Found 184 Articles for OpenCV

How to save an Image in OpenCV using C++?

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 08:10:01

4K+ Views

Here, we will understand how to save the OpenCV image to any location on your computer.  OpenCV provides imwrite() function to save an image to a specified file. The file extension represents the image format. The actual format of the function is −imwrite("Destination/Name of the image with extension", Source Matrix)Here, "Destination" is where we want to save the image. In this program, we save the image as "Lakshmi.jpg". We can give any name to the image. The "Source Matrix" is the matrix where the image has been loaded. In this program, the image is loaded as "myImage" matrix.Example#include #include using namespace ... Read More

How to load and show image in OpenCV using C++?

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 07:45:51

2K+ Views

In this topic, we will determine how to load and show images using OpenCV in C++. There are the following functions required for loading and showing an image in OpenCV. Mat: Mat is not a function. It is a data structure, a type of variable. Like int, char, string variable types in C++, Mat is a variable of OpenCV, which creates a matrix data structure to load images inside it. In this program, we wrote 'Mat myImage;'. That means we are declaring a matrix variable named 'myImage'. namedWindow(): It allocates some memory and creates a window to show the image. It works like a ... Read More

How to install OpenCV for C++ in Windows?

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 07:44:08

18K+ Views

There are three steps to install OpenCV, which are as follows −Downloading all required software and install them.Processing OpenCV for Visual Studio.Linking OpenCV with Visual Studio.Let us define these steps one by one.Step 1 - Downloading and Installing the required SoftwareWe will use OpenCV in Microsoft Visual Studio. So we must have to download Visual Studio and OpenCV.Visual StudioOpenCVCMakeLet us learn how to install this software first.Installing Visual StudioThe first step is to download the Visual Studio on your system from its official website or follow link click on the download button for downloading the Visual Studio. After installing ... Read More

What is OpenCV?

Updated on 10-Mar-2021 07:35:56


OpenCV stands for open-source computer vision. It was generated to support a common infrastructure for computer vision operations and use system behaviour in financial products. It generally targets image processing, faces recognition, video capture, searching, and object disclosure.OpenCV is created to implement various operations including recognising and detecting faces, analysing human tasks in videos, identifying objects, recording camera movements, tracking moving objects, and combining images to create a high-resolution image for the accurate scene. Let's see the topic defining the term "Computer Vision."Computer VisionComputer vision is a flexible scientific area that manages to regenerate, preventing, and learn a 3D image from ... Read More
