Found 575 Articles for Physics


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 15:02:58


Introduction Temperature is an -important aspect of science and it is the most important aspect of daily life. It is seen as the measurement of the average kinetic energy of the articles of an object. It is seen that with the increase in temperature, particle motions also increase. It is seen when the particles move first, and then the temperature increases more. Definition of Temperature It is seen that temperature is the expression through which the coldness or hotness of a body can be defined. The expression is done through different scales like Celsius and Fahrenheit. Temperature is nothing but ... Read More

Surface Tension

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 14:44:17


Introduction Surface tension can be defined as the tendency of liquid surfaces to shrink into possible minimum surfaces in real time. In general, the small liquids in this process can shrink into the smallest feasible surface area. Here, the liquid can be in different states on the molecular level starting from the surface area to the centre of the liquid. Surface tension is determined by the attractive forces of solids, liquids and gases in their closest proximities. Definition of Surface Tension Surface tension is the required energy needed for increasing the surface area of the liquids in real time. It ... Read More

Surface Energy

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 14:31:21


Introduction Surface energy is potential energy, applicable for liquid molecules where the molecules stand on the same surface as the liquid substances. The surface energy characteristically decreases when the molecules try to settle down to the bottom layer of the liquid surface. In the case of surface energy, equivalent attractive forces are commonly present between the solid materials and the surface at the same time. What is Surface Energy? Surface energy can be defined as energy where an equivalent attractive force is present between the solid molecules and the surface molecules. The surface energy commonly differs from the high note ... Read More

Superposition Principle and Continuous Charge Distribution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 12:25:54


Introduction Electric charges in the field of electricity and of magnetism, display the fundamental property of particles of matter. Both positive and negative charges exist together within a circuit and therefore display their different characters. For example, when the accumulation of one kind of charge exceeds then it results in positing the character of repealing, or when both the charges present in exceeding amount then they show the charges are attracted to each other. Electrons are known to be the negative charges and protons are known as positive charges. Electric Charge and its Properties Electric charge can be referred to ... Read More

Sunlight White Coloured

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 11:59:52


Introduction From the year, 1666 to 1672, Newton conducted several experiments with the prism and sunlight to recognise the true colour of sunlight. However, he was quite successful in determining the colour of the sun to be white which is seen as a combination of the seven respective colours we experience in a rainbow. With the help of a prism, the experiment has been conducted and through the prism the sunlight is passed which is then dispersed into seven colours. What is Sunlight? Sunlight is the ray of light that is produced by the sun following the reaction of nuclear ... Read More

Studying the Behaviour of Permanent Magnets

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 12:47:13


Introduction The magnet is generally referred to as such materials that have their component atoms in a particular order that helps the materials to generate a magnetic field around the material. These kinds of materials that exhibit properties of magnetism is usually known as the materials that are responsible for attracting iron or the objects that contain iron. Focusing on such conceptualisation of physics, the current tutorial will discuss the permanent magnets along with their types and properties of it. What is a Permanent Magnet? A permanent magnet contains such materials with n intrinsic structure that helps to create ... Read More

Structure Human Eye Functioning

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 11:33:45


Introduction The human eye has been made of different intricate parts that work together to make a person, able for seeing or having vision. The visual activity of an eye is generally defined by the clarity of the image that has been seen by the human eye. Focussing on such concepts, this present tutorial will define the structure and the functioning of an eye including the activity of the lens of a human eye. Structure of Eye Sclera − The outer white layer of the eye that can be easily visible as it is situated at the outer ... Read More

Stress and Strain

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 11:22:24


Introduction The application of stress is used to deform an object with the applied pressure which is external. According to physics, the ratio of stress to strain will remain consistent. Elasticity is one of the considerably significant mechanical effects to evaluate when selecting the right object for its application. Additionally, in this article, the relationship between stress and strain has been highlighted by making appropriate comprehension of Hooke’s laws. Information Regarding Stress The application of force that is used to deform an object by applying it from the external force is known as stress. The amount of applied force that ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 11:21:35


Introduction The application of a deforming force can make an object deform. Further, in the process of getting back the object into the actual shape, another force is required. From inside the object, an opposing force gets released. Different types of stress can be categorised in different formats based on the action performed. Moreover, stress is applied to deform the body. A curve line can represent the relation between the stress-strain visually. In this tutorial, detailed information about stress has been described with types and Hooke’s law. Information Regarding Stress A solid item has a fixed shape and size followed ... Read More

Streamline Flow

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 16:45:36


Introduction Each particle of fluid follows a single path while flowing under a particular and steady condition of the flow. Fluid velocity, low in value has no such turbulent velocity. No lateral mixing happens during that fluid motion. The particle’s motion is followed by an order in which the moving particles flow in a parallel and straight line. What is Streamline Flow? An important laminar flow that is uninterrupted during flow and follows a straight and parallel line is streamline flow. This type of flow is mainly seen in part of a solid body which base is the main base ... Read More
