Found 1383 Articles for Open Source

How to Change or Reset Administrator Password on Windows Server?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:33:07


Introduction In today's world, security is one of the top priorities for any organization. The consequences of a security breach can be catastrophic, leading to loss of critical data, financial losses, and reputational damage. One way to ensure that your Windows Server environment stays secure is by maintaining strong passwords for your administrator accounts. As the administrator account has elevated privileges and access to sensitive data and systems in the network, it's crucial to secure it with a strong password that can't be easily guessed or cracked by attackers. A weak password is akin to leaving the front door open ... Read More

How to Change Nginx Port in Linux?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:31:56

2K+ Views

Introduction Nginx is a popular open-source web server that is known for its speed, reliability, and scalability. The default port for Nginx is 80, which allows web traffic to flow in and out of the server. While this port works well in most cases, it can also make the server vulnerable to cyber attacks since it is a well-known port that hackers target. Checking Current Nginx Configuration Step-by-Step Guide on How to Check Current Nginx Configuration Before changing the Nginx port, it is important to ensure that the current configuration is correct. To check the current Nginx configuration, follow these ... Read More

How to Change Kernel Runtime Parameters in a Persistent and Non-Persistent Way?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:28:05


Introduction Kernel runtime parameters are settings that control the behavior of the Linux kernel on your system. These parameters can affect a wide range of system functions, such as memory allocation, network performance, and CPU scheduling. Understanding how to change these parameters is crucial for optimizing system performance and troubleshooting issues that may arise. There are two main ways to change kernel runtime parameters: non-persistent changes and persistent changes. Non-persistent changes modify the kernel's behavior temporarily, lasting only until you reboot your system. Persistent changes, on the other hand, modify the kernel's behavior permanently and persist across reboots. Changing Kernel ... Read More

How to Change Jenkins Home Directory?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:26:28


Introduction Jenkins is a popular automation server that helps automate tasks in the software development process. The Jenkins Home Directory, also known as JENKINS_HOME, is the location where all of the configuration files, plugins, and other essential files are stored. This directory plays a significant role in maintaining the stability and performance of the Jenkins environment. But there may be situations where you need to change the Jenkins Home Directory location. Preparing to Change Jenkins Home Directory Understanding the Current Jenkins Home Directory Location Before changing the Jenkins Home Directory, it is important to understand where it is currently located. ... Read More

How to Change Hostname on Ubuntu 20.04?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:25:10


Introduction Have you ever heard the term "hostname" and wondered what it means? In simple terms, a hostname is the unique name that identifies a device on a network. It allows other devices to locate and connect to it, making it an essential component of any network setup. Whether you're running a small home network or managing multiple servers in an enterprise environment, understanding how to change the hostname can come in handy. In this article, we'll explore how to change the hostname on Ubuntu 20.04 – one of the most popular Linux distributions used today. We'll cover two methods: ... Read More

How to Change Hostname on Ubuntu 18.04?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:24:01


Introduction A hostname is the unique identifier of a device in a network, typically used to identify and connect to other devices on the same network. In other words, it is a label given to a computer or device that enables it to be uniquely identified when connected to the internet or any other network. In most cases, when your device is connected to the internet or a local network, it gets assigned a hostname by default. However, there are situations where you may need or want to change the hostname of your Ubuntu 18.04 machine. For instance, if you ... Read More

How to Change Hostname in Debian 10?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:22:00

3K+ Views

Introduction Debian is a widely used open-source operating system known for its stability and security. One of the essential aspects of a Linux system is its hostname, which is a unique name that identifies your computer on the network. A hostname can be useful when you want to connect to your machine remotely or if you are running a server that other people need to access. Changing the hostname in Debian 10 can offer several benefits, such as better organization and identification of devices within your network. Checking Current Hostname Before we begin the process of changing the hostname in ... Read More

How to Change Hostname in CentOS/RHEL 8?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:21:06


Introduction The hostname is a label assigned to a device on a network that identifies it uniquely. In CentOS/RHEL 8, the hostname plays an essential role in identifying servers and their purpose. A hostname is used to identify servers by both people and other machines on the network. By default, CentOS/RHEL 8 assigns a random hostname during installation, which may not reflect the server's function or location; hence it's important to change it. The Benefits of Changing Hostname Changing your server's name can bring many benefits beyond just better organization and identification of servers within a network. Once you set ... Read More

How to Change FTP Port in Linux?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:17:44


Introduction FTP, or File Transfer Protocol, is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the internet. In Linux, FTP is a vital tool for transferring files between servers or between a local machine and a server. It allows users to manage and organize files on their Linux system without having to be physically present at that location. Understanding the Default FTP Port in Linux FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an essential component of any Linux server. It allows users to transfer files between the local machine and remote ... Read More

How to Change File Permissions Recursively with chmod in Linux?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:16:54


Introduction In Linux, file permissions determine who can access, modify, or execute files and directories. They play a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of a system. Without proper file permissions, unauthorized users can gain access to sensitive data or execute malicious code that can damage a system. To understand why file permissions matter in Linux, it's important to know that every file and directory has an owner and a group associated with it. The owner is the user who created the file or directory, while the group is a collection of users with similar permissions. By assigning ... Read More
