Found 1046 Articles for PHP

Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP

Updated on 30-Dec-2019 06:53:00

1K+ Views

The 'foreach' is slow in comparison to the 'for' loop. The foreach copies the array over which the iteration needs to be performed.For improved performance, the concept of references needs to be used. In addition to this, ‘foreach’ is easy to use.ExampleBelow is a simple code example − Live DemoOutputThis will produce the following output −This completed in 0.00058293342590332 seconds This completed in 0.00063300132751465 seconds This completed in 0.00023412704467773 seconds This completed in 0.00026583671569824 seconds

Check whether property exists in object or class with PHP

Updated on 30-Dec-2019 06:50:33

2K+ Views

The property_exists() or the isset() function can be used to check if the property exists in the class or object.SyntaxBelow is the syntax of property_exists() function−property_exists( mixed $class , string $property )Exampleif (property_exists($object, 'a_property'))Below is the syntax of isset() function−isset( mixed $var [, mixed $... ] )Exampleif (isset($object->a_property))The isset() will return false if the ‘a_property’ is null.ExampleLet us see an example − Live DemoOutputThis will produce the following output−bool(true) bool(true)

Get all subdirectories of a given directory in PHP

Updated on 30-Dec-2019 06:45:37

2K+ Views

To get the subdirectories present in a directory, the below lines of code can be used −Example Live DemoOutputThis will produce the following output. The glob function is used to get all the subdirectories of a specific directory−Array (    [0] => demo.csv    [1] => mark.php    [2] => contact.txt    [3] => source.txt )To get only the directories, the below lines of code can be used−ExampleOutputThis will produce the following output. The glob function is used by specifying that only directories need to be extracted−Array (    [0] => example    [1] => exam    [2] => log )

PHP Regex to get YouTube Video ID

Updated on 30-Dec-2019 06:41:43


The parse_url and parse_str functions can be used to get the ID of a specific YouTube video.Example Live DemoOutputVX96I7PO8YUIn the above code, the parse_url function takes in a string and slices it into an array of information. The element that the user specifically wants to work with can be specified as a second argument or the entire array can be used.A YouTube video has an ID that can be seen in the URL. The goal is to fetch the ID after the letter ‘v’ and before ‘&’. To accomplish this, the parse_str function can be used. It is similar to GET ... Read More

How to capture the result of var_dump to a string in PHP?

Updated on 30-Dec-2019 06:38:35

1K+ Views

The resultant value of var_dumo can be extracted to a string using ‘output buffering’. Below is an example demonstrating the same −Example Live Demo

A Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode or serialize)?

Updated on 30-Dec-2019 06:36:39


This depends on the requirements in hand.JSON is quicker in comparison to PHP serialization unless the following conditions are met−Deeply nested arrays are stored.The objects that are stored need to be unserialized to a proper class.The interaction is between old PHP versions that don't support json_decode.The below line of code can be used to store PHP arrays using json_encode−json_encode($array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)JSON doesn't store the object's original class anywhere, but it can be restored as class instances belonging to stdClass.Why use json_encode instead of serializing?JSON is much more portable in comparison to serialize.The features of __sleep() and __wakeup() can't be leveraged using ... Read More

How to strip all spaces out of a string in PHP?

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 09:20:30


To strip all spaces out of a string in PHP, the code is as follows−Example Live DemoOutputThis will produce the following output−ThisisateststrinTo remove the whitespaces only, the below code can be used−Example Live DemoOutputThis will produce the following output. The str_replace function replaces the given input string with a specific character or string−thisisateststringTo remove whitespace that includes tabs and line end, the code can be used−Example Live DemoHere, the preg_match function is used with regular expressions. It searches for a pattern in a string and returns True if the pattern exists and false otherwise. This will produce the following output−thisisateststringRead More

Is it possible to combine PHP's filter_input() filter flags with AND/OR?

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 09:19:05


Yes, it is possible to combine filter_input() with AND/OR in PHP. This can be done by looping over the POST fields−$value = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'field', FILTER_DEFAULT, is_array($_POST['field']) ? FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY : NULL);An equivalent for the same user for each loop has been shown below−$memory = array(); //looping through all posted values foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {    //applying a filter for the array    if(is_array($value)) {       $ memory [$key] = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $key, {filters for array});    }    else {       $ memory [$key] = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $key, {filters for scalar});    } }

How to configure PHPUnit testing?

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 08:20:57


PHPStorm can be used to test PHP applications using the PHPUnit testing framework.The PHP interpreter needs to be configured in phpstorm.The Composer should be installed and initialized with respect to the current project.Below are the steps to configure PHPUnit testing −Download phpunit.phar (manually or using the composer) and save it on your machine.The PHPUnit needs to be integrated with a PhpStorm project. PHPUnit can be configured manually or automatically.A PHPUnit test needs to be generated for the class.Once the test has been generated, PHPUnit test methods need to be generated.Post this, the PHPUnit test needs to be debugged and run.Read More

How to debug and log PHP OPcache Issues

Updated on 27-Dec-2019 08:15:34


The OPCache can be temporarily disabled by adding the below code to the script−ini_set('opcache.enable', 0);This can be used to tell whether OPCache was the reason behind the script failing. Due to this, the user will not have to go through every extension and turn them on/off to see which extension caused the issue.Finding the log that shows which file and what was the reason behind the script failing (when OPCache is enabled).If the user has more information about the application they are trying to debug, this is a feasible option to work on.ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(~0); If the above two solutions ... Read More
