Found 2065 Articles for Operating System

Speed up a slow pc without spending money

Sharon Christine
Updated on 16-Jan-2020 11:50:23


If anybody PC gets slow down, they should not blame to the PC hardware. It’s true, they can speed up their PC by adding RAM, up-grading CPU, or exchanging hard drive with an SSD. All of these solutions tell to spend money.Users do not have to reinstall the operating system to speed-up their PC, they just have to apply some tricks on the PC to fixes the system problem.This article will definitely help those users who do not want to spend money on purchasing any tool (Software or hardware) at the time of system get slow down because of heavy ... Read More

Windows in safe mode troubleshoots all system issues

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 14-Jul-2020 07:22:43


Now, because of heavy or 24 hours uses of computer at corporate or home place, it becomes a complex and delicate machine. This complex and delicate machine sometime goes wrong while updating BIOS, downloading new drivers, or just surfing the Web. To resolve these issues user does not have to buy an expensive device or replace it with a new one.Microsoft provides a very useful Windows functions called Safe Mode functions. It’s always good to start windows in a safe mode to troubleshoot any kind of issues which give bad effects on the system. Although, using this mode only certain ... Read More

Share confidential folders in windows 7 homegroup

Sharon Christine
Updated on 16-Jan-2020 10:50:08


It’s true, at present people are so busy with their work and they definitely want some easy ways to reduce their work. Windows 7 tried to help those people who are really busy with their work and they don’t have time to manually send some important files and folders using share file and folder option. Unlike the previous version of Windows (XP and Vista), Windows 7 facilitates to easily share files and folders with friends and family at home or with co-workers at the office over network without having to follow tedious process of setting up IP address on network ... Read More

Now, Google+VMware Provide Services to Chrome OS

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 13-Jan-2020 10:05:33


Google has become a partner of virtualization software maker VMware said that their partnership aim is to make easier for the enterprise Chromebook users to access Windows apps and the Windows desktop into their own platform. Now it has become easier for Chromebook users to experience Windows desktop using VMware’s Horizon desktop as a service (DaaS) which utilizes HTML5 Blast protocol of VMware.VMware will help to the Google’s Chromebooks by providing virtual desktop services to Google’s Chromebooks, which facilitates them to run Windows applications on the pared-down laptops of the Chrome OS.By using different – different VMware virtualization service, companies ... Read More

Microsoft, Device Health for Windows 8.1

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 13-Jan-2020 07:14:16


Microsoft updated “Device Health” for Windows 8.1, aims to develop online security of Banking and Financial account section for users’ better operation. This update will observer and check the PC security status before user getting into the sensitive banking and financial transactions online.Device Health service is a Window based service, provides devices’ health information. After installation of this software, you will be encouraged to accept secure software usage practices to ensure that the certified e-commerce and online banking partners can offer better security, based on the data expected from Device Health.How to install Device Health?To install Device Health update, go ... Read More

Difference between grep and fgrep command

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 25-Feb-2020 06:05:24


In any language or framework one of the most important and main feature is of searching the data. It not only denotes the performance of language but also represents in what manner the data is being stored. So specifically if we take an example of LINUX operating system there comes two of the important commands namely grep and fgrep.Both of these commands are used to search any string or regular expression in file, directory or even in multiple folders. Both these commands executes in such a way that processor starts analysing the target folder or destination and search for the ... Read More

Why should eval be avoided in Bash, and what should I use instead?

Pradeep Elance
Updated on 03-Jan-2020 07:23:05

1K+ Views

eval is a builtin command of the Bash shell which concatenates its arguments into a single string. Then it joins the arguments with spaces, then executes that string as a bash command. Below is an example of how it works.eval exampleIn the below example we take a string which has some Unix commands built into it and then apply eval to it.$ var="echo n" $ echo $var $ eval $varRunning the above code gives us the following result −echo n nAs you can see, when eval is applied the variable expands it gets executed as a command and no longer ... Read More

What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls on i386 and x86-64

Pradeep Elance
Updated on 31-Jan-2020 12:20:25


A system call is the fundamental interface between an application and the Linux kernel. When a Unix/Linux program does a file I/O, network data transfer or invokes some process which directly or indirectly interact with the low level instructions, then system call is involved. Making these calls usually involves using a library called glibc which contains the functions.ExamplesBelow is a list of some frequently used system calls and their purpose.Sr.NoSystem CallPurpose1chmodchange permissions of a file2chdirchange working directory3forkcreate a child process4unlinkdelete a name and possibly the file it refers toA systems programmer writes program that will not directly make the systems ... Read More

Looping through the content of a file in Bash

Pradeep Elance
Updated on 03-Jan-2020 07:15:52

6K+ Views

Often it is a requirement to read each of the line from a file using a bash script. There are various approaches to read the lines form a file. In the below example we have first described how to create a sample file and then run a script reading that sample file.Create a file to Read# Open vi Editor vi a_file.txt # Input the below lines Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday # cat the file cat a_file.txtRunning the above code gives us the following result −Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayUsing Do-WhileIn this approach we use a ... Read More

How to convert DOS/Windows newline (CRLF) to Unix newline (LF) in a Bash script?

Pradeep Elance
Updated on 03-Jan-2020 07:12:22

1K+ Views

When we transfer files between Windows and Unix systems, often we come across with issue relating to the end of line character. This is because the EOL character in windows is not recognized as a EOL character in Unix. SO to fix this issue when a file is transferred from Windows to Unix we need to follow one of the below methods.Using dos2unixThe dos2unix command is used to convert the EOL character of windows platform to Unix platform. Most of the Unix system comes with this command pre-installed. Below we see how we can convert the file itself or save ... Read More
