Found 1383 Articles for Open Source Released - Setup Complete Varnish Cache Solution for Your Websites in Minutes

Ayush Singh
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 16:56:03


The recently launched offers a hassle-free way to set up a comprehensive Varnish cache arrangement for websites in minutes. With this stage, clients can effectively arrange and send Varnish Cache, a well-known open-source HTTP quickening agent, to optimise their site execution. By leveraging, site proprietors can essentially diminish server reaction times, move forward adaptability, and upgrade client involvement by and large. The stage streamlines the setup handle, permitting clients to focus on their centre trade rather than managing complex cache arrangements. With its user-friendly interface and speedy sending, empowers site directors to use the control of Varnish ... Read More

TiddlyWiki Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 11:18:50


What is TiddlyWiki? TiddlyWiki is a note−taking app which is providing its services for the past 15 years. Create a new note to change the behavior of the platform. TiddlyWiki is open−source and free software that can be used on different devices having different operating systems. You have to go to the official website of TiddlyWiki to install the app. Price Plans of TiddlyWiki There are three price plans of TiddlyWiki and the details can be found in the table below: Plan Cost Free $0 per month Standard $8 per month ... Read More

What Does the rm -rf Command Do in Linux?

Prince Yadav
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 16:00:28

4K+ Views

The rm -rf command is a crucial aspect of the Linux operating system that enables the deletion of files and directories. This particular command is often utilized in batch processing when a significant number of files and directories need to be removed. However, it is essential to be cautious when using the rm -rf command, as it can lead to permanent data loss and does not require any confirmations or prompts before deleting files and directories. In this article, we will delve into the mechanics of the rm -rf command and its dangers. Additionally, we will also provide some guidelines ... Read More

Users in Linux System Administration

Prince Yadav
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 15:59:30


For a variety of computing environments, Linux, an open-source operating system renowned for its reliability, security, and adaptability, has gained popularity. Managing user accounts is a critical component of Linux system administration that greatly impacts the safety, usability, and general effectiveness of the system. We will explore the complexities of creating, editing, and deleting user accounts as we delve into the world of Linux user management. We will also go over additional factors and best practices to make sure users are in a safe and organized environment. This comprehensive guide will give you the knowledge and tools required to master ... Read More

Useful and Time-Saving Bash Commands in Linux

Prince Yadav
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 15:58:16


Linux, an open-source operating system, is widely recognized for its robustness, security, and flexibility. While it offers a variety of graphical user interfaces, Linux's command-line interface, powered by the Bash shell, remains a favorite among power users and system administrators. Mastering Bash commands can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency in a Linux environment. From simplifying complex tasks to automating repetitive operations, understanding and utilizing useful and time-saving Bash commands can unlock a world of possibilities. In this article, we will explore a range of essential Bash commands that will empower you to navigate directories, manipulate files, process text, ... Read More

Tracking Down Wasted Disk Space in Linux using Agedu

Prince Yadav
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 15:56:41


If you’re a Linux user, managing disk space is essential to system maintenance. However, identifying the files and directories that are taking up larger amounts of space can be a stressful task. That's where Agedu comes in. Agedu is an important tool that can help you track down wasted disk space on your Linux system. In this article, you’ll be informed through installing and using Agedu to identify the directories and files that are taking up the most space on your Linux system. By the end of this article, you will be able to optimize your disk space by ... Read More

Top Command Line Tools to Find Files Quickly in Linux

Prince Yadav
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 15:18:02


In Linux, there are several command line tools that can be used to quickly and easily find files on the file system. These tools are powerful and versatile, allowing users to search for files based on a variety of criteria such as name, type, size, and more. Some of the most popular command line tools for finding files in Linux include ‘find’, ‘locate’, ‘grep’, ‘whereis’, ‘which’, ‘fd’, and ‘ack’. These tools are widely used by system administrators, developers, and power users, to find and locate files in a quick and efficient way. In this topic, we will explore some of ... Read More

Tips to Manage Docker Containers Using CLI

Prince Yadav
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 15:13:21


The way we create, ship, and deploy applications has been completely transformed by Docker. Developers can package their applications and dependencies into containers using Docker's lightweight containerization technology, which ensures consistency across various environments. Although Docker offers an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI), the command-line interface (CLI) is still a potent tool for effectively managing Docker containers. In this article, we'll look at some key CLI management tips for managing Docker containers, along with code samples for each tip. 1. Installing Docker CLI Before we delve into managing Docker containers, it is crucial to have the Docker CLI installed on your ... Read More

TheSpeedX / TBomb – Call and SMS Bomber for Kali Linux

Prince Yadav
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 15:09:34

36K+ Views

In this comprehensive tutorial, we will delve into the fascinating realm of TheSpeedX/TBomb, an incredible call and SMS bomber specifically designed for Kali Linux. We will not only explore the underlying technologies that power this tool but also provide you with detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to set up TBomb on your system and harness its full potential. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a thorough understanding of how to effectively employ TBomb for various purposes, empowering you with a powerful tool in your ethical hacking arsenal. TheSpeedX/TBomb - Call and SMS Bomber for Kali Linux Installing ... Read More

Show System Statistics from /proc Filesystem Using procinfo

Prince Yadav
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 15:06:52


Are you a Linux user or system administrator looking for a quick and easy way to access system statistics on your machine? Look no further than the procinfo command, a dominant advantage that allows you to access key information about your system's performance from the /proc filesystem. With procinfo, you can quickly and easily monitor important metrics like CPU usage, memory usage, and process information, all from the comfort of your terminal. Whether you're trying to diagnose a performance issue or simply want to keep tabs on your system's health, procinfo is an essential tool for any Linux user or ... Read More
