Found 1383 Articles for Open Source

Preserve Linebreaks When Storing Command Output to a Variable

Prateek Jangid
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 10:41:44


In Linux, command substitution allows a user to use the output of a command as an argument for other commands. Here you can substitute all commands that can write standard output. Moreover, you can use the command substitution to create a shell script and save the command's output as a variable. Some of the output consists of multiple lines, so the output may not appear in the same pattern when you perform command substitution. When you don't use the proper shell variable, the output shows in a single line, i.e., without preserving the linebreaks. In this tutorial, we will look ... Read More

EasyTAG: A Tool for Viewing and Editing Tags in Audio and Video Files

Prateek Jangid
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 10:39:46


EasyTAG comes in handy when editing associated text tags of an image, audio, or video. It is an open-source, cross-platform, feature-rich, and free tool released under the GNU General Public License. EasyTAG tool acts as a backbone for animation, video, audio, application, etc., in which the details of the files, like tags, data, and image information, can be edited. EasyTAG also supports ID3 tags using the tag manipulation library of the MAD project. Originally, EasyTAG was designed to organize the music collection and is available for different platforms, including Windows and macOS. EasyTAG currently has various features, including: ... Read More

dutree – A CLI Tool to Analyze Disk Usage in Coloured Output

Prateek Jangid
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 10:30:18


The dutree is an open-source and free command line tool in Linux that lets you analyze disk usage and display the output in a colored format. This command combines two well-known Linux commands, the durep (generates disk usage report) and the tree (lists the contents of a directory in tree format) commands, and their attributes, written in the Rust language. Whenever you use this command to determine disk usage, it displays the result in a tree-like format. The dutree command is mainly used to see which directories and files take up the most space on the hard disk and lists ... Read More

BookStack Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 07-Sep-2023 15:46:02


What is BookStack? BookStack is an open-source software which can be used for the documentation. The platform allows you to create a knowledge store which can be used by you, your team, or your company. Laravel and PHP have been used to develop the platform and MySQL or MariaDB is used as a database. Data organization is easy and is based on real-world book terms. Content is created in the form of a page. A group of pages can be created which will be called Chapters. Books can be categorized with the help of the Shelves feature. ... Read More

Jitsi Meet Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 08:44:49


What is Jitsi Meet? Jitsi Meet is an app which can be used to have video conferencing with all the members of a team. The app is secure as it is fully encrypted. The app can be used for free as it is an open-source software. There is no need to create an account to use the app. Besides video conferencing, the app can be used for sharing presentations, use a custom URL to invite users to a conference, Using Etherpad, to edit documents, and many more. Price Plans of Jitsi Meet The app does not have any price plan. ... Read More

How to Check Integrity of File and Directory Using AIDE in Linux?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 14:32:32


Introduction Integrity of files and directories is an essential aspect of system security and data protection. File integrity refers to the accuracy and completeness of the information stored in a file, while directory integrity concerns the structure, permissions, ownership, and attributes of directories. When files or directories are tampered with or corrupted, they can cause critical errors, data loss, or even compromise system stability. Therefore, checking file and directory integrity is crucial for ensuring system reliability and preventing security breaches. Installing AIDE on Linux Requirements for Installing AIDE Before installing AIDE, it is important to ensure that the system meets ... Read More

How To Check If File or Directory Exists in Bash?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 14:32:06

3K+ Views

Introduction As a programmer or system administrator, you may need to check for file or directory existence frequently. Bash, which stands for "Bourne-Again SHell", is a Unix-based command-line interface that provides powerful scripting capabilities. In this article, we will explore how to check if a file or directory exists in Bash. Checking for File Existence In Bash scripting, it is common to check whether a file exists before performing certain operations on it. Fortunately, Bash provides several ways to accomplish this task. Using the "test" Command The "test" command is a built-in Bash command used to check various conditions and ... Read More

How to Check Disk Space in Linux?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 14:31:37


Introduction Checking disk space in Linux is a crucial task for maintaining the health of your system. Disk space is limited, and running out of it can lead to system failure, data loss, and reduced performance. It is essential to know how much disk space you have available and how much you are using at any given time. Luckily, checking disk space in Linux is a simple process that can be accomplished through the command line interface or the graphical user interface. Checking Disk Space Using Command Line Interface The Power of the df Command and Its Options The ... Read More

How to Check Debian Linux Version?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 14:31:17


Introduction Debian Linux is an open-source operating system that is widely used in both personal and professional settings. It was first released in 1993 and has since then gained a reputation for being stable, secure, and reliable. Debian Linux comes with a wide range of software packages that can be easily installed and used by users. Due to its stability, Debian Linux is the preferred choice of many system administrators who need to run servers or other mission-critical applications. Checking Debian Linux Version using Command Line Interface (CLI) The Power of the CLI For those who are unfamiliar with it, ... Read More

How to Check CPU Utilization in Linux with Command Line?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 14:30:47


Introduction Monitoring the performance of a Linux system is essential to ensuring that it is operating optimally. One of the key factors in determining the performance of a system is CPU utilization. CPU utilization refers to the percentage of time that the processor spends executing instructions from various processes and applications on the system. In Linux, there are numerous tools available for monitoring CPU utilization, but using command line tools provides a quick and efficient way to check this metric. Basic Command Line Tools for Checking CPU Utilization When it comes to monitoring CPU utilization with the command line in ... Read More
