Found 34 Articles for Optics

Mirror Formula for Spherical Mirrors

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 14:33:53


Introduction Light is electromagnetic radiation and is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be visible to the human eye. If the light illuminates any surface the quantity of light that is received by the surface depends on the light source’s distance from the surface. The law of illumination or inverse square law of illumination gives the relation between the source and the surface. It explains the variation of illumination of the surface with the distance squared tween the source and the surface. When light falls on the rough surface it can be seen in all ... Read More

Mirror Equation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 14:56:48


Introduction Light is electromagnetic radiation and is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be visible to the human eye. If the light illuminates any surface the quantity of light that is received by the surface depends on the light source’s distance from the surface. When a light ray falls on the rough surface it will be seen in all directions. But for a polished surface, the proper illumination is seen at a particular angle because of the reflection of the light. To understand image formation by the mirrors and why they do not create the same type ... Read More

Fiber Optics and its Types

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:39:37


Fiber optics is one of the technologies used to transmit data through thin glass or plastic fibers. It is mostly used in communication channels like telephone, televisions, and the Internet. Core and cladding are two parts of fiber optic cable. The cladding reflects the light to the core, thus preventing the loss of signal. Fiber optics are mostly used in medical and industry services. In the medical field, it is used for endoscopies, to view and treat internal organs. In industries, it is used in controlling temperature, pressure, and vibrations. Fiber Optics and its Types Definition Fiber optics is defined ... Read More

Biconvex Lens - Definition, Properties, Uses

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 11:59:09


IntroductionBiconvex lens we see in a magnifying glass. You must have used a magnifying glass to read text that was too small. A magnifying glass is also the icon that is used in mobiles and apps when the “search” function is involved. Further, if people in your family wear glasses, you must have noticed that everyone wears a different type. For some people, the glasses are thin while for others, they are much thicker. Another interesting thing you must have noticed is that near-vision glasses show things bigger than they are, while far-vision glasses do the opposite. ... Read More

Different Optical Instruments

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 12:08:53

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Introduction Optical instruments are devices that are used for the enhancement of the images of the object. Anything as simple as a magnifying glass fitted with a convex lens is also an optical instrument. These days we have even complex combinations of lenses that use a very basic phenomenon of optics but have beautiful applications. Through this article, we shall learn about its significance, types, and how they are used in various areas of research as well as in day-to-day lives. What are Optical Instruments? Optical instruments, or can be called just ‘optic’ in short form, are the devices ... Read More

Difference Between Light Microscope and Electron Microscope

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 11:26:52


Introduction With help of our Eyes, we can see the beautiful world around us. This happens due to the light rays. The light rays fall on any object and get reflected by it. These reflected rays fall on our eyes. The eyes have many parts like cornea, aqueous humor, and crystalline lens. The light from here in the form of electric signals moves towards the brain through the optical nerve. But there are certain objects which we can’t see clearly with our naked eyes. We find it difficult to see distant planets and stars clearly with our eyes. Also, small ... Read More

Determination of Focal Length of Concave Mirror and Convex Lens

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 11:36:39


Introduction The distance between an object and the mirror is subject to measure by applying different theories of mirrors and lenses. The law of reflection is one of the essential rules to measure the focal length. In this situation, where the image is formed by the consistency of a surface’s reflection due to the inside curved of a spherical mirror, it will follow the law of reflection of light. In this tutorial, information regarding concave mirrors and the convex lens are subject to discussion. Information about Concave Mirror A reflecting surface of a spherical mirror is curved from the inside ... Read More

Difference Between Simple and Compound Microscope

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 18:11:34


Introduction Too small objects that are even hard to see with naked eyes, to see them microscope is needed and it is used for that purpose. It is a very important part of science, called Microscopy. It defines a study or investigation of small objects or structures that is through a microscope. There are different types of microscopes, however, the main two types are simple microscopes and compound microscopes. One is for simple uses and the other one is used for professional purposes only, respectively. What is a Simple Microscope? Figure 1: Visual representation of how a simple ... Read More

The Lens Makers Formula

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:14:36


Introduction The lens maker’s formula is utilized by the lens manufacturers and is used to make lenses of a certain extent of power from a glass of distinct refractive index. It helps the lens makers to derive the necessary data about the curvature that is required to manufacture a lens of a particular focal length in association with the material of a certain refractive index. This formula uses multiple sign conventions which are crucial to set up various geometric relations. This formula is used in the cases of concave and convex lenses alike. What is the Lens maker’s Formula? ... Read More

Total Internal Reflection

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 16:52:33


In physics, total internal reflection is regarded as a complete reflection, associated with a ray. A particular medium such as glass or water is required for the reflection of a ray. The ray reflects from a surrounding surface to the medium. In case of greater value of the angle of incidence, a certain limiting angle is found to have formed. This limiting angle is known as the critical angle. The sparkling diamonds and mirage are real-life examples of total internal reflection. What is total internal reflection? Total internal reflection takes place at a time when a ray travels ... Read More
