physics

To determine radius of curvature of a given spherical surface by a Spherometer

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 15:55:27


Radius is the particular moving point of a normal circle which alters the position by itself with the moving curve. The curvature’s radius is the curve that makes the positioning depending on the curve location. The radius of curvature is the formation of the curved part of a particular lens where the radius is formed by the movement of the circle. In this tutorial, the calculation of the radius of curvature is highlighted by using a Spherometer which helps measure the triangular frame. Description of Spherometer An instrument that helps to measure the three legs which are making the triangle ... Read More

Thermal Conductivity of Metals

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


The thermal conductivity of any given material is associated with the ability to conduct heat energy. There are certain elements that display a very low range of thermal conductivity in the heat energy that is being transferred, in such cases the rate of transference of heat occurs at a very slow pace. Metals in general display high conductibility in terms of electricity and heat alike. Therefore metals are known to display a very high range of thermal conductivity. What is the thermal conductivity of metals? Metals, in general, have very high conductibility which is accentuated by the aspect of ... Read More

Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:18:01


Introduction Simple harmonic motion can be defined as a periodic motion of a particular point in a straight line like its acceleration is to the fixed point of that line and its acceleration is directly proportional to the distance of it from a particular point. On the other hand, Uniform Circular Motion denotes the motion of a particle that is moving at a perpetual speed along the circular path. In this case, the speed of the particular component remains constant but its velocity. It can be said that if the particle moves by maintaining circular motion, then its projection will ... Read More

Simple Microscope

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:16:31


Introduction In the laboratory, several scientific instruments are required to process the experiments. Among such scientific devices, the Simple microscope has been considered one of such instruments that are generally used in order to identify or see small objects that usually occur to be unseen by a naked eye. Based on this concept, the current tutorial will define a Simple microscope along with explain several parts of it as well. Simple microscope: Definition Figure 1: Simple microscope A Simple microscope has been considered the first microscope that is constructed in the 17th century by Antony van Leeuwenhoek. ... Read More

Slow and Fast Motion

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:14:43


Introduction The concept of motion refers to an object’s change in position within a given interval of time. Speed is one of the essential aspects that make motion noticeable when an object experiences motion in real-time. Apart from speed factors like the velocity, displacement, time, acceleration and distance matter, especially when defining the motion of an object. An object can be fast-paced or slow-paced and based on its real-time speed; the motion of the object can be defined as slow motion or fast motion. Definition of Slow and Fast motion The speed of an object can be defined ... Read More

Shadow formation

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:12:59


Introduction A shadow is known to be originally a region of space, where there is no visibility of light because the non-transparent object is obstructing the rays of light. The intensity and position of the light source impact the features of the shadow type that is created. Shadow formation happens to be seen due to the propagation of light in a straight line. In the formation of a shadow, a screen, or a non-transparent object, a light source is required. Shadow formation is not possible in a dark place as no material or particular object is visible in ... Read More

Single Slit Diffraction

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:11:01


Introduction The phenomenon of pressing waves around obstacles is commonly known by the term diffraction, based on this simple concept of physics, the present tutorial will explain the definition of a single-slit diffraction while explaining the pattern of diffraction. Furthermore, the tutorial will include an explanation of the formula of single-slit diffraction along with defining the central maximum as well. The calculation of single-slit diffraction will be included in the tutorial. What is single slit diffraction? Figure 1: Single-slit diffraction pattern The bending phenomenon of light is generally observed in the experiment of Single-slit diffraction. The experiment proves ... Read More

Sliding Friction

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:08:43


Introduction “Sliding friction” is an omnipresent force, in real-time daily operations. It is present in almost every form of human life and influences the motion of an object, especially when it is sliding on a surface or a floor. “Friction” is mostly generated when the floor or the surface is not perfect or smooth for an object to crawl. “Sliding friction” occurs when an object faces resistance while sliding over a bumpy floor in real-time. What is Sliding Friction? “Sliding friction” can be defined as a “resistant force” that restricts the pathway of an object when it slides ... Read More

Simple Machines

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:06:38


Introduction A simple machine can be defined as the most easily accessible device that is used for the work against the single land force. The simple machines are used as one of the great mediums to do all the work in a simple form (Özkan & Eryılmaz, 2018). For instance, levers, wheels, and pulleys are used in the mechanism of bicycles. Over time the modern implementation of innovative machines has increased in a significant way. Simple machines are regarded as elementary building blocks. The characteristic of the ideal Simple machines Simple machine should not dissipate the energy throughout ... Read More

Solar Energy Project

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

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Introduction Solar energy has been utilised for more than 2700 years for cooking, heating and other important applications that create a life more effectively. The Sun is powerful and has always been a crucial resource for humanity where the energy of the sun is considered to be inexhaustible. Solar energy possesses a positive impact on the environment and replenishes environmental factors. Recently, the norms of solar energy projects have been popular due to the excessive usage of fossil fuels on the environment. The project of solar energy has been gradually developing with the use of innovative technology. The renewable ... Read More
