Found 2065 Articles for Operating System

The echo Command in Linux

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:30:56

1K+ Views

Introduction The echo command is a fundamental command in Linux that is used to send text or variables to the terminal. It is one of the most basic and essential Linux commands, and mastering it is imperative for beginners to navigate the command line more easily. In this post, we'll take a closer look at the use and advanced features of the echo command. Basic use of echo command The echo command is used to print text to the terminal. It can be used with both single and double quotes, with double quotes allowing the use of variables and special ... Read More

Guide to the Linux wc Command

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:30:22


Introduction The wc command, which is short for "word count", is a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to quickly and easily count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file. But the wc command is capable of much more than counting words. In this guide, we'll explore all the features and options available when using the wc command, so you can take full advantage of its capabilities. So, grab a cup of coffee and dive into the world of the Linux wc command. Basic use of the wc command The basic syntax of the wc command ... Read More

Linux watch Command

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:29:37

1K+ Views

Introduction The watch command in Linux is a powerful tool that allows you to execute a program periodically, showing output in fullscreen. This command runs the specified command repeatedly, displaying its output and errors. By default, the specified command runs every two seconds and watch runs until interrupted. In this article, we will explore the various options and uses of the watch command. Syntax of watch command The basic syntax of the watch command is − $ watch [options] command The watch command has several options that can be used to customize its behavior. These include − -d, ... Read More

Soft-Delete Files from the Terminal on Linux

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:29:02


Introduction When working with files in the terminal on Linux, there may be times when you want to delete a file but also keep a copy of it just in case. This is where the concept of "soft delete" comes into play. A soft delete allows you to move a file to a designated recycle bin or trash, instead of permanently deleting it. That way, if you accidentally delete a file, you can easily get it back. In this article, we will explore how to delete files from the terminal on Linux using the "trash-put" command. We will also discuss ... Read More

Kill Commands In Linux

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:28:19

23K+ Views

Introduction On Linux, the "kill" command is used to send a signal to a process, which can be used to kill the process. The signal can be specified as a signal number or as a signal name, and the default signal is the TERM signal, which terminates the process. In this article, we'll explore the different options and usage of the "kill" command, including how to use it to kill specific processes and how to use it in combination with other commands. Basic syntax and usage of the Kill command The basic syntax of the "kill" command is as follows ... Read More

The head and tail commands in LINUX

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:27:34

3K+ Views

Introduction The command line is a powerful tool for managing and manipulating files and directories in Linux. Two essential commands for working with text files are the “head” and “tail” commands. These commands allow users to display the beginning or end of a file, respectively. In this article, we will explore the usage and options of the head and tail commands in Linux. head command The head command is used to view the first few lines of a file. By default, it will display the first 10 lines of a file, but this number can be changed with the ‘-n’ ... Read More

Guide to the Linux touch Command

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:25:37


Introduction The Linux touch command is a versatile tool that allows you to create new files and update timestamps on existing files. In this guide we will explain the basic use of the touch command and some of its advanced options. We will also provide examples of how to use the command and show the corresponding output. By the end of this guide, you'll have a solid understanding of how to use the touch command to manage files on your Linux system. Basic usage touch command The basic syntax of the touch command is as follows − $ touch [options] ... Read More

Date Command in Linux

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:24:39

14K+ Views

Introduction The "date" command in Linux is a simple but powerful tool used to display the current date and time, as well as set the system date and time. This command is extremely useful for troubleshooting and system administration tasks, and is a vital tool in understanding any Linux user. In this article, we'll discuss the basic usage of the date command, as well as some of its more advanced options and features. We'll also cover some examples of how the date command can be used in real-world scenarios. Basic usage of date command The date command is one of ... Read More

“Cut” Command in Linux

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:23:27


Introduction The "cut" command in Linux is a powerful command line utility that allows you to extract specific sections of text from a file or data stream. Whether you're working with tab-delimited files, CSV files, or just want to extract a specific range of characters, the cut command is a versatile tool that can help you get the job done quickly and easily. In this article, we will discuss the basic usage of the cut command as well as some advanced options and examples of how it can be used. We'll also look at some real-world use cases for the ... Read More

Guide to the sed Stream Editor on Linux

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:19:20


Introduction Sed, also known as the "stream editor", is a powerful command-line tool on Linux that allows you to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (either a file or input from a pipe). Sed is especially useful for making bulk changes to large numbers of files, or for editing files that are difficult to open with a text editor. This guide will serve as a detailed introduction to sed, including its syntax, basic commands, and examples of how to use sed in different scenarios. We'll also explore advanced features like grouping and in-place editing to help you master ... Read More
