Found 575 Articles for Physics

Braille: Helping the Blinds and Visually Impaired

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 16:04:13


Introduction Brail system is developed for visually impaired people. Generally writing systems are the visual representation that is used to share our feelings and communicate with each other. Many types of communication were followed from the early times. Braille is one such system of communication. In such systems, the conveyer and the reader should be able to understand. Braille is useful for understanding the visually impaired. Braille was embraced by France as the formal communication system for the visually impaired in 1854. Who is called Visually Impaired? Visual impairment or vision impairment is the reduction of eyesight to some ... Read More

Average Speed and Average Velocity

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 15:54:18


Introduction Average Speed and Average Velocity are two important concepts of kinematics. The ratio between distance cover by an object and time taken to cover is called Speed. Velocity is the ratio of displacement of an object and time taken. Speed is a scalar quantity. Velocity is a vector quantity. Magnitude and direction should be known to define velocity as a vector quantity. The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity is the speed with direction. For example, a bike travels at 50km\h shows its speed. A bike travels at 50km\h in the east represents its ... Read More

Boltzmann Constant - Definition, Formula, Value, Applications

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 15:41:56


Introduction Boltzmann’s constant is denoted by letter $\mathrm{k_B}$. Certain physical quantities in physics remain constant with time and are universal constants. These are called fundamental physical constants. For example - speed of light (c), Planck's constant $\mathrm{(\hslash)}$, Boltzmann constant $\mathrm{(k_B)}$ are such quantities. Boltzmann constant first time arises in physics in the context of statistical physics. However, its importance is not limited to that field only, today it is used in chemistry, thermodynamics, etc. Boltzmann’s constant was named after the famous physicist Ludwig Boltzmann. He was an Austrian physicist. His greatest contribution was the development of statistical mechanics. He ... Read More

Applications of Boltzmann equation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 15:31:20


Introduction Boltzmann Equation describes the reactions of fluids with temperatures. When a fluid is in motion, the change in the physical amount of thermal energy and momentum is calculated by Boltzmann's equation. This equation is also known as Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE). Thermal conductivity, viscosity, and electrical conductivity of fluids are also obtained by the Boltzmann equation. In 1872 Ludwig Boltzmann developed an equation that classified the statistical reactions of thermodynamics as an unbalanced state. In modern physics, statistical mechanics is one of the most important chapters of physics. Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics is one of the parts of modern ... Read More

Difference Between Free and Forced Oscillations

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 16:48:28

2K+ Views

Throughout our daily lives, we encounter a variety of various body movements. Moving from one location to another in time is known as translator motion in the field of physics. Consider a plane in the air, a train in motion, or a ball in motion; all of these are examples of translation motion. Then there's oscillatory motion, in which the same action is performed again by the body. The motion of a clock, a tuning fork, a swing, etc. are all instances of oscillatory motion. Several everyday occurrences may be explained by considering the role of oscillations and waves. After ... Read More

Band Theory of Solids

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 12:24:46

3K+ Views

Introduction Band theory of Solids is essential to understand how energy is distributed in a solid. A huge number of atoms attached closely together is called Solids. Isolated atoms are initiated closer and closer simultaneously to construct solid. Valence electrons in a crystal are grouped into a single structure for the whole crystals. Because outermost electrons are interconnected with the orbits. Now electrons have to fill up the various energy levels. Atomic energy level is divided into a huge number of jointly spaced energy levels because of the electric force acted on each electron. Energy Band is a group of ... Read More

Archimedes Principle Explanation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 12:05:57


Introduction Archimedes’ Principle is an important principle of fluid mechanics. It is discovered by a Greek mathematician and scientist Archimedes. This principle is utilized to estimate the volume of an object that has an irregular shape, density, and distinct gravity of an object. What is Archimedes' Principle? A body placed on a fluid (liquid or gas) will experience an upward buoyant force. This force is equal to the amount of fluid displaced by the body. In the case of a completely immersed body or partially immersed body, the volume of the fluid displaced by the body will be equal to ... Read More

Atmospheric Pressure - Gauge Pressure Formula & Examples

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 11:49:56


Introduction Atmospheric pressure effects everything on the earth. We are using the basic concept of pressure in every action in our daily activities. For example, the pressure on the knife edge is high. But we don't know what science is behind on that knife edge. There is a high pressure acting on the knife-edge because it is a very small surface. So, from this, we should know that a small surface carries a high pressure. Because of this high pressure, we are cutting the fruits, vegetables, etc. Not only knives but there are also many things like this for example ... Read More

Angular Momentum- Definition, Formula, Unit, FAQs

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 11:37:35


Introduction: What is Momentum? Angular Momentum and Linear Momentum are vector quantities. The physical quantities which contain both magnitude and direction are called vector quantities. Ex: Displacement, Velocity, momentum, etc. Momentum is the product of the velocity and mass of the particle. In linear motion, it was denoted as linear momentum and it is expressed as P. $$\mathrm{Linear\:momentum = mass\:\times\: velocity}$$ Angular Momentum If a particle moves in a circular path, then it is said to be in circular motion. The momentum of a particle in a circular motion is called angular momentum. The total Angular momentum of the particle ... Read More

Brewster's Law: Definition, Equation, Examples

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 11:21:03


Introduction Brewster’s law is studied in optics. the science of light. If light waves could pass through all materials perfectly, you wouldn’t be able to see anything. All materials would turn invisible. On the other hand, if materials reflected all light perfectly, they would always appear white instead of coloured. Colours are visible only because materials absorb particular wavelengths and reflect others. In practicality, all materials reflect, transmit, or absorb lights selectively. At the same time, light waves with a particular characteristic can be transmitted completely through a particular surface. This involves the incidence of light of a particular polarisation ... Read More
