Found 9297 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

Find number of spaces in a string using JavaScript

Nikitasha Shrivastava
Updated on 18-May-2023 12:20:46

2K+ Views

In this problem statement, our task is to find the number of spaces in a string with the help of Javascript functionalities. This task can be done with the help of the split method of Javascript. This method can be useful to split the string into an array of substrings as per the spaces. Logic for the given problem The problem stated that we have to find the number of spaces in a given string and we will use the split method. So at the very first step we will split the string and create an array of substrings as ... Read More

Why does convert empty spaces to zeros? JavaScript

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:14:05


Let’s say we are given the following code and output and we need to figure out why JavaScript converts empty strings(“ “) to 0 −const digify = (str) => {    const parsedStr = [...str].map(Number)    return parsedStr; } console.log(digify("778 858 7577"))Output[ 7, 7, 8, 0, 8, 5, 8, 0, 7, 5, 7, 7 ]This behaviour can be very disturbing especially when we have some 0 in the string as wellThis actually happens because inside of the map() function when we are converting each character to its numerical equivalent using Number, what it does is it actually uses Abstract Equality ... Read More

How to set attribute in loop from array JavaScript?

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:12:47


Let’s say we are required to write a function that takes in an array and changes the id attribute of first n divs present in a particular DOM according to corresponding values of this array, where n is the length of the array.We will first select all divs present in our DOM, iterate over the array we accepted as one and only argument and assign the corresponding id to each div −The code for doing the same is −const array = ['navbar', 'sidebar', 'section1', 'section2', 'footer']; const changeDivId = (arr) => {    const divsArray = document.querySelectorAll('div');    arr.forEach((element, index) ... Read More

Get filename from string path in JavaScript?

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:12:00

2K+ Views

We need to write a function that takes in a string file path and returns the filename. Filename usually lives right at the very end of any path, although we can solve this problem using regex but there exists a simpler one-line solution to it using the string split() method of JavaScript and we will use the same here.Let’s say our file path is −"/app/base/controllers/filename.jsFollowing is the code to get file name from string path −Exampleconst filePath = "/app/base/controllers/filename.js"; const extractFilename = (path) => {    const pathArray = path.split("/");    const lastIndex = pathArray.length - 1;    return pathArray[lastIndex]; ... Read More

How to convert array to object in JavaScript

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:11:12


Let’s say we need to convert the following array of array into array of objects with keys as English alphabetconst data = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]];This can be done by mapping over the actual arrays and reducing the subarrays into objects like the below example −Exampleconst data = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]; const dataArr = => { return arr.reduce((acc, cur, index) => ({    ...acc,       [String.fromCharCode(97 + index)]: cur    }), Object.create({})) }); console.log(dataArr);OutputThe console output for this code will be −[    { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 },    { a: 5, b: 6, c: 7, d: 8 },    { a: 9, b: 10, c: 11, d: 12 } ]

Replace() with Split() in JavaScript to append 0 if number after comma is a single digit

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:10:23


Let’s say our sample string is −const a = "250,5";If the number after “,” is a single digit we have to append a 0 to it,If the string contains more than one ‘,’, we have to return -1This can be done simply by combining the split() and replace() functions like this as in the below example −Exampleconst a = "250,5"; const roundString = (str) => {    if(str.split(",").length > 2){       return -1;    }    return a.replace(`,${a.split(",")[1]}`, `,${a.split(",")[1]}0`);; } console.log(roundString(a));OutputThe console output for this code will be −250,50

Join every element of an array with a specific character using for loop in JavaScript

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:09:13


Here we are supposed to write a function that takes in two arguments, first an array of String or Number literals, second a String and we have to return a string that contains all the elements of the array prepended and appended by the string.For example −applyText([1, 2, 3, 4], ‘a’);should return ‘a1a2a3a4a’For these requirements, the array map() method is a better option than the for loop and the code for doing so will be −Exampleconst numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]; const word = 'a'; const applyText = (arr, text) => {    const appliedString = => { ... Read More

Stop making form to reload a page in JavaScript

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:08:16

7K+ Views

Let’s say what we need to achieve is when the user submits this HTML form, we handle the submit event on client side and prevent the browser to reload as soon as the form is submittedHTML form Now, the easiest and the most reliable way of doing so is by tweaking our ValidateEmail() function to include the following line right at the top of its definition −function ValidateEmail(event, inputText){    event.preventDefault();    //remaining function logic goes here }What preventDefault() does is that it tells the browser to prevent its default behaviour and let us handle the form submitting ... Read More

Convert object of objects to array in JavaScript

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:06:34

3K+ Views

Let’s say we have the following object of objects that contains rating of some Indian players, we need to convert this into an array of objects with each object having two properties namely name and rating where name holds the player name and rating holds the rating object −Following is our sample object −const playerRating = {    'V Kohli':{       batting: 99,       fielding: 99    },    'R Sharma':{       batting: 98,       fielding: 95    },    'S Dhawan':{       batting: 92,       fielding: 90 ... Read More

How to import local json file data to my JavaScript variable?

Updated on 12-Sep-2023 00:57:00

32K+ Views

We have an employee.json file in a directory, within the same directory we have a js file, in which we want to import the content of the json file.The content of employees.json −employees.json"Employees" : [    {       "userId":"ravjy", "jobTitleName":"Developer", "firstName":"Ran", "lastName":"Vijay",       "preferredFullName":"Ran Vijay", "employeeCode":"H9", "region":"DL", "phoneNumber":"34567689",       "emailAddress":""    },    {       "userId":"mrvjy", "jobTitleName":"Developer", "firstName":"Murli", "lastName":"Vijay",       "preferredFullName":"Murli Vijay", "employeeCode":"A2", "region":"MU",       "phoneNumber":"6543565", "emailAddress":""       }    ] }We can use any of the two ways to access the json file −Using require ... Read More
