Found 9326 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

Java Servlet Filter

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 11:26:21


An object that is utilized both during pre- and post- processing phases of a request is a filter, input validation, server-side logging, authentication and permission, among other duties are frequently filtered using filters. The entry is supplied in the web.xml file since the servlet is pluggable. The filter is automatically turned off if the item is removed from the web.xml file. In order to produce a filter, it has to implement javax.servlet. Servlets are extremely portable because they are built in the highly portable Java Language and follow a standard foundation. As a result, it makes it possible to develop ... Read More

Java Program to take Screenshots

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 10:05:17

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Java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) is a versatile package that contains all the classes required for creating user interfaces and painting graphic images. Buttons and scrollbar-like entities are called components in the AWT terminology. The Component class is the root of all the AWT components. Events are triggered in some components when a user interacts with them. The AWTEvent class and its subclasses represent the events that AWT components are capable of firing. In AWTEvent, the AWT event model is explained. A container is a component that may also include other components and containers. Another choice for a container is ... Read More

Java Tricky Output Questions

Updated on 31-May-2024 14:14:28

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Java Tricky Output Questions that are difficult to answer call for more work to be put into them. We will fall short if we attempt to respond to a challenging topic using common sense since such questions need specialized understanding. The majority of challenging java problems are based on perplexing ideas like loops, multi-threading, overloading, overriding, etc. Even when a question isn’t particularly challenging, we occasionally have trouble solving it. Despite the fact that the answer to the question is straightforward, we occasionally write code carelessly. Even if we don’t know the solution, we can still use analytical thinking ... Read More

Why Java.lang.VerifyError occurs in Java and how to solve this?

Updated on 31-Jul-2023 19:47:01


Java.lang.VerifyError is a runtime error which is ceated by JVM(Java virtual machine). During runtime a verification process happens to check the validity of loaded . class files, and if .class file violates any constraint then JVM will give Java.lang.VerifyError error. The following error is present in Java 1.0 version and onwards. java.lang.LinkageError extends Java.lang.VerifyError which refers to when there is a problem with the linking process of the program. Java.lang.VerifyError in the output will be look like: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: com/example/Way2Class, method: myMethod signature: ()V) Incompatible argument to function at com.example.MyClass.main( This ... Read More

Java Program to Sort the 2D Array Across Rows

Updated on 31-Jul-2023 17:55:16

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Sorting in data structures means to rearrange the given list of elements or a certain array, according to the question or precisely the given operator. This operator decides the new order of the elements. An array is a collection of certain elements that can be anything which takes up the adjacent memory locations.Here we store multiple elements of the same type together. Sorting helps us to rearrange these elements. For example, 15, 8, 12, 28 are elements of an unsorted array and after sorting, 28, 15, 12, 8 become a sorted array with descending order. This article will demonstrate how ... Read More

How to Instantiate an Abstract Class in Java?

Updated on 31-Jul-2023 17:50:13


An Abstract Class is a class which is declared under the ‘Abstract’ keyword in Java. Abstract classes are a concept of one of the four principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) known as ‘Inheritance.’ Inheritance refers to a characteristic of Java Classes where one class known as the ‘Sub-class’ can inherit all the properties of the parent class typically known as ‘Super-class.’ In Java, Abstract Classes refer to the base super class from which other sub classes can inherit. It can contain both abstract and non-abstract methods. Algorithm Step 1 − Identify the methods in the class that have ... Read More

Drawing a Smiley in Java Applet

Updated on 31-Jul-2023 17:48:57

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Java Applet is an astounding resource that grants specialists to make smart representations and liveliness inside a web program. In this educational activity, we will examine how to draw a smiley face using Java Applet. We will cover the accentuation, little by little computation, and different ways of managing to accomplish this task. Close to the completion of this article, you will have an unquestionable understanding of how to make a smiley face using Java Applet. Syntax To draw a smiley face in Java Applet, we really want to utilize the Illustrations class, which gives techniques to draw different shapes ... Read More

DoubleUnaryOperator Interface in Java

Updated on 31-Jul-2023 17:34:59


In the world of Java programming, interfaces assume an urgent part in characterizing gets that classes should stick to. One such interface point is the DoubleUnaryOperator interface, which was presented in Java 8 as a piece of the functional programming improvements. This interface point addresses a procedure on a single double-valued operand that delivers a double-valued result. In this article, we will explore the syntax, use, and different ways to deal with carrying out the DoubleUnaryOperator interface in Java. Syntax The syntax for the DoubleUnaryOperator interface is as per follows − @FunctionalInterface public interface DoubleUnaryOperator { double ... Read More

DoubleConsumer Interface in Java with Examples

Updated on 31-Jul-2023 17:32:00


In Java, functional programming has acquired enormous fame because of its capacity to work on code and further develop code coherence. The DoubleConsumer interface point is a significant part of Java's functional programming worldview.It is a functional interface that accepts a double-valued argument and performs some operations on it. In this article, we will explore the syntax, usage, and examples of the DoubleConsumer interface in Java. Syntax The DoubleConsumer interface has a solitary conceptual strategy called accept, which takes a double value as its parameter. The syntax of the DoubleConsumer point of interface is as per the following: @FunctionalInterface ... Read More

Difference between Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans

Updated on 31-Jul-2023 17:29:46

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In the domain of Java programming, Javabeans and Undertaking Javabeans (EJB) are two particular advances that fill various needs. While both assume an urgent part in Java improvement, it's fundamental to grasp their disparities and when to use each. This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans, exploring their syntax, approaches, and code examples. Approach To understand the difference between Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans, it is essential to explore their approaches in Java development. Javabeans Javabeans are a lightweight and reusable component model used in Java programming. The approach with Javabeans involves creating modular, self-contained ... Read More
