Found 1046 Articles for PHP

Print the time an hour ago PHP?

Updated on 13-Oct-2020 08:04:40

4K+ Views

To print time an hour ago, you need to subtract -1 hour. Use the strtotime() method and set the subtraction value in it i.e. -1 for 1 hour ago time, -2 for 2 hour ago time, etc.Let’s say the current time is 18:42:22ExampleThe PHP code is as follows Live Demo OutputThis will produce the following outputOne hour ago, the date = 2020-09-26 17:42:22

How to call a function from a string stored in a variable PHP?

Updated on 13-Oct-2020 08:03:11

1K+ Views

To call a function from a string stored in a variable, use $func.The syntax is as follows $func=’anyFunctionName’;ExampleThe PHP code is as follows  Live Demo OutputThis will produce the following outputCalling hello method.

How to do bold and simple text in the same line using the echo in php?

Updated on 13-Oct-2020 08:01:37

2K+ Views

In order to get bold text, you need to use font-weight and to get the simple text you can use tag. All this gets added in the echo.ExampleThe PHP code is as follows Live Demo OutputHere is the snapshot of sample output.This is my first PHP Program

How to deal with multi-byte UTF-8 strings in JavaScript and fix the empty delimiter/separator issue

Updated on 13-Oct-2020 07:59:11


For this, at first use preg_split() and set the function with this −'//u'After setting like above, the empty delimiter issue will get fixed, since we added '//u' above.ExampleThe PHP code is as follows Live Demo OutputThis will produce the following output −Array ( ) Array ( [0] => J [1] => o [2] => h [3] => n [4] => [5] => S [6] => m [7] => i [8] => t [9] => h )

Foreach loop with two arrays and if-condition evaluation to find matching values PHP?

Updated on 13-Oct-2020 07:50:00

3K+ Views

Let’s say we have the following two arrays $firstArray=array(10,20,30,40,50); $secondArray=array(100,80,30,40,90);We need to find the matching i.e. the output should be 30 40ExampleThe PHP code is as follows Live Demo OutputThis will produce the following output The matching result is=30 The matching result is=40

How to correctly get a value from a JSON PHP?

Updated on 13-Oct-2020 07:44:30

3K+ Views

To get a value from JSON, use json_decode(). Let’s say the following is our JSON $detailsJsonObject = '{"details":[{"name":"John","subjectDetails":{"subjectId":"101","subjectName":"PHP","marks":"58", "teacherName":"Bob"}}]}';  We need to fetch specific values i.e. Subject Name, Marks, etc.ExampleThe PHP code is as follows  Live Demo OutputThis will produce the following outputThe Subject Name is=PHP The Teacher Name is=Bob

Get Last Part of URL in PHP?

Updated on 13-Oct-2020 07:40:18

1K+ Views

To get the last part of URL, use preg_match() in PHP. Let’s say the following is our input URL $websiteAddress='';We need to get the following output, with only the last part, which is a number 9989809898'ExampleFollowing is the PHP code to get the last part of URL  Live Demo OutputThis will produce the following outputThe result is as follows:82345999

Printing Unwanted Characters with PHP “preg_match”?

Updated on 13-Oct-2020 07:38:47


To print unwanted characters, use preg_match_all(). Let’s say the following is our string with some special characters −$sentence= "M-y Name/i_s John+Doe";We want the output to display only the special characters from the above string i.e.-/_+ExampleThe PHP code is as follows Live Demo OutputThis will produce the following outputThe original value is=M-y Name/i_s John+Doe The unwanted characters are as follows= -/_+

Search for PHP array element containing string?

Updated on 13-Oct-2020 07:36:19


Let’s say we have the following array $subject= array('JavaScript','Java','PHP language','Python Language');From the above array, we need to fetch values with the following text $valueToSearch= 'Language';For such match, use preg_match() in PHP.ExampleThe PHP code is as follows Live Demo OutputThis will produce the following outputArray ( [2] => PHP language [3] => Python Language )

Remove comma from a string in PHP?

Updated on 13-Oct-2020 07:34:08

9K+ Views

To remove comma, you can replace. To replace, use str_replace() in PHP.Let’s say the following is our input string with comma $name="John,Smith";We want the output after removing comma from the above string is JohnSmithExampleThe PHP code is as follows Live Demo OutputThis will produce the following outputThe actual value is=John,Smith After removing the comma(,)=JohnSmith
