Found 54 Articles for Parents & Family

How to make your child mentally strong?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Being a Parent, I understood that a child always learns from what you do, not from what you say. They observe and then follow your actions. So, it is better to make them learn from the way they are. But for this, a parent should always be strong. Hence I feel that being a parent, if you cannot handle anything and not being mentally strong to tolerate some disturbances in your life, you can hardly expect your child to manage the same skillfully.The Incident Melted Our HeartsThree years ago, when my little daughter observed that we were facing some financial ... Read More

Is Google as good as our elders in terms of answering our doubts?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Technology is updating day-to-day to a farther extent that it has slowly started replacing human beings. No wonder it is the age where we have lots of online friends on social networking sites while few in person. Also, whenever we have a doubt, an immediate thought comes to mind, “Let’s google it”!!When we go back to a few decades, people use to talk, smile and wish each other on roads. Whereas now we find people indulged in their mobile or tab or maybe laptop all the time.Googling ItGoogle search engine is the world’s topmost leading search engine on the World ... Read More

Being a man, how to make balance between my wife and mother?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It is very important for a man to strike balance between the two important ladies in his life. This is because a man’s life will not be complete without a Mother’s care and affection or a Wife’s love and support.The relation between the Saas-Bahu will always be a power struggle when it comes to the man. Each of them tries to win the upper hand in his life. A man can consider himself the luckiest if both of them realize that, each one is equally important in his life and their role is irreplaceable, hence there is no need to ... Read More

Who is more important, wife or mother?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

5K+ Views

In every man’s life, both mother and wife play prominent roles. While mother gives life and brings him up facing all the odds, the wife becomes his twin soul caring and also correcting him and standing by him throughout the life. It is said that “A Husband finds a second mother in his wife, while a wife finds her first baby in the husband”. The role of a mother and wife are intangible in a man’s life. She can’t be a better mother if she isn’t a better wife.Both are ImportantMother introduces the world to the child, while the child ... Read More

Which is the right way to punish kids when they don't listen to their parents: beating, scolding or both?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Hitting a child as a punishment can never be the solution as the child will only get more stubborn with each day. You should also know where to stop while scolding. What you speak out in anger is also extremely crucial. He or she will either grow to become an introvert, or they will display rash behavior and an arrogant attitude. They can even grow up to blame you in the future. So, make sure of a few things to punish your kids in a manner that the word “punishment” does not become a nightmare for them.Control YourselfWhen your child ... Read More

Should we focus on character building or prepare our children for the cut-throat race?

Shankar Bhatt
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 11:00:01


First of all, let me put the definitions of "Character building" and "Cutthroat race" before getting into the exact question. Character means a sum of attributes, mannerisms, and qualities that will define or describe a certain person. It shows the moral and ethical power of an individual. No matter what the conditions, situations, and circumstances are, a human with integrity or character always does right things. To enhance or strengthen one's character is what we call as "Character building".On the other hand, pushing and putting a person into this extremely competitive world of accomplishing goals by not giving a damn ... Read More

Why do we need Good Manners?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 15:43:57

2K+ Views

Good manners mean the social and polite behavior that a person possesses. Good manners play a vital role in building human relations. It is the back bone of a stable social pattern. Good manners imply towards the certain values and behavior of human relationship which keeps the society alive.Good Manners refers to being humble, polite, respectful, courteous and well-cultured social behavior. A well-mannered man/woman is respected and esteemed wherever he goes and in whatever condition of life, he may be. Among students, in particular, the preservation of good manners is a boon and it costs nothing.Why do we need Good MannersWe ... Read More

What is the generation gap?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 17-May-2022 05:32:48


Change is an inevitable part of life and in the passage of time, radical and dynamic changes keep happening. This is because society has to adapt itself with the changing times and it does not remain static. But the 21st century is an era where drastic changes happen every single day leading to the emergence of various issues. One of these issues is a generation gap.It is has become a widely popular in different forms globally. Generation gap implies the ideological, cultural and social disassociation and disagreement in beliefs and existing system by the younger generation which tends to create ... Read More

What are teenage Parenting tips?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 13-May-2022 08:16:32


Teenage is considered to be one of the most difficult phases in the journey of parenting for many people. This is because the child undergoes hormonal changes which affect both the physical and mental capacity and there are various health problems that start hitting the parents as well.To be a friend to your child − The first and the foremost tip that comes into picture for teenage parenting is the point that you need to be a friend to your child. This implies that an egalitarian approach has to be followed in dealing with any issue of a teenage child. ... Read More

What are the positive and negative impacts of a working mother?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 13-May-2022 06:42:19

3K+ Views

The standard of living has gone quite high these days and now both the parents are working to keep up with it. Women today are stepping out of their comfort zones and revolutionizing the traditional concepts and thought process. Today's women are working at commendable positions and manage their family life along with it. However, from the perspective of a child, there are both pros and cons of being a working mother.Here are some of the positive impacts of a working mother :A Role Model for the ChildA working mother teaches the values of independence, commitment, dedication to her child. ... Read More
