Found 2065 Articles for Operating System

Running GUI applications on docker in linux

Raunak Jain
Updated on 01-Oct-2020 15:38:45


Suppose you are building an application that requires user interface and pops up a window on running the script. And let’s say you want to run that script inside a docker container. Now, you might expect the docker container to run the UI application for you and display the same on your screen. But using normal docker run commands, you won't be able to see or interact with the UI application. You need to connect the display with the container in order to do so. In this article, we will discuss how to do exactly the same.Here, we will see ... Read More

Using .Dockerignore file

Raunak Jain
Updated on 01-Oct-2020 15:31:29

5K+ Views

We know that we can run our docker images on cloud services which provide high computations in low cost prices. So, one might wonder why we need to optimize a docker image. Think of a situation where you have copied a large file in your docker container and you actually don’t need it. It’s obvious that it will increase the size of the docker image, it will increase the overall build time of the image and would cause a lot of caching issues as well. So, why not use a simple technique to avoid all these issues and improve the ... Read More

Best practices for writing a Dockerfile

Raunak Jain
Updated on 01-Oct-2020 15:28:13


If you want to build a new container image, you need to specify the instructions in a separate document called Dockerfile. This will allow a developer to create an execution environment and will help him to automate the process and make it repeatable. It provides you with flexibility, readability, accountability and helps in easy versioning of the project.No doubt, writing a Dockerfile is one of the most important aspects of a project which includes development using docker. However, how you write a Dockerfile might have a great impact on the performance of your project if you are deploying it on ... Read More

Top tips to manage docker containers from command line

Raunak Jain
Updated on 01-Oct-2020 15:22:45


It’s true that the use of docker has skyrocketed in recent times and it will continue to increase in the coming years. Most organizations are now shifting their projects to docker containers if they have not already. Thus, only acquiring basic knowledge regarding creating and maintaining docker containers and images is not enough to keep up with the pace of such a huge technological shift.Managing a large number of containers and images through a single command line interface (CLI) seems to be a tedious task, but with proper set of management skills and hands-on experience with docker CLI commands, this ... Read More

Cover the Tracks using covermyass

Ajay yadav
Updated on 29-Sep-2020 11:02:19


It is imperative to fully cover your tracks you made on the systems during assault. This tool is designed for pen testing "covering tracks" phase, before exiting the infected server. Or, permanently disable system logs for post-exploitation.This tool allows you to clear log files such as −/var/log/messages # General message and system related stuff/var/log/auth.log # Authenication logs/var/log/kern.log # Kernel logs/var/log/cron.log # Crond logs/var/log/maillog # Mail server logs/var/log/boot.log # System boot log/var/log/mysqld.log # MySQL database server log file/var/log/qmail # Qmail log directory/var/log/httpd # Apache access and error logs directory/var/log/lighttpd # Lighttpd access and error logs directory/var/log/secure # Authentication log/var/log/utmp # Login ... Read More

Working with tmux session

sudhir sharma
Updated on 17-Jul-2020 10:52:40


Tmux is a terminal multiple for Unix OS. It provides multiple terminal sessions to its users. It is used when we are using cloud-based services (like Azure, AWS) for the creation of separate terminals for different remote users.While working with web services, one needs to create an EC2 instance on the webserver provided by the company to work on it by creating a session.Now, let’s see the steps of working on a UNIX (Ubuntu) webserver.Step 1 − Write/copy the IP address of your AWS console and download the key file from the console. You will get these from your vendor ... Read More

Difference between Fedora and CentOS

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 16-Apr-2020 06:51:18


FedoraFedora is Linux based and open-source operating system intended for developers and system administrators. It is supported by a huge Red Hat Community. It was introduced in Sep 2003. Initially, it was also known as Fedore Core. Fedora OS uses IPSec to connect to remote machines or networks. It uses Internet Key Exchange, IKE protocol to make secure, robust connections between machines.CentOSCentOS is also Linux based open-source distributed operating system. It is quite stable and robust. It was developed over source code Red Hat Enterprise Linux, RHEL and is actively developed by CentOS community which have large number of network ... Read More

Difference between Fedora and Red Hat

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 16-Apr-2020 06:46:41


FedoraFedora is Linux based and open-source operating system intended for developers and system administrators. It is supported by a huge Red Hat Community. It was introduced in Sep 2003. Initially, it was also known as Fedora Core. Fedora OS uses IPSec to connect to remote machines or networks. It uses Internet Key Exchange, IKE protocol to make secure, robust connections between machines.Red HatRed Hat Enterprise Linux, RHEL is also Linux based operating system but it is targetted for business usage. It is sold using annual/monthly subscription basis including the technical support and Red Hat network. It was introduced in 1994 ... Read More

Difference between Fedora and Debian

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 16-Apr-2020 06:32:12


FedoraFedora is Linux based and open-source operating system intended for developers and system administrators. It is supported by a huge Red Hat Community. It was introduced in Sep 2003. Initially, it was also known as Fedore Core. Fedora OS uses IPSec to connect to remote machines or networks. It uses Internet Key Exchange, IKE protocol to make secure, robust connections between machines.DebianDebian is again a Linux based open-source operating system. It is part of GNU project providing program components to Debian OS. Debian was developed targetting the end-users general purpose. It is highly user friendly and efficient. Many large and ... Read More

Difference between Network OS and Distributed OS

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 15:38:09

11K+ Views

Both Network OS and Distributed OS work on multiple systems/nodes. The main difference between a network operating system and a distributed operating system is the way they handle resources and communication between devices. A network operating system is primarily concerned with managing resources and communication within a single network, while a distributed operating system is designed to manage resources and communication across multiple networks. Read this tutorial to find out more about Network OS and Distributed OS and how they are different from each other. What is Network OS? A Network OS is a type of operating system that is ... Read More
