Found 575 Articles for Physics

Einstein Field Equation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 14:40:22


Introduction The immense importance of Einstein Field Equations ("EFE") warrants a thorough understanding of every single element contained within them. Einstein's equation is another name for the Einstein Field Equation. Ten equations make up this set which is derived from the General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein. This tutorial aims to present a tight, clear, and simple logic of EFE that is also comprehensive so that any general mathematician can understand EFE by simply reading this tutorial. In this tutorial, we will describe Einstein Field Equations, metric tensor, Einstein tensor, properties of Einstein tensor, the cosmological constant, and Practical ... Read More

Earth's Satellites

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 14:28:05


Introduction A satellite is an object that revolves around a planet in a curved path. When it comes to satellites, there are two major types of classification. The first is a natural satellite, and the second is an artificial satellite. A natural satellite is one of the celestial bodies that orbit a larger body in space. Other than planets and their moons, natural satellites such as comets and asteroids exist. Artificial satellites are satellites that are built by humans and launched into orbit using rockets. Artificial satellites include navigation satellites, weather satellites, communication satellites, and so on. This article will ... Read More

Dynamic Lift

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 14:06:52


Introduction The particle is considered to be in motion when it changes its position to time. That means the particle is displaced from one position to another. The particle makes linear displacement If it is moving in linear motion. Similarly, the particle makes angular displacement if it is moving in a circular motion. That means circularly moving particles make angular displacement. There are laws describing the motion of particles. According to the first law, the particle does not change its state of motion or rest without any external force. The second law indicates that the force acting on the particle ... Read More

Dwarf Planets

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 12:48:04


Introduction Astrophysics is the branch of science that gives all information about the universe and our place. The surrounding that covers the total universe is called space. The universe contains all planets, stars, galaxies, and various forms of energy in the universe. Some of them have their illumination among the above. The solar system consists of the sun which is surrounded by the planets such as mercury, venus, earth, mars Jupiter Saturn, and uranium. They revolve around the sun in their path. The knowledge about celestial bodies such as the sun, planets, comets, stars, and galaxies is gathered from the ... Read More

Electrolytic Capacitor

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 16:39:52


Introduction Capacitors are components used for two purposes - filtering and coupling. They are powered in a circuit with DC sources to acquire charge and dissipate the charge. Out of four types of capacitors which are discussed in detail in the coming sections, the electrolytic capacitor has a special construction utilizing chemical gel as one of the electrodes. The gel, foil, and dielectric coating of aluminum oxide design help to provide a high capacitance value with minimum size. This article conveys the general concepts of capacitors with a focus on electrolytic capacitors. It is important to note that alternate current ... Read More

Drops Bubbles and Capillary Rise

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 12:42:55


Introduction Every matter in the universe is composed of tiny particles called molecules. They attract each other with some attractive force. There exists an intermolecular force of attraction between molecules. The matter is classified into five categories based on the force of attraction between the molecules. They are solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and Bose-Einstein. Solids are the matter in which the distance between the molecules is very small and they are tightly bound to each other. Liquids are matter having molecules at a small distance and they bound less tightly than solids. What is Surface Tension? Surface tension is the ... Read More

Doppler Shift

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 12:34:34


Introduction The terms Doppler effect and Doppler shift are often used synonymously by most people. While for day-to-day usage, there is no problem in doing that, there are still some differences between them that one must be aware of. Doppler effect arises in waves of all forms and is not limited to sound waves or light waves. However, it is most tangible in the case of sound waves. The frequency shift observed in light waves is too small to be visible to the naked eye. Instead, spectroscopic measurements are required. Further, the Doppler effect theory is only valid when the ... Read More

Doppler Effect

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 12:27:53


Introduction Waves of all types suffer an interesting phenomenon as the speed of their source is varied. You have likely encountered this phenomenon in your own life. Recall what happens to the sound of a train’s horn as it passes by you at very high speed. This is an example of a Doppler shift in sound waves. A similar phenomenon is observed for light waves as well. The Doppler effect plays a massive role in the calculation of the distance of stars and planets from our Earth. The same phenomenon is used by the speed radars that traffic police officials ... Read More

Electrical Energy and Power

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 15:49:51


Introduction We do many works in our daily life. We do many of them through our physical activities. Some work is done with tools and other devices. But they also require energy. There are many types of energy like electrical energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy, light energy, and wind energy. In our daily life, we get electrical energy from the battery. Electricity is also produced from nuclear power plants, hydroelectric plants, wind farms, and sunlight. Eels produce electricity. They use this energy to protect themselves from their enemies. Fans, lights, televisions, washing machines, and refrigerators all require electricity to operate. ... Read More

Electric Currents In Conductors

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 15:19:39

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Introduction Electric current and conductors are essential for each other because the flow of current is only possible in conductors without any loss. The current is a flow of charges in a particular direction. The flow of current through a conductor is possible due to the difference in potential at both ends. A conductor also charges particles whether it is connected to a battery or not. However, when it is not related to any source of voltage then charges are just neutral and moving in random directions which results in net-zero charge flow and thermal velocity. So, to get a ... Read More
