Found 27 Articles for Neural Network

Training Neural Networks using Pytorch Lightning

Priya Mishra
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 09:33:14


Pytorch Lightning which is a very powerful framework simplifies the process of training the neural networks. As we know neural networks have become a fundamental tool for solving problems related to machine larning, howevere training neural networks have become a necessary yet challenging task which requires careful management of models, data and training loops that is why we use PyTorch Lightning In this article, we will explore what is PyTorch Lightning, how to train neural networks using PyTorch Lightning, its benefits, and various techniques to enhance the training process. What is PyTorch Lightning? PyTorch Lightning is a user-friendly Python ... Read More

Top Benefits of Machine Learning in FinTech

Priya Mishra
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 13:07:13


Several industries have been transformed by machine learning, but perhaps none have benefited quite as much as financial technology, known commonly as FinTech. The FinTech industry has been radically altered by machine learning's proficiency for analyze vast data reserves and making spot-on forecasts. This article will delve into the FinTech sector and its newfound reliance on machine learning, exploring the many advantages it has to offer and the way in which financial services are being revolutionized. Machine Learning in Fintech Machine learning is the development of algorithms and models that allow computers to learn from data provided and make predictions ... Read More

How to expand contractions in text processing in NLP?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 11:55:49


Contractions play a significant role in informal writing and speech, in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), it is often necessary to expand contractions to improve text understanding and processing. contractions are shortened versions of words or phrases that combine two words into one. For example, "can't" is a contraction of "cannot, " and "it's" is a contraction of "it is." While contractions are commonly used in everyday communication, they can pose challenges for NLP systems due to their ambiguity and potential loss of context. In this article, we will explore the techniques and challenges associated with expanding contractions ... Read More

Proof that travelling salesman problem is NP Hard

Tapas Kumar Ghosh
Updated on 10-May-2023 14:57:37

3K+ Views

The travelling salesman problem(TSP) is a solution where a salesman has to start from one place and go to all other cities just once and then come back to their own place. TSP is all about finding the minimum distance path. The polynomial-time hardness is called NP Hard which defines the property of a class of problems. The subset sum is a simple example of NP hard problem. NP-hard − The class of problem which cannot be solved within a polynomial time is called NP-hard. Let’s take an example of five cities to understand how salesmen travel to each ... Read More

How to use Weka Java API in ML

Jay Singh
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 13:47:48

1K+ Views

The Weka Java API is a potent machine-learning tool that makes it easy for programmers to incorporate Weka algorithms into Java applications. Complicated machine-learning models can be easily constructed using the Weka Java API's strong built-in data preparation, classification, regression, clustering, and visualization features. Weka includes a wide range of preprocessing methods, including normalization, discretization, and feature selection, and supports a number of file formats, including CSV, ARFF, and C4.5. Only a handful of the machine-learning methods offered by Weka include neural networks, SVMs, decision trees, and random forests. Developers can quickly train and assess machine learning models, as well ... Read More

Difference Between Neural Network and Logistic Regression

Jay Singh
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 12:31:18


Neural networks and logistic regression are significant machine learning technologies that help solve a variety of classification and regression problems. These models have gained popularity as a result of their precision in making predictions and their adaptability in processing various kinds of data. Neural networks, for instance, are useful in fields like picture identification and natural language processing because they can recognize patterns in data that are difficult to see and capture non-linear correlations in data. On the other hand, since it is straightforward and simple to understand, binary outcome situations frequently benefit from using logistic regression. In addition, more ... Read More

Choosing a Classifier Based on a Training Set Data Size

Jay Singh
Updated on 25-Apr-2023 12:17:03


For machine learning models to perform at their best, selecting the right classifier algorithm is essential. Due to the large range of approaches available, selecting the best classification algorithm could be challenging. It's important to consider a range of factors when selecting an algorithm since different algorithms work better with different types of data. One of these factors is the quantity of training data. On how effectively the classification system performs, a large training data set can have a substantial impact. The performance of the classifier generally increases with the size of the training data set. This isn't always the ... Read More
