Found 9291 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

How to create a scatter chart using JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 19-May-2020 12:44:17


The bubble chart accepts a series of data points (x, y) as input values and, creates symbols for the data points in the given series. In JavaFX, you can create a scatter chart by instantiating the javafx.scene.chart.ScatterChartclass.While instantiating this class you must pass the two objects of the Axis class representing the x and y-axis (as parameters of the constructor). Since the Axis class is abstract you need to pass objects of its concrete subclasses, NumberAxis (for numerical values) or, CategoryAxis (String values).Once you create the axes you can set labels to them using the setLabel() method.Setting dataThe XYChart.Series represents ... Read More

How to create a bubble chart using JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 19-May-2020 12:42:11


The bubble chart accepts a series of data points (x, y) as input values and, creates bubbles for the data points in the given series. In JavaFX, you can create a bubble chart by instantiating the javafx.scene.chart.BubbleChart class.Generally, in all X-Y charts, the data points plot two values (x, y). In the bubble chart, you can have an optional third value which is represented by the radius of the bubble.While instantiating this class you must pass the two objects of the Axis class representing the x and y-axis (as parameters of the constructor). Since the Axis class is abstract you ... Read More

How to create a bar chart using JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 19-May-2020 12:38:51


The bar chart accepts a series of data points (x, y) as input values, and creates bars representing their values. Typically, these charts are used to represent the value of a category. Depending on the axis of the category the bars of a bar chart can be vertical or horizontal. In JavaFX, you can create a bar chart by instantiating the javafx.scene.chart.BarChart class.While instantiating this class you must pass the two objects of the Axis class representing the x and y-axis (as parameters of the constructor). Since the Axis class is abstract you need to pass objects of its concrete ... Read More

How to create an area chart using JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 19-May-2020 12:36:31


The area chart accepts a series of data points (x, y) as input values, connects them using a line, and maps the area between the obtained line and the axis. In JavaFX, you can create an area chart by instantiating the javafx.scene.chart.AreaChart class.While instantiating this class you must pass the two objects of the Axis class representing the x and y-axis (as parameters of the constructor). Since the Axis class is abstract you need to pass objects of its concrete subclasses, NumberAxis (for numerical values) or, CategoryAxis (String values).Once you create the axes you can set labels to them using ... Read More

How to create a line chart using JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 19-May-2020 12:33:44


Inline chart, the data values have represented a series of points connected by a line. In JavaFX, you can create a line chart by instantiating the javafx.scene.chart.LineChart class.While instantiating this class you must pass the two objects of the Axis class representing the x and y-axis (as parameters of the constructor). Since the Axis class is abstract you need to pass objects of its concrete subclasses, NumberAxis (for numerical values) or, CategoryAxis (String values).Once you create the axes you can set labels to them using the setLabel() method.Setting dataThe XYChart.Series represents the series of data items. You can create a ... Read More

How to create a Pie chart using JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 19-May-2020 12:31:07


In the pie chart, we represent the data values as slices of a circle. Each slice is differentiated from other (typically by color). In JavaFX, you can create a pie chart by instantiating the javafx.scene.chart.PieChart class.This class provides various properties, by setting values to them using their respective setter methods, you can customize the pie chart.The slices of the pie chart are placed clockwise (from the start angle) by default. You can arrange them anti-clockwise by setting the clockwise property to false, using the setClockwise() method.Each slice is associated with a label. (name of the slice as value) By default, these ... Read More

How to color the plotted area of a JavaFX xy-chart?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 19-May-2020 12:27:56


All the XY charts have an abstract method named layoutPlotChildren(). To color the plotted area (region) of an XY chart one way is to override this method. Generally, it is called to update and layout the plot of children.In the body of this method −Get the series data.Extract the plotted points.Draw a polygon in the plotted area using the extracted points.Set the desired color to the polygon.Exampleimport javafx.application.Application; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.chart.LineChart; import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis; import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart; import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Series; import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.scene.shape.Polygon; public class EnhancingGraphPlot extends Application {    public void start(Stage ... Read More

How to set a particular color as background to a JavaFX chart?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 19-May-2020 12:24:30


The javafx.scene.chart package provides classes to create various charts namely − line chart, area chart, bar chart, pie chart, bubble chart, scatter chart, etc.You can create the required chart by instantiating the respective class.Setting background image and the color −The -fx-background-color class of JavaFX CSS is used to set a colored background to a chart.The -fx-background-color (of the region chart-plot-background) class of JavaFX CSS is used to set the back ground color.JavaFX Scene class has an observable list to hold all the required style sheets. You can get this list using the getStylesheets() method.To set an image as a background ... Read More

How to set a background image to a JavaFX chart?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 19-May-2020 12:21:52

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The javafx.scene.chart package provides classes to create various charts namely − line chart, area chart, bar chart, pie chart, bubble chart, scatter chart, etc.You can create the required chart by instantiating the respective class.Setting background image and the colorThe -fx-background-image class of JavaFX CSS is used to set an image as a background to a chart.The -fx-background-color (of the region chart-plot-background) class of JavaFX CSS is used to set the back ground color.JavaFX Scene class has an observable list to hold all the required style sheets. You can get this list using the getStylesheets() method.To set an image as a ... Read More

How to change the color of X and Y axis lines in a JavaFX char?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 19-May-2020 12:19:29


The javafx.scene.chart package provides classes to create various charts namely &minusl line chart, area chart, bar chart, pie chart, bubble chart, scatter chart, etc.Except for pie chart, all other charts are plotted on the XY planes. You can create the required XY chart by instantiating the respective class.Changing the color of axis lines −The fx-border-color class of JavaFX CSS is used to set the color of the border of a node.The -fx-border-width class of JavaFX CSS is used to set the width of the border of a node.The setStyle() method of the Node (Base class of all the nodes) class ... Read More
