Found 2065 Articles for Operating System

Search Within Specific File Types Using grep on Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:43:23

5K+ Views

To search for a specific pattern within a specific file type using the grep command in Linux, you can use the -r option to search recursively through a directory and the -E option to specify the file extension. For example, to search for the word "example" within all text files in the directory "test", you would use the command − grep -r -E 'example' --include='*.txt' test/ This command searches recursively through the "test" directory and its subdirectories, looking for files that have the ".txt" extension and contain the word "example". You can also use find command with -type and ... Read More

fd An Alternative to the Linux find Command

Satish Kumar
Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:30:32

2K+ Views

The fd command is a popular alternative to the find command in Linux. It is a faster and more user-friendly version of find, and is written in Rust for performance. Some of the key features of fd include the ability to search using regular expressions, a more natural syntax for specifying search parameters, and the ability to search using a specific file extension or name. Installation The fd command can be installed on Linux and macOS using the package manager of your distribution. On Debian based distributions − sudo apt-get install fd-find On Fedora and Centos − sudo yum ... Read More

Guide to Generate Random Numbers in Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:24:42

11K+ Views

In Linux, you can generate random numbers using the random or urandom files in the /dev directory, which are special files that generate random data. To generate a random number between 0 and 32767, you can use the command echo $((RANDOM)). To generate a random number within a specific range, you can use the command echo $((RANDOM%range+min)), where range is the size of the range and min is the minimum value of the range. Another way to generate random numbers in Linux is using the openssl command. The command openssl rand -base64 6 will generate a random base64 encoded string ... Read More

Remove Lines Which Appear in File B From Another File A in Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 19:48:17

5K+ Views

You can use the grep command in Linux to remove the lines from file A that appear in file B. The basic syntax is − grep -v -f fileB.txt fileA.txt > outputFile.txt This command uses the -v option to invert the match, so that it returns lines that do not match those in file B. The -f option specifies the file containing the patterns to match. The output is redirected to a new file called outputFile.txt. Alternatively, you can use sed command sed -i '/$(grep -f fileB.txt fileA.txt)/d' fileA.txt This command uses the -i option to edit the ... Read More

Running Multi-Line Shell Code at Once From Single Prompt

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 19:47:32

18K+ Views

You can run multi-line shell code at once by using a shell script or by using a command line tool such as the bash or sh command to execute the code in a single prompt. To create a shell script, you can use a text editor to write the code and save it with a .sh file extension. For example, you can create a file called "" and add the following code − #!/bin/bash echo "Hello, World!" echo "This is a shell script." Then you can run the script by using the command bash or sh Another ... Read More

Running Script or Command as Another User in Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 19:46:40

21K+ Views

There are several ways to run a script or command as another user in Linux. One way is to use the "su" command, which stands for "switch user." For example, to run a command as the user "john, " you would use the following syntax: "su john -c 'command'" Another way to run a command as another user is to use the "sudo" command, which stands for "superuser do." This command allows a user with proper permissions to run a command with the privileges of another user, typically the root user. For example, to run a command as the root ... Read More

Run a Script on Startup in Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Oct-2023 20:53:41

68K+ Views

There are several ways to run a script on startup in Linux, depending on your specific distribution and the type of script you are trying to run. Using systemd − On systems that use systemd, you can create a systemd service file for your script and configure it to run on startup. Using cron − You can use the cron daemon to schedule your script to run at startup. You can add a line to the cron table (crontab) to run your script at a specific time on startup. Using init.d − On systems that use the older init.d ... Read More

Storing a Command in a Variable in a Shell Script

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 19:36:54


In a shell script, you can store a command in a variable by using the syntax − variable_name="command" For example − current_date="date" You can then execute the command stored in the variable by prefixing it with $ − $current_date This will execute the command date. Storing the Command in an Array In a shell script, you can store a command in an array by using the syntax minus; array_name=( "command1" "command2" "command3" ) For example − commands=( "ls -l" "pwd" "date" ) You can then execute the commands stored in the array by using a ... Read More

Specify an Editor for Crontab on Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 19:35:31

2K+ Views

The default editor for crontab on Linux is the vi editor. However, this can be changed by setting the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variable to the desired editor before running the crontab command. For example, to use nano as the editor for crontab, the command would be − export VISUAL=nano; crontab -e or export EDITOR=nano; crontab -e This will open the crontab file in nano for editing. Editor in Linux An editor in Linux is a program that allows users to create, view, and modify text files. There are many different text editors available for Linux, each with ... Read More

Monitoring Network Usage in Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 19:33:59

14K+ Views

Linux monitoring refers to the process of tracking and analyzing various aspects of a Linux system's performance, such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, network traffic, and system uptime. The goal of Linux monitoring is to detect and diagnose any issues that may be impacting the performance or stability of the system, and to identify and correct problems before they become critical. Network Monitoring Tools Some common network monitoring tools for Linux include − nload − is a command-line tool for monitoring network traffic on a Linux system. Speedometer − is a simple tool but with a different ... Read More
