Found 575 Articles for Physics

Electron Emission

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 17:21:22


Introduction The release of electrons from a metal surface is known as electron emission. The nucleus is at the center of an atom, and electrons revolve around it. Electrons move in a variety of orbits. The electrons in the first orbit are strongly drawn to the nucleus. However, electrons in the outermost orbit are attracted to the nucleus. As a result, these electrons have a proclivity to leave the orbit if they receive enough energy. If we give this energy to the outermost electron in the form of heat, the electrons will absorb it and leave the metal surface. Emission ... Read More

Electromagnetic Waves Transverse Nature

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 17:14:22

1K+ Views

Introduction We see beautiful nature through light, which is an electromagnetic wave. We hear sweet melodies through sound waves. Waves have numerous applications in everyday life, from cellular communication to laser surgery. If we drop a stone on a steady surface of the water, we will see a reflection on the surface of the water where the stone hits it. In today's modern technological world, the influence of mobile phones in our daily life is very high. It is an efficient means of sending messages from one point to another quickly and efficiently. Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetic waves are waves that ... Read More

Electromagnetic Spectrum X-Rays

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 17:03:35


Introduction Light travels across space and different media in the form of electromagnetic waves. The term electromagnetic means they contain both electric as well as magnetic fields. Akin to other waves, light waves are also characterized by a certain frequency and wavelength. For example, light waves with frequencies in the range of 400 to 800 THz fall in the visible region and we can see them with the naked eye. Red color has the highest wavelength at around 600 nm and thus, the lowest frequency, whereas violet light has the highest frequency in the visible region. In this tutorial, we ... Read More

Electromagnetic Spectrum Radio Waves

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 16:36:36


Introduction The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses a wide range of radiation emitted by stars, such as our sun. Waves of electromagnetic radiation commute through space. The frequency of a wavelength explains the no of waves/second it generates. Wavelength is the size of a wave in meters. At one end of the spectrum, radio waves with the lengthiest wavelengths and least frequency exist. One radio wave can travel the length of a football field. Among all electromagnetic waves, radio waves have the greatest size and lowest energy, whereas visible light is measured in inches. In this article we will learn about the ... Read More

Electromagnetic Spectrum Microwave

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 16:24:31


Introduction Before diving into microwaves, we must study a few basic concepts about the electromagnetic spectrum. As you might be aware, light behaves like a wave in certain situations. Not only that, but it is also an electromagnetic wave, which means it carries both electric as well as magnetic components. Naturally, if the light is a wave, then it must have properties that define its wave-like behavior. For instance, all light waves must be defined by frequency and wavelength. And as it turns out, they are. This gives rise to what is known as the electromagnetic spectrum. The spectrum of ... Read More

Electromagnetic Spectrum Infrared Rays

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 16:17:25


Introduction If you haven’t heard about the mystery of the nature of light, here is a quick refresher: Light behaves both as a particle and as a wave in different scenarios. While the causes behind this duality are as of yet, unknown, scientists still have been able to explain these natures independently. Thus, we now know that in terms of its wave nature, light is an electromagnetic wave composed of both electric and magnetic fields, which oscillate in mutually perpendicular directions. And since light behaves like a wave, you can easily understand how it must have a certain frequency and ... Read More

Electromagnetic Radiation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 15:32:06


Introduction The concept of electromagnetic radiation came to know when Maxwell derived the four equations to correlate the electric field and magnetic field. With the help of these equations, he found that electric field and magnetic field depend on time and space propagate in the form of traverse waves. According to faraday law, when there is a change in magnetic flux it results in the induction of emf in the circuit. This implies that if magnetic flux causes the emf then surely there is an electric field. Based on this concept, Maxwell found that a time-varying magnetic field is a ... Read More

Difference Between Density and Specific Gravity

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 15:20:29


Introduction Whenever we do some work experiment with water or any liquid, we observe that some objects are immersed in water whereas some float over it. For example, ice cubes float on water. Because ice cubes are less dense than water. But if we put a stone in water it will sink. Because stone is denser than water. This is happen because every substance has a different density. Specific gravity is very closely related to Density. And it is also known as relative Density. At the industry level, various techniques, like hydrometer, hydrostatic balance, pycnometer, etc., are used to calculate ... Read More

Difference Between Cyclone and Hurricane

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 15:01:03


Introduction Our earth is surrounded by air that contains gas for breathing and also many other gas molecules. They protect our earth from harmful radiation and act as a blanket over the earth. It is extended to space. Atmospheric pressure is calculated by using a barometer. Because of the gravitational force of attraction, the air exerts a force upon the surface. This is called atmospheric pressure. $$\mathrm{Generally, \: atmospheric \:pressure\: is\:P_{a}\:=\:\rho gh}$$ Disturbances that occur in the atmosphere are called atmospheric disturbances. They do not last for a long time and they move from one place to another. Even Though ... Read More

Energy Orbiting Satellite

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 12:32:47


Introduction All the planets in the solar system are found at different distances. The first four planets are closer to each other and closer to the Sun. They form the inner solar system. The planets in the outer solar system are far away from the Sun. Remote censoring is the collection of information about objects on Earth from a distance without direct contact. It has a long history, beginning in the 28th and 19th centuries with photographic instruments mounted on balloons and pigeons’ legs and continuing through the era of remote sensing. During the 20th century, aerial photography and satellite ... Read More
