Found 9326 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

What's the best RESTful web framework to use with Java

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 17:58:55


Introduction Let us talk about what’s the best Java RESTful web framework to use with Java language. We know there are a lot of frameworks available but the “Spring Boot” is the best choice among other Java frameworks. Here we will talk about the usage of the RestTemplate and integration of various data formats including JSON, XML, and HTML using the Spring Boot framework. We will also discuss various approaches to handling HTTP requests. We will learn why Spring Boot is the ideal framework for creating RESTful web services in Java by understanding this article. Support of HTTP in ... Read More

Does it make sense to choose JavaScript instead of Java for server-side programming and why

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 17:54:22


Introduction We know that over a period of time JavaScript has gained popularity for its versatility and it’s easy to use. Java remains a top choice for server-side programming due to its reliability, scalability, and large ecosystem. Let us discuss about why choosing Java as a server-side programming language over JavaScript is a better choice. We will talk about different approaches to explain the strengths of Java. Firstly, we will discuss the stability and robustness of Java by using Spring boot. Then we will explain the scalability and performance of Java. At last, we will explain the advantage of server-side ... Read More

Is Java dying at the hands of Oracle What future is there for Java?

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 15:47:55


Introduction Java is a widely used programming language since 1995 and Java has played a very important role in software development. Although there are many issues regarding its future due to events involving Oracle. Let us discuss these concerns and explore different viewpoints surrounding future of Java. We will explain whether Java is dying at the hands Oracle's influence or if it has the potential for a promising future. In this article at first, we will discuss about the challenges faced due by Oracle and the simplicity of coding in Java language. After that we will also discuss Java's ... Read More

How to Standardize Data in a Pandas DataFrame?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 28-Aug-2023 20:37:50

2K+ Views

In the vast expanse of data exploration, the art of standardization, sometimes referred to as feature scaling, assumes a paramount role as a preparatory step. It involves the transformation of disparate data elements into a harmonized range or scale, enabling fair analysis and comparison. Python's extraordinary library, Pandas, seamlessly facilitates this endeavor. Picture Pandas DataFrames as two-dimensional, ever-shifting, heterogeneous tabular data arrays, meticulously crafted to streamline the manipulation of data. With intuitive syntax and dynamic capabilities, it has emerged as the structure of choice for data enthusiasts worldwide. Let us delve deeper into the methods we can employ to ... Read More

How to Print Colored Text in Java Console?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 17:26:18

9K+ Views

When dealing with Java terminal apps, individuals may frequently want to print colored text to improve the output's aesthetic appeal and readability. ANSI escape codes can be used to generate colored text instead of the monochrome output that Java's default terminal generally produces. When printed to the console, ANSI escape codes are unique sets of characters that alter the text's appearance by altering its color, style, or background. In this article, we'll look at how to print colored text in the Java console using ANSI escape codes. We'll go over two examples, one with colored text only and the other ... Read More

How to Print an Array in Java Without using Loop?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 17:24:35

2K+ Views

The task of printing an array's elements in Java is one that programmers come upon regularly. Having a simple and effective technique for printing arrays is crucial, whether you want to display the array contents for debugging purposes, present them to the user in a prepared manner, or analyze the data within the array. While utilizing a loop is the most common and conventional strategy, there may be times when you need to look into other options to do the same objective. To provide you with a new viewpoint on how to handle array printing chores, this article seeks to ... Read More

How to Print all Keys of the LinkedHashMap in Java?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 17:22:17


Java's LinkedHashMap data structure combines the strengths of a HashMap as well as of a doubly-linked list. It is one of the better options for situations requiring predictable iteration as it not only offers key-value mapping like a HashMap but also preserves the insertion order of components. There are times when we need to print every key found in a LinkedHashMap for multiple reasons, that include debugging, analysis and information display to users. In this post, we will examine two excellent techniques that let us print every key from a LinkedHashMap in Java, enabling us to effectively extract and visualize ... Read More

How to Prevent the Addition of Duplicate Elements to the Java ArrayList?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 17:19:53

2K+ Views

Widely used Java ArrayLists are data structures that offer dynamic arrays, enabling simple element manipulation. It is sometimes necessary to stop duplicate elements from being added to an ArrayList, though. Duplicate parts can cause your programme to behave unexpectedly, produce erroneous results, and use wasteful algorithms. This article will examine two methods to avoid adding duplicate components to a Java ArrayList, arming you with the information and resources you need to maintain data integrity and write cleaner code. Multiple disadvantages may result from adding duplicate elements to an array list. First, it might result in redundant data, which would use ... Read More

How to Print all Mappings of the LinkedHashMap in Java?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 17:29:29


In Java, a LinkedHashMap is a popular data structure that combines the advantages of a doubly linked list with a hash map. The elements are retrieved in the same order as they were added since it preserves the sequence of insertion. When we need to iterate over the key-value pairs in a specified sequence, LinkedHashMaps are especially helpful. There are several methods accessible in situations where we want to print every mapping contained in a LinkedHashMap. In this article, we will examine two different methods for efficiently printing all LinkedHashMap's mappings in Java, each having its own benefits and sample ... Read More

Find Words which are Greater than given Length k using Stringstream

Avinash Gupta
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 21:30:42


This is the problem based on stringstream class present in C++ “sstream” header file. Here, we have to find those strings whose lengths are greater than “k”. This task will be performed by using stringstream class. The concept is to partition the string and then iterate through the defined words. The value of length k has to be specified to obtain the words which are larger than k whereas the length of the words which are smaller than k will not be displayed in the output. In this article, we will understand how to find words which are greater than ... Read More

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