Found 9297 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

Is there any way I can call the validate() function outside the initValidation() function in JavaScript?

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:02:11


We wish to call the function validate() outside of initValidation(), without necessarily having to call initValidation()Following is our problem code −function initValidation(){    // irrelevant code here    function validate(_block){       // code here    } }In JavaScript, as we know that functions are nothing but objects, so to achieve this we can tweak our code like this −function initValidation(){    // irrelevant code here    function validate(_block){       // code here       console.log(_block);    }    this.validate = validate; }What this tweak does is that it makes our parent function to represent a ... Read More

Sorting by 'next' and 'previous' properties (JS comparator function)

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:00:57


Here is our sample array of object, consider each object as representing some page of a multipage website, each object have a next property (unless it represents the last page) that points to some id of another object and a previous property (unless it represents the first page) that points to some id of its previous object.These objects are all positioned randomly right now, our job is to sort them to their correct position −let arr = [    { id: "1325asdfasdasd", next: "5345341fgdfgdd", previous:"545234123fsdfd" },    { id: "das987as9dya8s", next: "3j12k3b1231jkj" },    { id: "89ad8sasds9d8s", previous: "1j3b12k3jbasdd" }, ... Read More

Sorting arrays by two criteria in JavaScript

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 06:58:19

3K+ Views

Let the following be the array to be sorted by date and isImportant. All the objects with isImportant property true rank higher than any any of the object with isImportant false and both the groups sorted according to the date property.Following is our array −const array = [{    id: 545,    date: 591020824000,    isImportant: false, }, {    id: 322,    date: 591080224000,    isImportant: false, }, {    id: 543,    bdate: 591080424000,    isImportant: true, }, {    id: 423,    date: 591080225525,    isImportant: false, }, {    id: 135,    date: 591020225525,    isImportant: ... Read More

How do I search through an array using a string, which is split into an array with JavaScript?

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 06:56:19


We are given an array of strings and another string for which we are required to search in the array. We can filter the array checking whether it contains all the characters that user provided through the input.The code for doing the same would be −ExampleSolution 1const deliveries = ["14/02/2020, 11:47, G12, Kalkaji", "13/02/2020, 11:48, A59, Amar Colony"]; const input = "g12, kal"; const pn = input.split(" "); const requiredDeliveries = deliveries.filter(delivery => pn.every(p => delivery.toLowerCase() .includes(p.toLowerCase()))); console.log(requiredDeliveries);OutputThe output in console −["14/02/2020, 11:47, G12, Kalkaji"]In another and a bit better approach we can remove the step of splitting the input ... Read More

Is it possible to have JavaScript split() start at index 1?

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 06:55:16


As of the official String.prototype.split() method there exist no way to start splitting a string from index 1 or for general from any index n, but with a little tweak in the way we use split(), we can achieve this functionality.We followed the following approach −We will create two arrays −One that is splitted from 0 to end --- ACTUALSecond that is splitted from 0 TO STARTPOSITION --- LEFTOVERNow, we iterate over each element of leftover and splice it from the actual array. Thus, the actual array hypothetically gets splitted from STARTINDEX to END.Exampleconst string = 'The quick brown fox ... Read More

Flat a JavaScript array of objects into an object

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 06:54:08

2K+ Views

To flat a JavaScript array of objects into an object, we created a function that takes array of object as only argument. It returns a flattened object with key append by its index. The time complexity is O(mn) where n is the size of array and m is the number of properties in each object. However, its space complexity is O(n) where n is the size of actual array.Example//code to flatten array of objects into an object //example array of objects const notes = [{    title: 'Hello world',    id: 1 }, {    title: 'Grab a coffee',   ... Read More

Asynchronous Functions and the Node Event Loop in Javascript

sudhir sharma
Updated on 06-Aug-2020 07:54:48


Asynchronous Functions, the programs continue to run. It does not wait! This way the waiting time of the user is reduced. Also, Javascript as a programming language itself is asynchronous.For example, if in code we are running an expensive request, which might require a lot of time, then in case of an asynchronous function, the waiting time would be too much, and the user wouldn’t be able to perform anything else too!Thus generally we prefer using asynchronous code when performing expensive and time-consuming operations.Let’s take an example of Anyncronous function in javascript −Exampleconsole.log('One'); jQuery.get('page.html', function (data) {    console.log("Two"); }); console.log('Three');OutputOne, ... Read More

How to add properties and methods to an existing object in JavaScript?

Updated on 22-Jul-2020 08:04:08


Following is the code for adding properties and methods to an existing object in JavaScript −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .result {       font-size: 20px;       font-weight: 500;       color: blueviolet;    } Add properties and methods to an existing object in JavaScript CLICK HERE Click on the above button to add property and methods to student object and display them    let resEle = document.querySelector(".result");    let BtnEle = ... Read More

Currying VS Partial Application in JavaScript.

Updated on 22-Jul-2020 08:02:59


Currying − In currying a function takes another function and some arguments. The function then returns one function with one parameter only. It returns the function with one argument which can be chained together.Partial application − In partial application some of the arguments can be bind to some values to produce a function with less arguments.Following is the code for currying vs partial application in JavaScript −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .result {       font-size: 18px;       ... Read More

Drawing an image in canvas using in JavaScript

Updated on 22-Jul-2020 07:58:39


Following is the code for drawing an image in canvas using JavaScript −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    } Drawing an image in canvas CLICK HERE Click on the above button to draw the image in canvas    let resEle = document.querySelector(".result");    let BtnEle = document.querySelector(".Btn");    BtnEle.addEventListener("click", () => {       var c = document.querySelector(".canvas1");       var ctx = c.getContext("2d");       var img = document.querySelector(".flower");       ctx.drawImage(img, 10, 10);    }); OutputOn clicking the ‘CLICK HERE’ button −
