Found 9291 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

Java program to split and join a string

Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:28:09

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To split and join a string in Java, use the split() and join() method as in the below example −Examplepublic class Demo{    public static void main(String args[]){       String my_str = "This_is_a_sample";       String[] split_str = my_str.split("_", 4);       System.out.println("The split string is:");       for (String every_Str : split_str)       System.out.println(every_Str);       String joined_str = String.join("_", "This", "is", "a", "sample");       System.out.println("The joined string is:");       System.out.println(joined_str);    } }OutputThe split string is: This is a sample The joined string is: This_is_a_sampleA class ... Read More

Convert one base to other bases in a single Java Program

Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:27:06


Let’s say we have an Octal number. To convert Octal to other bases like binary, hexadecimal, etc, the Java code is as follows −Example Live Demopublic class Demo{    public static String base_convert(String num, int source, int destination){       return Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(num, source), destination);    }    public static void main(String[] args){       String my_num = "345";       int source = 8;       int destination = 2;       System.out.println("Converting the number from octal to binary: "+ base_convert (my_num, source, destination));       destination = 10;       System.out.println("Converting the number ... Read More

How to write an empty function in Java

Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:24:48

3K+ Views

Let us see how to write an empty function in Java −Example Live Demoimport java.util.Vector; public class Demo{    public static void my_empty_fun(){    }    public static void main(String[] args){       System.out.println("In the main function");       my_empty_fun();    }   }OutputIn the main functionAn empty function is basically creating a function without defining any operations inside it. A class named Demo contains an empty function named ‘my_empty_fun’ which is just completed by placing two flower brackets, without adding any functionality into it. In the main function, a print statement is written after which the empty function ... Read More

Run-time Stack mechanism in Java

Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:23:32


Eeverytime a process or a code or a thread needs to run in Java, a runtime stack is created so as to store the operations performed while executing the thread.Every entry in the run-time stack is known as stack frame or activation record. Once a function has been called by the process, its associated data is deleted from the runtime stack.Once all the functions have been called, the runtime stack will be empty. This means it needs to be removed from the memory.At this point in time, the runtime stack is destroyed and then the thread is also terminated.A termination ... Read More

Merge two sets in Java

Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:21:48

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To merge two sets in Java, the code is as follows −Example Live Demoimport*; import java.util.*; import*; public class Demo{    public static Set set_merge(Set set_1, Set set_2){       Set my_set =;       my_set.addAll(set_2);       return my_set;    }    public static void main(String[] args){       Set my_set_1 = new HashSet();       my_set_1.addAll(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 34, 67, 89, 102 }));       Set my_set_2 = new HashSet();       my_set_2.addAll(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 77, 11, 0 , -33}));       System.out.println("The first set contains " ... Read More

Merge arrays into a new object array in Java

Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:20:12


Following is the Java program to merge array into a new object array in Java −Example Live Demoimport; import java.util.Arrays; import*; public class Demo{    public static Object[] concat_fun(T[] my_obj_1, T[] my_obj_2){       return Stream.concat(,;    }    public static void main (String[] args){       Integer[] my_obj_1 = new Integer[]{67, 83, 90};       Integer[] my_obj_2 = new Integer[]{11, 0, 56};       Object[] my_obj_3 = concat_fun(my_obj_1, my_obj_2);       System.out.println("The two objects merged into a single object array : " +  Arrays.toString(my_obj_3));    } }OutputThe two objects merged into ... Read More

Memory leaks in Java

Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:19:01


In Java, garbage collection (the work of destructor) is done automatically using garbage collection. But what if there are objects that have references to them in the code? It can’t be de-allocated, i.e their memory can’t be cleared. If such a situation occurs again and again, and the created or referred objects are not used at all, they become useless. This is what is known as a memory leak.If the memory limit is exceeded, the program gets terminated by throwing an error, i.e ‘OutOfMemoryError’. This is the reason why it is always suggested to remove all references to an object ... Read More

Max Heap in Java

Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:17:19

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Max heap is a complete binary tree, wherein the value of a root node at every step is greater than or equal to value at the child node.Below is an implementation of Max Heap using library functions.Example Live Demoimport java.util.*; public class Demo{    public static void main(String args[]){       PriorityQueue my_p_queue = new PriorityQueue(Collections.reverseOrder());       my_p_queue.add(43);       my_p_queue.add(56);       my_p_queue.add(99);       System.out.println("The elements in the priority queue are : ");       Iterator my_iter = my_p_queue.iterator();       while (my_iter.hasNext())       System.out.println(;       my_p_queue.poll(); ... Read More

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Stack Area

Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:15:24


Following are some key points to undertstand JVM Stack Area −During the creation of a thread, the Java Virtual Machine creates a separate stack.The JVM performs only two operations upon this stack. The operations are push (i.e insert) and pop (i.e delete).When a thread is currently in execution, the stack associated with it is known as runtime stack.Every method call done by the thread, intermediate calculations, assignment of local variables, calling parameters etc, are stored as an operation in the runtime stack.Once the thread stops or completes executing, the respective part from the stack is deleted.Once all the calls by ... Read More

Java Program for Iterative Quick Sort

Updated on 07-Jul-2020 08:13:14


Following is the Java program for Iterative Quick Sort −Example Live Demopublic class Demo{    void swap_vals(int arr[], int i, int j){       int temp = arr[i];       arr[i] = arr[j];       arr[j] = temp;    }    int partition(int arr[], int l, int h){       int x = arr[h];       int i = (l - 1);       for (int j = l; j l){             my_list[++top] = l;             my_list[++top] = p - 1;       ... Read More
