Found 6 Articles for Organisational Behaviour

Difference Between Prosocial Behavior and Antisocial Behavior

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:42:01


Psychological concepts such as prosocial and antisocial conduct can be understood in light of evolutionary and social learning theories, which suggest that both are adaptive and teachable. There is some evidence that genetics, family history, peer pressure, and the social climate at school all have a role in the development of antisocial behavior. Nevertheless, people and animals alike display both prosocial and antisocial behaviours. In contrast to antisocial conduct, which has a negative effect on others, prosocial activity is often approved of since it helps others around its practitioners. The next paragraphs will highlight their dissimilarities. What is Prosocial Behavior? ... Read More

Short Conclusions That Individuals Use in Making a Judgment About Others

Aparna Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:45:00


We generally make assumptions when coming to any conclusions regarding the behavior of any person. In short, we can say that we use a dozen shortcuts when coming to any conclusions about others. These techniques have their pros and cons. The merit of these techniques is that they enable us to form rapid perceptions about others and provide valid proof for those predictions. However, they are not fully accurate. They have certain discrepancies because they are not fully proven. They sometimes get us into trouble. So let us learn about these shortcuts so that we can get rid of ... Read More

Hofstede's Six Dimensions of National Culture

Aparna Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:41:17


One of the most important tools to analyse the differences between different cultures is Hofstede's framework for assessing cultures. This theory was given by Greet Hofstede in the late 1970s. He experimented with more than 116, 000 IBM employees in 40 different countries and concluded that all the employees differed on five major dimensions of national culture. More countries were added to the list later. In the most recent study, countries have been ranked on the six major dimensions. This theory helps a lot in determining the personalities of different cultures in different countries. This theory has given huge contributions ... Read More

Factors that Affect the Perception of an Individual

Aparna Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:40:25

13K+ Views

Before discussing anything about the above topic, let’s first understand what is meant by "perception." Perception is a process by which an individual interprets anything that comes in front of him or her. It is the way in which he or she utilizes his or her sensory impressions to interpret a particular situation and give a particular meaning to the environment. However, what we perceive can differ widely from what reality is. For example, most employees view an organization as the best place to work because it has favorable working conditions, interesting job roles, better pay, and excellent benefits, but ... Read More

Domains That Contribute to Organisational Behaviour

Aparna Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:39:46


Organisational behaviour is a domain that has built itself by taking into consideration the various behavioural science domains. Various behavioural sciences have contributed to its significance. It has contributions from various behavioural disciplines mainly psychology and social psychology, sociology, and anthropology. The contributions of psychology are mainly at the micro level of analysis or we can say individual level, while the other disciplines have contributed to the organisational behaviour at the macro level or group processes and organisation level. Contributing domains of organisational behavior Let's understand every discipline which has contributed to organisational behaviour. Psychology Let's first understand ... Read More

Different Views of Conflict

Aparna Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:39:01

2K+ Views

Let's first explain what we mean by "conflict." Conflict is a perception of thoughts. When no one is aware of the conflict, it is generally believed that no conflict exists. So conflict is a process that begins when one side perceives that the other side has or is about to negatively affect something that the first party cares about. Examples of conflict in an organisation Incompatibility of goals Differences in the interpretation of factors Disagreement based on behavioural expectations It is right to say there has been a lot of controversy over the role of conflict in different types ... Read More
