Found 1383 Articles for Open Source

How to Install Airsonic Media Server on CentOS 7

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 14:53:01


Introduction Airsonic is an open-source web-based media server that allows users to manage, stream, and share their audio and video files. It is a versatile and powerful tool, with support for various media formats, as well as integration with third-party services like and Tidal. In this article, we will guide you through process of installing Airsonic on a CentOS 7 system. Prerequisites Before starting, ensure that you have − A CentOS 7 system with root or sudo access. A stable internet connection. Basic knowledge of command line. Step 1: Update Your System First, update your CentOS 7 ... Read More

A Guide to Yum and Apt on Linux

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 08-May-2023 11:35:19

3K+ Views

Introduction An open-source environment is made available to users of the well-known operating system Linux so they can do a range of jobs. Two of the most popular package managers are Yum and Apt, and package management is crucial in Linux. Users can easily install, update, and uninstall software packages from their systems using any package management. Yum can be found on Red Hat-based systems like CentOS and Fedora, whereas Apt may be found on Debian-based systems like Ubuntu. In this content, we'll look at two tools for managing packages on Linux: Yum and Apt. Learn about their purposes, results, ... Read More

How to Mount and Unmount Filesystems in Linux?

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 08-May-2023 11:33:30

4K+ Views

Introduction In Linux, everything (picture, binary file, text file, directory etc.) is treated as file. It is important to know how to organize and access files in a better way. Mount and umount commands are very handy in this case. In this article, we will learn these two commands. In short, using mount command we can mount a file system into a directory and using umount command we can umount the same file system from that directory. These can be done for hard disk and USB drive also. We have remember that all mount and umount commands works in “sudo” ... Read More

Guide to Monitoring Disk Usage on Linux

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 08-May-2023 11:28:27


Introduction It is essential for Linux users to monitor our system's disc usage to make sure we have enough storage for our programmes and files. Monitoring disc consumption can also aid in problem detection and performance enhancement for our system. In this article, we will look at four techniques for tracking Linux disc utilisation. We will go over the df tool to quickly see how much disc space is available, the du programme to keep track of how much disc space is being used by particular directories or files, the ncdu function to see a more interactive graphical representation of ... Read More

How to Pass Command Line Arguments to Bash Script

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 17:10:29


Introduction For Linux system administrators and developers, the ability to write Bash scripts is important. It enables us to automate routine processes and carry out difficult ones with little effort. One of the most crucial aspects of bash scripting is the ability to give information to a script as it is being executed. The ability to alter a script's behaviour without changing its code is made possible through command line parameters. In this article the usage of command line parameters in a bash script will be discussed. We will discuss some methods for handling command line arguments and give illustrations ... Read More

Linux Commands Using Secure Shell (ssh)

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 17:12:23


Introduction There are many ways we can access or communicate between two systems [Linux to Linux, Windows to Linux] through CLI. Secure Shell (ssh) is very useful tool to access any other Linux system. If two Linux systems are connected through any network then we can use ssh to access other system. There are some basic prerequisites to avail this facility ssh client software Example: default ssh binary in Linux, putty, mobaxterm etc. ssh server running in remote Linux system. IP or host name of remote system. Let us discuss on Linux system to Linux system communication using ... Read More

How to Execute Programs From Anywhere in Linux?

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 08-May-2023 11:20:45

2K+ Views

Linux is a widely used open-source operating system that offers users the flexibility to execute programs from any location on the system. Unlike other operating systems, Linux does not have fixed program directories, enabling users to access programs from anywhere. This feature is advantageous for users who require a particular program to run from multiple locations. To execute programs from anywhere in Linux, users need to set the PATH environment variable, which contains the locations where Linux searches for executable files. The directories that contain the programs in Linux include /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, and /sbin. The /usr/bin directory contains most of ... Read More

Working with Hidden Files in Linux

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 08-May-2023 11:18:32

4K+ Views

Introduction Hidden files in Linux operating system are files that are not displayed when the ls command is executed. A hidden file's name begins with a dot. Not only files, but also directories, can be hidden in Linux. Files in Linux are hidden for a variety of purposes. One of them is to prevent us from accidentally modifying the contents of these files. Another possibility is to avoid these files from being accidentally deleted. Files on shared networks may be hidden for privacy reasons. The majority of hidden files contain environment settings or data that are viewed by applications that ... Read More

How to Find Duplicate Files in Unix?

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 08-May-2023 11:16:26


Introduction As we increasingly depend on digital media for storing our important files, we tend to accumulate a large number of files over time. It can be challenging to manage these files, particularly when we have multiple copies of the same file that can consume storage space. To solve this issue, Unix provides several methods to find and remove duplicate files, saving us time and disk space. In this article, we will explore various approaches to find duplicate files in Unix and demonstrate the terminal commands that can be used for each method. With these various approaches, we can choose ... Read More

Cron Job Testing and Debugging in Linux

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 08-May-2023 11:14:38


Introduction First, we need to understand what is Cron Job in Linux. Cron job is also a Linux command that is used to schedule any kind of job in future. Therefore, this can serve many purpose of user as if some specific commands have to be run after reboot of system or some specific time in a day. Now there are many challenges in cron job testing and debugging. Let us understand these in details in this article. Syntax If we want set up a cron job, then we must understand the syntax of cron job. “a b c d ... Read More
