Found 1383 Articles for Open Source

What is .git folder and why is it hidden?

kannan sudhakaran
Updated on 20-Feb-2021 08:26:14

19K+ Views

Git is currently the most popular version control system. A version control system records the changes made to our project codebase in a special kind of file system-based database. In Git, this database is known as a repository and its structure is inspired by the Linux file system. The repository maintains a history of the changes to our codebase.The .git folder contains all information that is necessary for the project and all information relating commits, remote repository address, etc. It also contains a log that stores the commit history. This log can help you to roll back to the desired ... Read More

How to change the default configuration in Git?

kannan sudhakaran
Updated on 20-Feb-2021 08:24:06


The default configuration should be modified when you use Git for the first time. The git config command can be used to achieve the same. The following are some Git configuration settings that can be set −NameEmailDefault EditorLine EndingsGit allows us to configure the above settings at different levels. This means we can have different settings for different repositories of different projects. All configurations are stored in a configuration file.SyntaxThe syntax to modify Git’s configuration is −git config configuration_name [additional_flags]Git configuration can be modified at the following levels −System − System−level configuration is applied across an entire machine and ... Read More

Top skills that would be handy before taking up a technical role

Raunak Jain
Updated on 27-Oct-2020 08:15:35


Getting through all the tedious interview rounds of big tech giants for internships and jobs is in itself a big task. But once you clear the interview rounds and secure a job or an internship, the journey does not end there. In fact, this will be the time you need to upskill yourself in order to keep up with the pace of shift in technological stacks that the tech industry goes throughIn this article, we will be discussing top skills that would be very handy if you would learn it before taking up the job or internship position. We will ... Read More

Running Docker Container as a Non Root User

Raunak Jain
Updated on 27-Oct-2020 08:09:27

6K+ Views

When you run an application inside a Docker Container, by default it has access to all the root privileges. You might have noticed that when you open an Ubuntu Docker Container Bash, you are logged in as the root user by default. This can prove to be a major concern in terms of security of the application. Any outsider can misuse this and hack the entire Container along with all the other files and applications running inside the Docker Container. Hence, it becomes very important to perform most of the trivial operations as a non root user wherever possible.In this ... Read More

Creating a MySQL Docker Container

Raunak Jain
Updated on 27-Oct-2020 08:07:38


One of the most important features of Docker Containerization is that it creates a bounded environment for running the Application with all the necessary dependencies and packages installed. Most applications require a backend database to store data points. Oracle provides Docker Images for running MySQL inside Containers and thus it becomes an excellent choice for testing your database applications. It provides lightweight MySQL Image instances with cleanup features once your testing is completed.Docker allows you to download the Image containing the MySQL binaries and dependencies and creates a virtual filesystem. Note that if you start a Docker Container with the ... Read More

User defined bridge on Docker network

Raunak Jain
Updated on 27-Oct-2020 08:06:27


In this article, we are going to discuss why you should use a user-defined bridge network over default bridge networks. We will also demonstrate the same using practical examples.If you use a user−defined bridge for Container networking, all the Containers in that network automatically exposes all the required ports to each other but not to the external world. This increases interoperability among the containers and provides better isolation.When you create Docker Containers using the default bridge network, accessing each other can only be done using IP addresses. But in case of user-defined bridge networks, you can access them using names ... Read More

Docker host network vs bridge network

Raunak Jain
Updated on 27-Oct-2020 08:04:58

5K+ Views

There are two types of single−host networks available for Docker Networking - “host” and “bridge” networks. Single−host networks mean that their effect is local to each individual host.In case of a host network, a particular Docker Container can directly use the Networking of the host for sending and receiving the packets. In the case of a bridge network, it requires port mapping to communicate.To understand them better, let’s create a nginx container with the help of host networking. Before creating a nginx container, let’s list all the available networks.sudo docker network lsYou will find a network with the name host ... Read More

Working with Docker Swarm

Raunak Jain
Updated on 27-Oct-2020 08:03:07


If you are working on a microservice architecture, where you need to work on different project components on different machines and create a master slave architecture where the master nodes control the slave nodes, deploying your project through Docker Swarm might save you a lot of time, effort and resources.Docker Swarm is basically a cluster of physical or virtual machines called nodes which run docker containers separately and you can configure all these nodes to join a cluster managed by the master node called the swarm manager. It is an orchestration tool which allows you to manage multiple Docker Containers ... Read More

Working with Java inside Docker Container

Raunak Jain
Updated on 27-Oct-2020 08:01:46

2K+ Views

Java is one of the most popular enterprise languages right now. It is the core of object oriented programming and comes with great platforms to build enterprise level applications and testing platforms. For newbies, installing and getting accommodated with the Java environment might take some time initially.Docker Containers allow you to access Java Runtime Environment inside them, thus providing an easily manageable packaged environment with libraries already installed. If you have Docker installed on your local machine, instead of running Java applications and going through all the hustle, you can easily build a Java image by pulling it directly through ... Read More

Create a simple Numpy Jupyter Notebook using Docker

Raunak Jain
Updated on 27-Oct-2020 08:00:20


Machine learning and Data Science have certainly become the new buzzword. Organizations are now trying to adopt Data Analytics and Machine learning techniques to predict their sales and to increase their revenue. No doubt, specializing machine learning techniques would surely give you an upperhand in today’s corporate world. If you want to build a machine learning model in a dynamic and contained environment, there can be no better option than using Docker containers.You can build and run your Machine Learning models easily inside Docker Containers with the help of Jupyter Notebooks. In fact, the packed environment of a Docker Container ... Read More
