Found 1383 Articles for Open Source

Creating a Hex Dump of a File

Vishesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Nov-2022 09:42:30

1K+ Views

Introduction Hexdump shows the binary file contents in hexadecimal, decimal, octal, or ASCII form. It is an inspection tool that is also useful for programming, reverse engineering, and data recovery. It represents the content of a file in hexadecimal form. The various tools we can use to generate a file's hex dump will be covered in this article. We will learn to create a hex dump of a file. To utilise as a model for this article, let's generate an ASCII text file. $ cat >> example.txt This is our sample text in the file. We will convert it ... Read More

Convert Hex to ASCII Characters in the Linux Shell

Vishesh Kumar
Updated on 21-Nov-2022 09:27:21

8K+ Views

Introduction If a numbering system is represented in base 16 then it is considered to be hexadecimal. In this article we will understand to convert Hex to ASCII in the Linux Shell. The hexadecimal system uses a combination of digits and alphabetic characters, and it looks like this −0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Large digital systems are best suited for a hexadecimal numbering system since it can store and express long binary data. Because a total of 16 symbols (both digital and alphabetic, ranging from 0 to F) ... Read More

Difference between Open Source and Proprietary Software

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 28-Jul-2022 14:55:45

6K+ Views

Technology is something that has a significant impact on each and every one of our lives. Due to the large number of devices that we all interact with on a daily basis, we are exposed to a wide variety of software. We are able to complete a variety of tasks with the assistance of software.Software is an essential component that grants its users the ability to operate and carry out any designated activity. The difference between open-source software and proprietary software is a significant one in the software industry. Read through this article to find out how an open-source software ... Read More

How to Find Out File Types in Linux

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 15:03:50

3K+ Views

When it comes to Linux operating system, everything in general can be considered as a file. In UNIX, in total, there are seven standard file types −FIFO specialBlock specialCharacter specialSocketRegularDirectorySymbolic linkWhen it comes to Files, these can be mainly categorized into the following categories −Regular FilesDirectory FilesSpecial FilesThe simplest way to find out what a particular file is in an operating system is by looking at what kind of extension that particular file has. The extensions can be '.txt', '.py', '.go', etc. If a particular file does not have any extension in Linux, then we basically call that file as ... Read More

How to Repeat Your Last Command in Linux?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 12:41:58

6K+ Views

Linux terminal allows us to execute a variety of commands and sometimes it so happens that we find ourselves in a scenario where we might want to use a certain command more than once. There are many occurrences where we would want to repeat the command that we just ran. In Linux, this can be done with the help of different commands, and in this tutorial, we will explore all such commands with the help of different examples. For reference and simplicity, I will run a single command, say 'ls -ltr' and then use the different methods to search what ... Read More

How to Run a Command Multiple Times in Linux?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 10:17:00

8K+ Views

There are scenarios where you would want to run a particular command for 'N' number of times. In normal programming, this can be done with the help of any of the loops constructs available in that programming language. In Linux bash too, we have loops available as some other ways with which we can repeat commands 'N' number of times. In this tutorial, we will explore different bash scripts that will allow us to run a certain command multiple times. The first step when you want to work with a bash script is to create one. On Linux or macOS ... Read More

Best Command Line HTTP Client for Linux

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 22-Jul-2022 08:47:56

2K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will explore some of the most commonly used and famous HTTP clients that are present in Linux. A HTTP Client is a software that is mainly used to allow us to download files from the Internet. The primary reason for using HTTP clients is generally to download files, but these can also be used in case we want to debug or interact with a web server or multiple web servers.Now, let's consider the most famous HTTP Clients that are used.HTTPieWith the name that almost resembles of the famous web protocol (i.e., HTTP), HTTPie, is command line ... Read More

Array Operations in Linux bash

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 18-Jul-2022 06:19:48


Bash scripts are one of the most convenient approaches when we talk about making the command line processes automated in nature. They help us in doing a group of things in a simpler and more understandable manner, and we can do almost all theoperations that we could do in other languages as well.It is well known that the syntax of the bash can be tricky at first, and hence I will try to explain everything that I have used in this tutorial.We come across various situations where we would want to make use of bash scripts to perform different operations ... Read More

Freeware v/s Shareware

sudhir sharma
Updated on 01-Feb-2022 10:25:12

6K+ Views

Softwares are a set of programs that are created in order to perform a specific computer task. Generally, the software is created by developers to solve the needs of its users. And based on the restrictions that are imposed on software. Basically, there are a few categories based on licensing. Here, we will compare two types: Freeware and Shareware.Freeware SoftwareThese softwares are the softwares that are available to the users free of cost to use and distribute. The source code of the software is not available to use and cannot be modified.Shareware SoftwareThese softwares are the softwares that are initially ... Read More

What are Alternative Ways to Reverse a String from Shell?

Prateek Jangid
Updated on 29-Nov-2021 10:51:44


In the Linux shell, we have predefined commands to return a reversed string. Anyone can use these commands for reversing an output of the program.Perl CommandIt is a general-purpose programming language in Linux.Inputperl -ne 'chomp;print scalar reverse . "";'
