Found 9326 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

How to Integrate Google Admob Rewarded Video Ads in Android?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:51:20


Integrating Google AdMob Rewarded Video Ads in Android provides developers with a powerful monetization strategy for their mobile applications. By implementing this feature, developers can offer users an engaging experience while earning revenue through video advertisements. AdMob Rewarded Video Ads allow users to voluntarily watch videos in exchange for in-app rewards, providing a win-win scenario for both users and developers. This integration enables developers to leverage Google's extensive ad network, targeting a wide range of users and maximizing their app's earning potential. By following the necessary steps, developers can seamlessly incorporate AdMob Rewarded Video Ads into their Android applications and ... Read More

How to Integrate Facebook Audience Network (FAN) Banner Ads in Android?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:49:25


Integrating Facebook Audience Network (FAN) banner ads in Android allows developers to monetize their mobile applications by displaying targeted advertisements to users. FAN provides a seamless way to incorporate banner ads into Android apps, leveraging Facebook's vast user data and ad inventory. By integrating FAN, developers can generate revenue through ad impressions and clicks, enhancing their app's profitability. This integration process involves incorporating the FAN SDK into the Android project and implementing the necessary code to request and display banner ads within the app's user interface. By following the integration guidelines provided by Facebook, developers can ... Read More

How to Implement View Binding Inside Dialog in Android?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:45:59


Implementing view binding inside a dialog in Android provides a convenient way to access and manipulate UI elements within the dialog's layout. View binding eliminates the need for traditional findViewById calls and helps improve code readability and efficiency. By integrating view binding, developers can easily reference and modify UI components, such as buttons, text views, and image views, directly from the dialog code. This approach enhances the development process by reducing the risk of null pointer exceptions and making UI-related operations more straightforward. In this guide, we will explore the steps to implement view binding inside a dialog in an ... Read More

How to Implement Simple Authentication in Spring Boot?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:43:57


Spring Boot is widely acclaimed as a framework used for developing Java applications due to its reputation for simplicity and increased productivity. An essential consideration in numerous applications is the implementation of authentication, which guarantees that only authorized individuals can access specific resources. In Spring Boot, incorporating authentication is both efficient and convenient by leveraging its built-in security features and libraries. This capability empowers developers to concentrate on the core business logic without needing to reinvent existing solutions. Developers can ensure the security of their Spring Boot applications and protect sensitive data by following a few ... Read More

How to Implement TextSwitcher in Android?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:41:45


The Android TextSwitcher component is a flexible tool that enables seamless text transitions within a single view. It's perfect for showcasing dynamic content or providing visual feedback in real-time. By animating the switch between different text values, this component adds inte-ractivity and enhances the user experience. To implement TextSwitcher, developers need to define the object in their XML layout and assign suitable animations. They can then easily update text content programmatically, improving engagement by seamlessly switching between various representations of text. TextSwitcher A TextSwitcher in Android refers to a type of ViewSwitcher that deals with text content ... Read More

How to Implement Queue in Java using Array and Generics?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:40:08

1K+ Views

The queue is an important data structure that operates on the principle of First-In-First-Out (FIFO), where the element entered first is removed first. For Java, creating a queue through an array and using generics can provide adaptability and versatility. By incorporating generics, we can create a queue housing any kind of data type with ease, while leveraging an array creates a contained space for memory-efficient storage. Combining various features helps in designing a robust queue. This article discusses how an array and generics can be used to implement a queue in Java while exploring underlying concepts and code ... Read More

How to Implement Tooltip in Android Studio?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:37:09

1K+ Views

Android Studio is a widely used IDE for creating Android applications. To provide users with the best experience, incorporating tooltips is crucial. Tooltips are informative hints that help users understand various functions within an app. By integrating these tooltips in Android Studio, developers can enhance the user experience by providing helpful contextual guidance. Developers who aim to incorporate tooltips into their Android applications can follow specific steps for a seamless implementation. This tutorial walks through the process of integrating tooltips in Android Studio, ensuring clear comprehension and enhanced functionality for all app users. Tooltip A tooltip is ... Read More

How to Implement SuperBottomBar in Android App?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:35:35


A sleek and modern bottom navigation bar is crucial for Android applications. SuperBottomBar is a customizable component that offers just that, providing users with an attractive way to transition between screens or sections of an app. Integrating the SuperBottomBar library into an Android app requires a few essential steps. First, the library needs to be incorporated into the project. Next, define items and their associated icons or labels and explore navigation logic accordingly. The SuperBottomBar integration can drive Android app development towards a more intuitive user experience. By placing convenient navigation controls at the bottom of their apps, ... Read More

How to implement SQL GROUP BY in Java?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:33:11


In Java, implementing the SQL GROUP BY functionality involves organizing and grouping data based on a specific column or columns. The GROUP BY clause allows you to group rows with similar values in one or more columns and perform aggregate functions on those groups. By using this clause, you can summarize and analyze data more effectively. In Java, you can achieve the GROUP BY behavior by leveraging database connectivity and executing SQL queries through JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). With JDBC, you can establish a connection to a database, execute SQL statements, retrieve the result set, and perform the necessary operations ... Read More

How to Implement Shapeable ImageView in Android?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:29:19


The Shapeable ImageView is an influential feature that belongs to the Android Material Design library, permitting app developers to create individualized and uniquely shaped image views. The Shapeable ImageView in Android offers developers a simple and intuitive way to apply various shapes to image views, including circles and rounded rectangles. By following a few straightforward steps, visual appeal can easily be enhanced for their apps. Developers can easily create a visually pleasing user interface with the Shapeable Image-View, enhancing the user experience. This tutorial will guide through implementing Shape-able ImageView in an Android application. ImageView The ... Read More
