Found 2065 Articles for Operating System

Guide to the Linux find Command

Satish Kumar
Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:37:22


Introduction Linux is powerful operating system it provides a variety of command-line tools to managing files or directories. One of most useful tool is find command, it allows users to search any files and directories based on a wide range of search criteria. In this article, you will get a comprehensive guide to using find command, including a variety of examples that demonstrate its capabilities. Basic Usage The basic syntax of find command is as follows − find [path] [expression] The path argument specifies starting directory for search, and expression argument specifies criteria for search. Here are ... Read More

Configure Postfix to Use Gmail SMTP on Ubuntu

Satish Kumar
Updated on 03-Mar-2023 14:35:14

11K+ Views

Introduction Postfix is open-source mail transfer agent (MTA) it allows users to send and receive email on Linux system. It is efficient and easy-to-use solution, it can configured to work with various email providers, including Gmail. In this article, we will show you steps to configure Postfix using Gmail SMTP on Ubuntu. This process involve setting up Gmail account to allow any apps to access it, installing and configuring Postfix, testing setup to ensure it works. Before dive into details, let's take why you might want to use Gmail SMTP with Postfix. Why Use Gmail SMTP with Postfix? Using ... Read More

How to setup sendmail in ubuntu?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 26-Feb-2024 11:15:04

11K+ Views

When it comes to sending email using Linux system, there are a few options to choose from. However, Sendmail is popular choices, and for good reason. Sendmail is efficient and reliable mail transfer agent (MTA) that handle large volume of emails. In this article, we will show you step-by-step how to set up Sendmail on your Ubuntu system. Before we start installation process, let's talk to understand how Sendmail works. Sendmail works by accepting email messages from local or remote mail clients, then relaying them to destination mail servers. This messages can delivered to other machines on the local network ... Read More

Configure sendmail with Gmail on Ubuntu

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-May-2024 16:36:27

7K+ Views

Sendmail is a popular mail transfer agent used to send emails from one computer to another. It may installed by default on Ubuntu, which makes it a convenient option to sending emails from server. If you use Gmail, you can configure sendmail to send emails through Gmail account. In this article, we will show you the process of configuring sendmail with Gmail on Ubuntu. Requirements Before starting, there are few requirements that need to configure sendmail with Gmail on Ubuntu − A Gmail account A Ubuntu server Sendmail installed on your Ubuntu server OpenSSL installed on your Ubuntu server ... Read More

Configure Postfix with Gmail on Ubuntu

Satish Kumar
Updated on 26-Feb-2024 11:39:09

3K+ Views

Introduction Postfix is used mail transfer agent that is used to send and receive emails. It is easy to install and configure on Ubuntu server. In this tutorial, we will show you how to configure Postfix with Gmail on Ubuntu. Prerequisites Before you proceed, you will need the following − A running Ubuntu server A Gmail account A valid domain name that is configured to point to the server's IP address Step 1: Install Postfix In the first step install Postfix on your Ubuntu system. You can do this by running following command − sudo apt-get install postfix ... Read More

Difference between Mac and Windows

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 16:44:55

4K+ Views

Apple created and developed the Mac operating system. Microsoft, on the other hand, created and produced the Windows operating system. The Mac operating system's intuitive interface and charming design are well known. Windows is praised for being tough and working with a variety of software functionalities. Read this article to find out more about Mac and Windows and how they are different from each other. What is Mac? The Mac operating system is a collection of graphic user interfaces. Mac OS is designed to run on Apple hardware, which includes products such as the MacBook, Mac Mini, and Mac Pro. ... Read More

Difference between Egrep and Fgrep

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:29:43

5K+ Views

Egrep and Fgrep, two different command-line utilities, are used to search for text patterns in files. These two commands are often used in operating systems built on Unix, like Linux and macOS. An enhanced version of the ordinary grep tool is known as "extended grep." It supports the use of extended regular expressions, which enable searches that are more complicated than those possible with standard grep. fgrep, which stands for "fixed grep, " is designed to search for fixed strings rather than patterns. Because of this, fgrep is quicker than grep and egrep but also less customizable. We ... Read More

Difference between CSH and BASH

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:20:28

4K+ Views

Linux is a popular operating system among computer enthusiasts. It is a free and open operating system. Shells are the screens that we utilize to control an operating system. Shells are CSH and BASH. Shells act as a channel for communication between programmers and the device. We issue orders and obtain results. The C-shell was named after the C programming syntax. One of its many benefits is the ability to regulate jobs. It may be accessed via script shell command runner and interactive shell login. It might not be easy to use at times. Bash is a shell software similar ... Read More

How to setup firewall in Linux?

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:50:42

1K+ Views

Firewalls are an integral component of every contemporary computer system, safeguarding the network and protecting the system from illegal access. We'll take a deep dive into the realm of Linux firewalls and learn how to configure one in this post. Before we involve into the technical details of establishing a firewall in Linux, let us clarify what a firewall is and why it is so important! A firewall is a network security device that monitors and restricts network traffic based on predefined security rules. A firewall's principal function is to block unauthorised access to a computer system or network while ... Read More

Linux sort Command

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 17:31:59


Introduction The sort command in Linux is a powerful and versatile tool that is used to sort lines of text files in a variety of ways. It can be used to sort files alphabetically, numerically, or in reverse order. It also has the ability to sort based on specific fields within a file, making it a valuable tool for data analysis and manipulation. In this article, we will explore the different options and usage of the sort command. Basic use of sort command The basic syntax for the sort command is pretty simply as follows − $ sort [options] [file...] ... Read More
