Found 3 Articles for Physical and Chemical Changes


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:30:55


Introduction The word "electrolyte" refers to particles with a positive or negative charge. It corresponds to important nutrients found in blood, sweat, & urine from a nutritional standpoint. Chloride, bicarbonate, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphate, calcium, & other electrolytes are found in our bodies. They are important in many bodily processes, including nerve & muscle function, maintaining a proper pH in the body, & keeping us hydrated. Electrolytes are minerals that contain an electric charge. When certain components dissolve in water $\mathrm{(H_{2}O)}$, they perform either a physical or a chemical change that results in the production of ions in the ... Read More

Chemical Physical Change

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The scientific reason behind both the physical and the chemical change is important to understand the characteristics of both of these changes. The reversible and irreversible nature of any components is associated with both of these changes. In a physical change, an object’s basic components change in shape, size, and colour. The chemical changes are very much different as it leads to an irreversible change that cannot be avoided while any chemical experiments are undertaken. What is a chemical change? During a chemical change, the atoms and molecules are broken into pieces and form a new component. An individual ... Read More

Chemical Change

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Chemical change is the process by which new forms of matter are formed. Combining baking soda and vinegar, is the experiment through which the changes and features of chemical reactions are noticeable. This experiment also distinguishes physical change and chemical change clearly in a matter. The matter's properties are being understood by observing the chemical changes in them. Chemical changes can be observed in varied activities that are performed during daily life from the digestion of food to the explosion of fireworks, and the removal of grime by soap. A chemical change is a form of chemical reaction that ... Read More
