Found 575 Articles for Physics

Difference Between Centre of Gravity and Centroid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 11:51:17

1K+ Views

Introduction Centroid is the term that applies to a geometrically balanced figure or an object. It is the center of that figure or object. The methods to find the center of a symmetrical entity differs, but it exists, and there is no confusion about that. For example, a triangle has the centroid which is the meeting point of three medians. In contrast to the centroid, the center of gravity is a broader term that encompasses symmetrical and asymmetrical objects and figures. It is interesting to note that the center of gravity and the centroid are the same for a symmetrical ... Read More

Difference Between Asteroid and Meteoroid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 11:09:53


Introduction Astrophysics is the major subject to develop knowledge about celestial objects. The study of the sun, the comets, the stars, asteroids, meteoroids, and galaxies is called astrophysics. The birth of the stars and their life and the end of the stars are studied through this. Asteroids are small celestial objects which orbit around the sun. The orbit of the asteroid is in between Mars and Jupiter. A comet contains small rigid material. This material is covered by substances with high masses. Water, methane, and ammonia are the substances that cover the material. These substances are easily vapourised. It rotates ... Read More

Difference Between Am and Fm

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 10:51:48

8K+ Views

Introduction Wave is the disturbance in the medium to transfer energy without the transfer of mass. Waves are usually in a periodic motion like a simple harmonic oscillator. They have crests and troughs. The amplitude of the wave is the height of the wave. The distance covered between two consecutive crests is called the wavelength of the wave. The number of waves passed per second is called the frequency of the wave. Phase is not the property of waves. But it gives the relation between two signals with the same frequency. Fig:1 Propagation of wave Classifications of the waves ... Read More

Difference between Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 14:42:38


Introduction The division of the sciences we know about so far does not stop at Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. As we delve deeper into these realms, we come across an increasing need to classify our knowledge into various sub-branches under these three main headings of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. For example, organic chemistry deals with carbon-based compounds and their properties. One such branch of Physics is what we call thermodynamics. While the field of thermodynamics is incredibly vast, we will try to summarize its definition here and then discuss two main types of thermodynamic processes, namely, isothermal, and adiabatic. ... Read More

Difference Between Heat and Temperature

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 13:07:10


Introduction You must have used the terms temperature and heat synonymously at some point in your life. That is okay because, in the context of day-to-day usage, the two terms are quite similar. A greater amount of heat is characterized by a higher temperature. However, in the realm of Physics, heat, and temperature are closely related, but they aren’t congruent with each other. Indeed, while heat is a form of energy, the temperature is a measure of energy. Two items at the same temperature might not necessarily have the same amount of heat. Conversely, two items given the same amount ... Read More

Difference Between Equinox and Solstice

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 12:15:11


Introduction While orbiting the sun, a planet revolves around itself. The time it takes a planet to orbit itself once is called a period of rotation. The rotation time of the earth is 23 hours and 56 minutes. Therefore, a day on earth is 24 hours. Only the planets in our solar system can survive on the earth we live on. Because it is at the right distance from the sun, the earth has the right temperature, the right source of water, the right atmosphere, and the ozone layer. Life can continue on earth. Due to the reflection of light ... Read More

Difference Between Emission and Absorption Spectra

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 11:47:40


Introduction When an electron oscillates with a focal point (or molecular dipole oscillates), it generates electromagnetic waves. The ratio of the electric and magnetic fields in any medium is equal to the velocity of the electromagnetic wave propagating in that medium. The speed of light in a medium is less than the speed of light in a vacuum. The energy of the electromagnetic wave is from the energy of the oscillating electrons available. When an object burns it emits colors. That is, the object emits electromagnetic radiation. It depends on the temperature. When an object is heated, it ... Read More

Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 17:26:10


Introduction There are five states of matter and gas is one of them. Empty spaces are filled by gases. The atmosphere is full of gas molecules. It contains different gas molecules. The oxygen gas molecule which is necessary for breathing is also in our atmosphere along with many other gas molecules. Every matter in the universe is composed of tiny particles called molecules. They attract each other with some attractive force. There exists an intermolecular force of attraction between molecules. Based on the force of attraction between the molecules, matters are classified into five categories. They are solid, ... Read More

Kelvin Planck Statement

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 17:04:05


Introduction In thermodynamics, we study various law to understand the mechanism and output of a system that takes energy from a source or reservoir then perform work and give output. To describe the complete activities in a very simple and right manner there are main 3 laws of thermodynamics. In which the 2nd law of thermodynamics is quite important. The second law of thermodynamics has two-part or we can say two statements; Kelvin-Plank's statement and Clausius's statement. Our focus in this article is Kelvin-Plank's statement. In simple words, the Kelvin-Plank statement expresses that no human can build an engine that ... Read More

Difference Between Kinetics and Kinematics

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 16:56:04


Introduction Most students make mistakes when they study or talk about Kinetics and kinematics. Substantially, we note that pupils consider both terms the same because of homo pronunciation but it is wrong. Kinetics and kinematics are different and used for different purposes. In simple words, Kinetics can be defined as the branch of physics that deals with the motion of an object. Whereas, Kinematics is another system that deals with the magnitude of Speed, acceleration, etc. Both of these are branches of physics. What is Kinetics? Kinetics is another name for Dynamics which is a branch of Physics. This ... Read More
