Found 9326 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

Explain the ODBC architecture?

Nancy Den
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 10:39:16

1K+ Views

ODBC architecture consists of the following components.Application: An application which communicates with the databases using ODBC functions is an ODBC application.ODBC driver manager: The ODBC diver manager manages the underlying drivers in an application. Whenever an application calls a function of ODBC API to communicate with a database, the driver manager accepts those function calls and passes them to the ODBC driver. When the driver retrieves the results from the database the driver manager accepts the results from the driver and returns it back to the application.ODBC driver: The ODBC driver accepts the application function calls from the driver manager ... Read More

What are the features of ODBC?

Nancy Den
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25

1K+ Views

ODBC drivers implements standard SQL syntax, following are the important features of ODBC:Inter-operability: Using ODBC driver you can develop applications which can communicate with different Database Management Systems and, you can switch/migrate your application from one database to other easily.SQL Syntax: ODBC implements SQL syntax for easy understanding. Whenever an SQL statement passed to the ODBC driver it matches the given statement to the SQL 92 standard and writes the respective SQL statement that is accepted by an underlying database.Rich metadata: ODBC provides rich support to metadata. It provides functions to get data about both functions and datatypes.Attributes: ODBC also ... Read More

What is ODBC?

Nancy Den
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25

4K+ Views

ODBC stands for Oracle Database Connectivity. It is an API which is used to access different databases.The OFBC driver uses the Open Database connectivity interface provided by Microsoft to communicate with the databases. It is independent of Databases and platforms and operating systems. Once you develop an application using ODBC you can run it on other platforms with little change in Data access code. ODBC uses SQL syntax and it is based on Open call level interface.

JavaTuples addAtX() method for Septet class

Samual Sam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The addAtX() method is used to add value to the Septet Tuple. The index can be set here with the X i.e. the place where the value gets added.Let us first see what we need to work with JavaTuples. To work with Septet class in JavaTuples, you need to import the following package −import org.javatuples.Septet;Note − Steps to download and run JavaTuples program. If you are using Eclipse IDE to run Septet Class in JavaTuples, then Right Click Project → Properties → Java Build Path → Add External Jars and upload the downloaded JavaTuples jar file.The following is an example ... Read More

JavaTuples setAt0() method for Septet class

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The setAt0() method is used to set the Septet value in JavaTuples and a copy with new value at the specified index i.e. index 0 here.Let us first see what we need to work with JavaTuples. To work with Septet class in JavaTuples, you need to import the following package −import org.javatuples.Septet;Note − Steps to download and run JavaTuples program. If you are using Eclipse IDE to run Septet Class in JavaTuples, then Right Click Project → Properties → Java Build Path → Add External Jars and upload the downloaded JavaTuples jar file.The following is an example −Exampleimport org.javatuples.Septet; import ... Read More

Create Septet Tuple from Array in Java

Samual Sam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Let us first see what we need to work with JavaTuples. To work with Septet class in JavaTuples, you need to import the following package −import org.javatuples.Septet;Note − Steps to download and run JavaTuples program. If you are using Eclipse IDE to run Septet Class in JavaTuples, then Right Click Project → Properties → Java Build Path → Add External Jars and upload the downloaded JavaTuples jar file.The following is an example −Exampleimport org.javatuples.Septet; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] myArr = { ... Read More

Create Septet Tuple from List in Java

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The fromCollection() method is used in JavaTuples to create Septet Tuple from List collection.Let us first see what we need to work with JavaTuples. To work with Septet class in JavaTuples, you need to import the following package −import org.javatuples.Septet;Note − Steps to download and run JavaTuples program. If you are using Eclipse IDE to run Septet Class in JavaTuples, then Right Click Project → Properties → Java Build Path → Add External Jars and upload the downloaded JavaTuples jar file.The following is an example −Exampleimport org.javatuples.Septet; import java.util.*; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] ... Read More

Create Unit Tuple from another collection in Java

Samual Sam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


To create Unit Tuple from another collection, use the fromCollection() method.Let us first see what we need to work with JavaTuples. To work with the Unit class in JavaTuples, you need to import the following package −import org.javatuples.Unit;Note − Steps to download and run JavaTuples program. If you are using Eclipse IDE to run Unit Class in Java Tuples, then Right Click Project → Properties → Java Build Path → Add External Jars and upload the downloaded JavaTuples jar file.The following is an example −Exampleimport java.util.*; import org.javatuples.Unit; public class Demo {    public static void main(String[] args) {   ... Read More

The contains() method of Quintet class in JavaTuples

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Use the contains() method to search a value in the Quintet class in JavaTuples.Let us first see what we need to work with JavaTuples. To work with Quintet class in JavaTuples, you need to import the following package −import org.javatuples.Quintet;Note − Steps to download and run JavaTuples program. If you are using Eclipse IDE to run Quintet Class in JavaTuples, then Right Click Project → Properties → Java Build Path → Add External Jars and upload the downloaded JavaTuples jar file.The following is an example −Exampleimport org.javatuples.Quintet; public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { ... Read More

Fetch the value in a Java Pair Class Tuple

Samual Sam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Use the getValueX() method to fetch the value from Pair Tuple class in Java at a particular index. For example, getValue0().Let us first see what we need to work with JavaTuples. To work with Pair class in JavaTuples, you need to import the following package −import org.javatuples.Pair;Note − Steps to download and run JavaTuples program. If you are using Eclipse IDE to run Pair Class in JavaTuples, then Right Click Project → Properties → Java Build Path → Add External Jars and upload the downloaded JavaTuples jar file.The following is an example −Exampleimport org.javatuples.Pair; public class Demo { ... Read More
