Found 14 Articles for NoSQL

Pre-Defined Data Type in Apache Cassandra

sudhir sharma
Updated on 31-Jan-2024 17:30:57


Introduction As an open-source, distributed NoSQL database system renowned for its ability to manage large amounts of structured data, mastering Cassandra's varying data types is crucial to fully leveraging its robust design. This article will walk you through the critical elements like built-in and collection datatypes, equipping you with knowledge that can help you optimize your database operations with ease. Built-In Data Types in Apache Cassandra Apache Cassandra provides a wide range of pre-defined data types, including numeric types, text types, date types, counter type, and other custom data types. Numeric Types It offers various numeric data types that cater ... Read More

NoSQL Systems VS Traditional Database Systems

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 06-Nov-2023 14:42:25


As individuals, we often save our data on devices like laptops and phones, but rarely do we consider the databases that underlie these storage systems. Databases are the place where organizations can easily store their data. DBMS is used to manage the database. In this article, we will study the two specific databases NoSQL and Traditional Database. However, their designs diverge, resulting in distinct approaches to data storage and retrieval. Let's explore the below article which gives you depth of understanding about the key differences in each of them. What is a NoSQL Database? When we say NoSQL it sounds ... Read More

Document Database in NOSQL

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 13:27:09


A document is a record in a document−based database that contains data on an item and any associated metadata. Field−value pairs form documents that can include a variety of data types like characters, integers, dates, arrays, and objects. They are commonly saved in XML, JSON, or BSON formats. Data retrieval and processing are made simple by the unique identifiers assigned to each document in the database. Documents do not have a set schema, therefore they do not all need to contain the same fields in a collection. This adaptability makes it possible to store several data structures in ... Read More

Operations on table in Cassandra

Mithlesh Upadhyay
Updated on 18-May-2023 17:56:32


Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL database system. It offers high scalability, availability, and fault-tolerance. It uses a decentralized architecture, where data is distributed across multiple nodes, and provides several operations to manipulate data. In this article, we will discuss operations on tables in Cassandra. Creating Tables The first operation in Cassandra is to create a table. A table is defined by set of columns. Each column has name, data type, and an optional value. To create a table, you need to specify the keyspace. It is namespace that defines the replication strategy, and the table name. You also need to ... Read More

Counter Type in Cassandra

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:40:43


A distributed, highly scalable NoSQL database with high availability and fault tolerance for massive volumes of data is called Apache Cassandra. Support for a unique data type called Counter Type is one of Cassandra's distinguishing characteristics. In this post, we will examine Counter Type in Cassandra, discuss its advantages, and offer usage examples. What does Cassandra's Counter Type mean? For the purpose of storing counter values, Cassandra has a specific data type called Counter Type. In order to keep track of activities like likes, upvotes, downvotes, and page visits, counters are utilized. A counter value in Cassandra may only be ... Read More

Couchbase Installation

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:38:41


Given its remarkable speed, scalability, and availability, Couchbase is a NoSQL document-oriented database that is appropriate for large-scale, mission-critical applications. The JSON data format is supported by the system, which is based on the Memcached distributed caching technology and the Apache CouchDB database management system. Numerous capabilities provided by Couchbase, like as automatic sharding, cross-datacenter replication, and integrated caching, enable programmers to store, retrieve, and query data in a variety of ways utilizing its adaptable data model. Real-time analytics, IoT applications, and online and mobile apps all favour it. Both community and enterprise editions of Couchbase are offered, and they ... Read More

Using NoSQl Database with IOT

Saba Hilal
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 13:54:22

1K+ Views

NoSql databases are those databases that do not store the data as data is stored in relational databases. Most of the data that is used in real life is often unstructured. These NoSQL databases provide an easy way to store this unstructured data by using key-value pairs. In this article, a NoSQL database called Firebase is used with a C program that controls the IOT circuit. The article presents the writing of the values to the firebase and getting the values from the firebase in real time and using those for controlling the circuit components. Connecting the Firebase, Wifi, C ... Read More

Strategies For Migrating From SQL to NoSQL Database?

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 10:18:57


Introduction Migrating from a SQL to a NoSQL database is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and strategizing. It's important to understand the differences between these two types of databases and to identify the specific use cases for which you will be using the NoSQL database. There are several different tools and techniques available for migrating data from a SQL to a NoSQL database, and it's important to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each option to determine the best fit for your needs. Migrating from a SQL to a NoSQL database can be a significant undertaking and ... Read More

Checking the Cluster Health in Cassandra

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 17:24:31

2K+ Views

Introduction Apache Cassandra is a highly-scalable, high-performance distributed database that is designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers. As a result, it's important to keep an eye on the health of your Cassandra cluster to ensure that it's running smoothly and that there aren't any issues that could impact performance or availability. In this article, we'll go over the different ways to check the health of your Cassandra cluster and what to look for to identify potential issues. Understanding Cassandra Cluster Health Before diving into how to check the health of your Cassandra cluster, it's important ... Read More

Changing the Replication Factor in Cassandra

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 16:24:29

1K+ Views

Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable, distributed, and fault-tolerant NoSQL database that is widely used for managing large amounts of structured data across multiple commodity servers. One of the key features of Cassandra is its ability to replicate data across multiple nodes in a cluster, providing fault tolerance and high availability. In this article, we will discuss how to change the replication factor of a Cassandra cluster, and the considerations to keep in mind when doing so. Introduction to Replication Factor The replication factor in Cassandra refers to the number of copies of each piece of data that are stored ... Read More
