Found 61 Articles for Oracle

Oracle Label-Based Security

Mithlesh Upadhyay
Updated on 18-May-2023 17:38:41


Oracle Label-Based Security (OLS) is a feature of the Oracle Database that provides fine-grained access control over sensitive data based on security labels. This feature enables organizations to enforce access control policies based on the sensitivity of the data rather than the traditional approach of user roles and privileges. In this article, we will discuss how Oracle Label-Based Security works and its benefits. Oracle Label-Based Security Oracle Label-Based Security works by assigning a security label to each row of data in a table. The label identifies the sensitivity level of the data, such as confidential, secret, or top secret. Each ... Read More

Oracle DataBase – Grant Privileges to a User in SQL Command Line

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 25-Jan-2023 11:20:37

9K+ Views

Introduction In an Oracle Database, privileges are used to control access to the database's objects and operations. A privilege is a permission to perform a specific action on a specific object, such as SELECTing data from a table or EXECUTing a stored procedure. When you create a user in the database, that user does not have any privileges by default. In order for the user to be able to perform any actions, you must grant them the necessary privileges. This can be done by using the GRANT command in SQL command line. When a user has been granted a privilege, ... Read More

How to List All Tables in a Schema in Oracle Database?

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 13:11:29

38K+ Views

Introduction In Oracle databases, a schema is a logical grouping of related objects, such as tables, views, and stored procedures. Each schema belongs to a specific database user and has a set of associated privileges. To list all tables in a schema in an Oracle database, you can use one of the views in the data dictionary. The `ALL_TABLES` view contains one row for each table in the current schema, while the `DBA_TABLES` view contains one row for each table in the entire database. To list the tables in a schema, you can use a SELECT statement to query the ... Read More

Check if Table, View, Trigger, etc present in Oracle

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 17:21:52

4K+ Views

Introduction Oracle is a powerful, versatile relational database management system that is widely used in the enterprise. One of the most common tasks when working with Oracle is to check if a specific object, such as a table, view, trigger, or other types of object, exists in the database. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as validating input data, checking for dependencies, and more. In this article, we will explore several methods for checking if a table, view, trigger, or other object exists in Oracle. Using the "DBA_OBJECTS" View One of the easiest and most straightforward ... Read More

How to display open cursors in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 07:18:26

5K+ Views

Problem:You want to display open cursors in Oracle.SolutionWe can query the data dictionary to determine the number of cursors that are open per session. "V$SESSION" provides a more accurate number of the cursors currently open than "V$OPEN_CURSOR".Exampleselect  a.value  , c.username  , c.machine  , c.sid  , c.serial# from v$sesstat a  , v$statname b  , v$session c where a.statistic# = b.statistic# and c.sid  = a.sid and  = 'opened cursors current' and a.value  != 0 and c.username IS NOT NULL order by 1, 2;The OPEN_CURSORS initialization parameter determines the maximum number of cursors a session can have open.Read More

How to identify the SQL consuming more resources in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 06:30:12

1K+ Views

Problem:You want to identify the SQL statements consuming more resources in Oracle.Solution“V$SQLSTATS" view displays performance statistics for SQL statements that have recently executed. You can also use "V$SQL” and “V$SQLAREA" to report on SQL resource usage. "V$SQLSTATS” is faster and retains information for a longer period of time, but contains only a subset of the columns in “V$SQL" and "V$SQLAREA”.Exampleselect * from( select   sql_text  ,buffer_gets  ,disk_reads  ,sorts  ,cpu_time/1000000 cpu_sec  ,executions  ,rows_processed from v$sqlstats order by cpu_time DESC) where rownum < 20;

How to display a SQL execution progress along with execution plan in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 06:23:46

2K+ Views

Problem:You want to view where Oracle SQL is taking time within a SQL execution plan.SolutionWith Oracle 11g version, we can view SQL execution plan progress while the SQL is running. The “V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR” view contains a row for each step of a SQL statement’s execution plan. Below SQL will help to view the execution plan along with the progress.The “V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR" provides you with information on the steps that are using the most resources. The statistics in "V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR” are updated every second.We can also generate a real time text, HTML, or even a XML report of query progress within an execution plan ... Read More

How to determine the approximate amount of SQL work left in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 06:22:48


Problem:You want to know how much longer a long running SQL might ake to finish.SolutionWe can use “V$SESSION_LONGOPS" view to know the approximate time of a query left to execute. "V$SESSION_LONGOPS” view displays the status of various database operations that have been running for longer than six seconds. Please note that this view give you only a rough estimate of when a SQL might complete.Exampleselect   a.username  , a.opname  , b.sql_text  , to_char(a.start_time, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') start_time  , a.elapsed_seconds how_long  , a.time_remaining secs_left  , a.sofar  , a.totalwork  , round(a.sofar/a.totalwork*100, 2) percent from v$session_longops a     ,v$sql         ... Read More

How to monitor real time SQL execution statistics in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 06:22:04

2K+ Views

Problem:You want to monitor currently executing SQL statistics in Oracle.SolutionIf your database is Oracle Database 11g, you can use the following query to select from the “V$SQL_MONITOR” to monitor the near real time resource consumption of SQL queries.The statistics in “V$SQL_MONITOR” are updated every second. This helps us to view the resource consumption as it updates. These statistics are gathered by default when a SQL statement runs in parallel or consumes more than 5 seconds of CPU or I/O time.The “V$SQL_MONITOR" view includes a subset of statistics contained in the "V$SQL”, “V$SQLAREA", and "V$SQLSTATS” views.The “V$SQL_MONITOR" view displays real-time statistics ... Read More

How to limit Database Resources per Session in Oracle?

Kiran P
Updated on 05-Dec-2020 06:21:10

2K+ Views

Problem:You want to limit the amount of resources a user can consume in your database.SolutionTo limit the resources, we can follow below steps.We can use below SQL statement to view the current setting of RESOURCE_LIMIT in our name, value from v$parameter where name='resource_limit';Create a profile to limit the resources and assign it to a user. It won’t limit the CPU utilization though.ExampleCREATE PROFILE test_profile LIMIT    SESSIONS_PER_USER          2    CPU_PER_SESSION            UNLIMITED    CPU_PER_CALL               300000    CONNECT_TIME           ... Read More

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