Found 9313 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

How to set div position relative to another div in JavaScript?

Updated on 07-Sep-2020 07:29:16


For this, you need to use “flex-direction” concept of CSS. Let’s say the following is our CSS style −    .demo{       display: flex;       flex-direction: column-reverse;    } Now, set the div position relative to another div −Example Live Demo Document    .demo{       display: flex;       flex-direction: column-reverse;    } DIV_DEMO1 DIV_DEMO2 To run the above program, save the file name “anyName.html(index.html)” and right click on the file. Select the option “Open with Live Server” in VS Code editor.OutputThis will produce the following output −

How to run functions iteratively with async await in JavaScript?

Updated on 07-Sep-2020 07:27:03


You can use keyword async as well as await. Following is the code −Exampleasync function test(i) {    while (i node demo73.js Call Demo1() Call Demo2() Call Demo1() Call Demo2() Call Demo1() Call Demo2() Call Demo1() Call Demo2() Call Demo1() Call Demo2() Call Demo1() Call Demo2() Call Demo1() Call Demo2() Call Demo1() Call Demo2() Call Demo1() Call Demo2() Call Demo1() Call Demo2()

Get value of any attribute from XML data in JavaScript?

Updated on 07-Sep-2020 07:25:00


To get value of any attribute from XML data, use attr() in JavaScript. Following is the code −Example Live Demo Document    var yourXMLDetails = ''    +''    +''    +''    console.log("Game Details==="+$(yourXMLDetails).attr("details")); To run the above program, save the file name “anyName.html(index.html)” and right click on the file. Select the option “Open with Live Server” in VS Code editor.OutputThis will produce the following output −

Iteration of for loop inside object in JavaScript to fetch records with odd CustomerId?

Updated on 07-Sep-2020 07:22:44


Let’s say the following is our object −var customerDetails= [    {       customerId:101,       customerName:"John"    },    {       customerId:102,       customerName:"David"    },    {       customerId:103,       customerName:"Mike"    },    {       customerId:104,       customerName:"Bob"    } ]Use for loop with the following condition to display only odd CustomerID records −for(var index=0;index

Create HTML Document with Custom URL for the document in JavaScript

Updated on 07-Sep-2020 07:19:56

1K+ Views

You can use the concept of createHTMLDocument(). Following is the code −Example Document    const htmlDocument = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();    const customURL = htmlDocument.createElement( 'base' );    customURL.href = "";    htmlDocument.head.append( customURL );    console.log("Base URL="+customURL.href);    const modifiedURL = htmlDocument.createElement("a");    modifiedURL.href = "../java/java_questions_answers.html";    htmlDocument.body.append( modifiedURL );    console.log("After Modifying URL="+ modifiedURL.href ); To run the above program, save the file name “anyName.html(index.html)” and right click on the file. Select the option “Open with Live Server” in VS Code editor.OutputThis will produce the following output: on ... Read More

Select all elements with “data-” attribute with jQuery and display on Console?

Updated on 07-Sep-2020 07:17:06

2K+ Views

To select all elements with “data-“ attribute, use document.querySelectorAll(“”). Following is the code −Example Live Demo Document    var result=document.querySelectorAll('[data-sentence]');    for (var index in result){       if (result.hasOwnProperty(index)){          console.log(result[index].getAttribute('data-sentence'));       }    } To run the above program, save the file name “anyName.html(index.html)” and right click on the file. Select the option “Open with Live Server” in VS Code editor.OutputThis will produce the following output −

Match multiple occurrences in a string with JavaScript?

Updated on 07-Sep-2020 07:14:35

1K+ Views

To match multiple occurrences in a string, use regular expressions. Following is the code −Examplefunction checkMultipleOccurrences(sentence) {    var matchExpression = /(JavaScript?[^\s]+)|(typescript?[^\s]+)/g;    return sentence.match(matchExpression); } var sentence="This is my first JavaScript Program which is the subset of typescript"; console.log(sentence); console.log(checkMultipleOccurrences(sentence));To run the above program, you need to use the following command −node fileName.js.Here, my file name is demo70.js.OutputThis will produce the following output −PS C:\Users\Amit\JavaScript-code> node demo70.js This is my first JavaScript Program which is the subset of typescript [ 'JavaScript', 'typescript' ]

How to create an image of matrix of pixels in R?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 07-Sep-2020 06:04:30


A matrix can be converted into a pixel’s image of matrix. It is defined as the area of the matrix which contains pixels with equal or different sizes of left, right, bottom and upper.We can create this by using image function and its argument useRaster with the matrix data.Example Live Demo> M par(mar=c(5,5,5,5)) > image(M,useRaster=TRUE,axes=FALSE)Output> par(mar=c(10,10,10,10)) > image(M,useRaster=TRUE,axes=FALSE)Output> par(mar=c(2,2,2,2)) > image(M,useRaster=TRUE,axes=FALSE)OutputPixel matrix with grey color −> image(M,axes=FALSE,col=grey(seq(0,1,length=180)))Output

Remove elements from array in JavaScript using includes() and splice()?

Updated on 03-Sep-2020 07:43:20


The includes() check whether array has a specific element, whereas splice() is used to add/remove items. Following is the code −ExampledeleteElementsFromArray = function(elements, ...values) {    let elementRemoved = Array.from(values);    for (var index = 0; index < elements.length; index++){       if (elementRemoved.includes(elements[index])){          elements.splice(index, 1);          index--;       }    }    return elements; } console.log(deleteElementsFromArray([80,90,56,34,79], 90, 34,79));To run the above program, you need to use the following command −node fileName.js.Here, my file name is demo69.js.OutputThis will produce the following output −PS C:\Users\Amit\JavaScript-code> node demo69.js [ 80, 56 ]

How to print all students name having percentage more than 70% in JavaScript?

Updated on 03-Sep-2020 07:40:32


You can use a for loop and check whether the percentage is greater than 70 or not with if condition.Following are the records of each student −const studentDetails= [    {       studentName:"John",       percentage:78    },    {       studentName:"Sam",       percentage:68    },    {       studentName:"Mike",       percentage:88    },    {       studentName:"Bob",       percentage:70    } ]Now, use the for loop and et conditions for students with percentage more than 70 −for(var index=0;index 70)       {   ... Read More
