Found 1046 Articles for PHP

How to Log Errors and Warnings into a File in PHP

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 21:43:02


PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language primarily designed for web development. It is embedded within HTML code and executed on the server-side, enabling the creation of dynamic web pages and applications. PHP provides developers with a range of features and functionalities, including database connectivity, file handling, form processing, session management, and more. Its simplicity, versatility, and broad support make it a popular choice for developing websites and web applications. PHP code is typically written within tags, allowing seamless integration with HTML and other scripting languages. With its extensive documentation, large community, and numerous frameworks ... Read More

How to Pass PHP Variables by Reference

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 21:52:02


In PHP, you can pass variables by reference instead of by value using the ampersand (&) symbol. This allows you to modify the original variable within a function or method. There are primarily two ways to pass PHP variables by reference: Using the ampersand in the function/method declaration Using the ampersand when passing the variable to a function/method Using the Ampersand in the Function/Method Declaration In PHP, you can pass variables by reference using the ampersand symbol (&) in the ... Read More

How to put String in Array, Split by New Line in PHP

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 11:25:29


What is PHP? PHP, which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a popular server-side scripting language used for web development. It is designed to create dynamic and interactive web pages. PHP is embedded within HTML code and executed on the server, generating HTML output that is sent to the client's browser. With its simple and easy-to-learn syntax, PHP allows developers to build dynamic websites, handle form data, interact with databases, and perform various server-side tasks. It has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that enhance its functionality and enable developers to create robust and scalable web applications. PHP is widely ... Read More

How to get the Last n Characters of a PHP String

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 11:07:45

6K+ Views

What is PHP? PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used server-side scripting language for web development. It allows developers to embed code within HTML files, enabling the creation of dynamic web pages and interactions with databases. PHP is known for its simplicity, versatility, and extensive integration capabilities with popular databases. It offers a broad range of extensions and has a large community of developers, ensuring ample resources and support. PHP is commonly employed in content management systems and e-commerce platforms, providing essential tools for handling data, processing user input, and generating dynamic website content. How to get the ... Read More

How To Get Multiple Selected Values Of Select Box In PHP

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 21:40:56

5K+ Views

What Is PHP ? PHP is a popular server-side scripting language primarily used for web development. It stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, and it is known for its simplicity, versatility, and wide community support. PHP allows developers to embed code within HTML files, enabling dynamic content generation and interaction with databases. With its extensive set of built-in functions and libraries, PHP offers a range of capabilities, such as handling forms, managing sessions, processing files, and interacting with various protocols. It is compatible with multiple operating systems and web servers, making it a versatile choice for creating dynamic and interactive websites ... Read More

How to Generate a Random, Unique, Alphanumeric String in PHP

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 21:12:02

3K+ Views

What is PHP? PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular scripting language designed for web development. It is widely used for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. PHP code can be embedded directly into HTML, allowing developers to mix PHP and HTML seamlessly. PHP can connect to databases, process form data, generate dynamic content, handle file uploads, interact with servers, and perform various server-side tasks. It supports a wide range of web development frameworks, such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter, which provide additional tools and features for building web applications. PHP is an open-source language with a large community, extensive ... Read More

How to check if URL Contain Certain String using PHP

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 11:40:45

3K+ Views

What is PHP? PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular scripting language designed for web development. It is widely used for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. PHP code can be embedded directly into HTML, allowing developers to mix PHP and HTML seamlessly. PHP can connect to databases, process form data, generate dynamic content, handle file uploads, interact with servers, and perform various server-side tasks. It supports a wide range of web development frameworks, such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter, which provide additional tools and features for building web applications. PHP is an open-source language with a large community, extensive documentation, ... Read More

How to Check form Submission in PHP?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 16:58:13

2K+ Views

How to check form submission in PHP? To check form submission in PHP, you can follow these steps: Step 1 Create an HTML form: Start by creating an HTML form that collects user input. The form should have an action attribute pointing to the PHP file where you will process the form data. Index.html Employee Information Form .error { color: red; } Employee Information First Name: ... Read More

How to Check an Array is Associative or Sequential in PHP

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 16:36:59

1K+ Views

What is Associative Array? An associative array is a type of array in which each element is associated with a specific key, rather than being assigned a numeric index like in sequential arrays. In other words, instead of accessing array elements by their position, you access them by using their corresponding keys. In an associative array, the keys can be either strings or integers. Each key is unique within the array, meaning that no two elements can have the same key. The values in an associative array can be of any data type, such as strings, numbers, booleans, ... Read More

How to Change the Maximum Upload file Size in PHP

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 16:16:09


What is PHP? PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used server-side scripting language for web development. It allows developers to embed code within HTML files, enabling the creation of dynamic web pages and interactions with databases. PHP is known for its simplicity, versatility, and extensive integration capabilities with popular databases. It offers a broad range of extensions and has a large community of developers, ensuring ample resources and support. How to change the maximum upload file size in PHP: To change the maximum upload file size in PHP, you need to modify the following configuration settings: ... Read More

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