Found 9326 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

What does the method elements() do in java?

Paul Richard
Updated on 25-Feb-2020 10:04:48


The elements() method is used to return an enumeration of the components of this vector. The returned Enumeration object will generate all items in this vector at the similar index location.Exampleimport java.util.Vector; public class VectorDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) {             Vector vec = new Vector(4);       vec.add(4);       vec.add(3);       vec.add(2);       vec.add(1);       Enumeration e=vec.elements();       System.out.println("Numbers in the enumeration are :- ");       while (e.hasMoreElements()) {          System.out.println("Number = " + e.nextElement());       }    } }OutputNumbers in the enumeration are :- Number = 4 Number = 3 Number = 2 Number = 1

What does the method contains(obj o) do in java?

Nikitha N
Updated on 25-Feb-2020 08:20:14


The contains(Object) method of the java.util.ArrayList class returns true if this list contains the specified element.Exampleimport java.util.ArrayList; public class ArrayListDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) {       ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList

What does the method isEmpty() do in java?

Srinivas Gorla
Updated on 20-Feb-2020 12:17:27


The isEmpty() method of the class java.util.ArrayList returns true if this list contains no elements.Exampleimport java.util.ArrayList; public class ArrayListDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) {       ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList(5);       arrlist.add(25);       arrlist.add(10);       arrlist.add(20);       arrlist.add(35);       boolean retval = arrlist.isEmpty();       if (retval == true) {          System.out.println("list is empty");       } else {          System.out.println("list is not empty");       }       for (Integer number : arrlist) {          System.out.println("Number = " + number);       }    } }Outputlist is not empty Number = 25 Number = 10 Number = 20 Number = 35

What does the method int capacity() do in java?

Vikyath Ram
Updated on 25-Feb-2020 10:06:15


The capacity() method is used to return the current capacity of a vector. Capacity is the length of the array kept in the vector.Exampleimport java.util.Vector; public class VectorDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) {       Vector vec = new Vector();       vec.add(14);       vec.add(13);       vec.add(12);       vec.add(11);       vec.add(4);       vec.add(3);       vec.add(2);       vec.add(1);       System.out.println("Capacity of the vector is :"+vec.capacity());    } }OutputCapacity of the vector is :10

What does the method size() do in java?

Abhinanda Shri
Updated on 20-Feb-2020 12:16:41


The size() method of the class java.util.ArrayList returns the number of elements in this list i.e. the size of the list.Exampleimport java.util.ArrayList; public class ArrayListDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) {       ArrayList arrlist = new ArrayList(5);       arrlist.add(15);       arrlist.add(20);       arrlist.add(25);       arrlist.add(22);       for (Integer number : arrlist) {          System.out.println("Number = " + number);       }       int retval = arrlist.size();       System.out.println("Size of list = " + retval);    } }OutputNumber = 15 Number = 20 Number = 25 Number = 22 Size of list = 4

What does the method removeAllElements() do in java?

Rishi Raj
Updated on 25-Feb-2020 10:07:20


The removeAllElements() method is used to remove all components from this vector and sets its size to zero. This method is identical in functionality to the clear method.Exampleimport java.util.Vector; public class VectorDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) {       Vector vec = new Vector(4);       vec.add(4);       vec.add(3);       vec.add(2);       vec.add(1);       System.out.println("Added numbers are :- ");       for (Integer number : vec) {          System.out.println("Number = " + number);       }       System.out.println("Size of ... Read More

What does the method removeElementAt(int index) do in java?

George John
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


The removeElementAt(int index) method is used to delete the component at the specified index. Each component in this vector with an index greater or equal to the specified index is shifted downward to have an index one smaller than the value it had previously and the size of this vector is decreased by 1. Example public class VectorDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector vec = new Vector(4); vec.add(4); vec.add(3); ... Read More

What does the method lastElement() do in java?

Updated on 25-Feb-2020 10:08:06


The lastElement() method is used to return the last component of the vector.Exampleimport java.util.Vector; public class VectorDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) {       Vector vec = new Vector(4);       vec.add(4);       vec.add(3);       vec.add(2);       vec.add(1);       System.out.println("Last element: "+vec.lastElement());    } }OutputLast element: 1

What does the method firstElement() do in java?

Paul Richard
Updated on 25-Feb-2020 10:09:47


The firstElement() method is used to return the first component (the item at index 0) of this vector.Exampleimport java.util.Vector; public class VectorDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) {       Vector vec = new Vector(4);       vec.add(4);       vec.add(3);       vec.add(2);       vec.add(1);       System.out.println("First element is :"+vec.firstElement());    } }OutputFirst element is :4

What does the method elementAt(int index) do in java?

Vikyath Ram
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


The elementAt(int index) method is used to get the component at the specified index/location of the vector.Exampleimport java.util.Vector; public class VectorDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) {       Vector vec = new Vector(4);       vec.add(4);       vec.add(3);       vec.add(2);       vec.add(1);       System.out.println("Element at 1st position :- "+vec.elementAt(1));    } }OutputElement at 1st position :- 3
