Found 157 Articles for Networking

What is the Computer Forensic Report Format?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:53:11


Forensics is a method of science to criminal examinations and can incorporate a wide exhibit of sciences from material science to clairvoyants. A measurable report basically and concisely outlines the substantive proof in a criminal case.Criminological report composing may demonstrate troublesome and overwhelming in light of the fact that it more often than not requests examinations of specialized information, introduced in a comprehensible, simple to-pursue position. By and by, a measurable report basically pursues similar essential principles and conventions expected of any report.Tools for Generation of ReportThe tools used to generate report are as follows −Raw formatRaw format method is ... Read More

What is Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:50:53

2K+ Views

Cybercrime is any type of illegal activity that takes place via digital means. Data theft is, of course, one of the most common types of cybercrime, but cybercrime also includes a wide range of malicious activity as well, such as cyberbullying or planting worms or viruses.Cybercrimes are divided into two different categories as follows −Those that cause intentional damageThose that can cause unintentional damage.A cybercrime is a criminal act in which someone targets a computer or a network of devices in order to gain illegal rights, steal data from them, frauds etc.This type of crime is carried out using technology ... Read More

What are the differences between Zigbee and Wi-Fi?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:47:57

2K+ Views

Let us understand the concepts of Wi-Fi and Zigbee.Wi-FiIt is a wireless networking protocol that allows devices to communicate without internet cords. It's technically an industry term that represents a type of wireless local area network (LAN) protocol based on the 802.11IEEE network standard.Wi-Fi is the most popular means of communicating data wireless, within a fixed location.We can find Wi-Fi in the following:Schools, Homes and CollegesCorporate places and Private/Public FirmsRailway/Metro stationsSupermarkets where customers can pay onlineNear restaurants, coffee shops, dine placesThe ZigBee protocolIt is used in the IEEE 802.15 standards and adds the network security as well as framework protocol. ... Read More

What are the differences between Cloud Computing and Cluster Computing?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:42:46

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In order to understand cluster computing, we have to know what a cluster is.Cluster ComputingA cluster is a collection of computers or groups of computers and to utilize performance of these groups of computers when we start processing problems with these sets of computers is called cluster computing.Cluster computing is a part of parallel computing. In cluster computing we increase processing of our system by connecting computers according to our needs.By the help of Cluster computing we can easily solve complex problems with high speed. In cluster computing utilization of all resources is better than others.Cluster computing design contrasts depending ... Read More

What are the differences between FDMA and CDMA?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:40:35

1K+ Views

Let us understand the concepts of FDMA and CDMA before learning the differences between them.FDMA (frequency division multiple access)It is the division of the frequency band allocated for wireless cellular telephone communication into 30 channels, each of which can carry a voice conversation or, with digital service, carry digital data.FDMA is a basic technology in the Analog Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS). In FDMA synchronization bits are not needed for continuous transmission. FDMA needs Tight filtering for minimizing interference. When the channel is not in use then FDMA will be in idle state.Code-division multiple access (CDMA)It is an example of ... Read More

What are the mobile device authentication actions?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:37:26


Mobile security, or cell phone security, has turned out to be progressively imperative in portable computing. Of specific concern is the security of individual and business data now put away on cell phones.ThreatsA cell phone client is presented to different dangers when they utilize their phone. The dangers can disturb the operation of the cell phone, and transmit or change client data. So applications must ensure security and honesty of the data they handle.In expansion, since some applications could themselves be malware, their usefulness and exercises ought to be constrained.For instance, limiting the application from getting to area data by ... Read More

What is Real-time Communication in LAN?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:35:35

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A real-time system means the system is subjected to real-time that means the response should be guaranteed within a specified timing constraint or system should meet the specified deadline.For example − Flight control system, real-time monitors etc.Features of Real-time SystemThe features of real-time system are as follows −Reliability − The system can operate for a long time without any interfere of the humanManageability − In a real-time system the cost of implementation is to be reduced.Performance − The system should be designed for the purpose of working easier and the workload should be reduced.Predictability − Within the given time, the actions ... Read More

How to create a Phishing page of a website?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:29:14

5K+ Views

Phishing is a type of social engineering attack which is often used to steal user data, including login credentials and credit card numbers and sensitive information without their knowledge that it is being extracted from them.The goal of a phishing attempt is to trick the recipient into taking the attacker’s desired action, such as providing login credentials or other sensitive information.Phishing TechniquesThere are different types of phishing techniques which are as follows −Deceptive PhishingA phisher sends bulk email with a message. Users are influenced to click on a link. These emails are broadcast to a wide group of recipients with ... Read More

What do you mean by interfaces and services?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:26:58

3K+ Views

Generally a network service is an application which runs at application layer and above and is used in computer networking.Network service provides data Storage, manipulation, presentation, communication. This is implemented using client-server architecture or peer-to-peer architecture.Service Interface is used to implement a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). This is implemented to achieve interoperability among the applications among various technologies.The basis of functions of each and every layered structure is to provide a service to the layer above it.Types of interface’s servicesThe types of interface’s services are as follows −Entities and peer entitiesAn entity is an active element in each and every layer, ... Read More

How is the classification of Computer Networks done as per its architecture?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 17-Mar-2022 06:22:41


Network is a collection of computers that connect each other or communicate with each other. By using the network we can share the files from one place to another place.For example − We have some movies or some pdf in our laptop. A friend wants the pdf or movie, and he is away from us at a distance of 10km.But if we click the send button, it transfers the files to our friend. Here, the network is useful to transfer the data from one place to another place.Network is useful for resource sharing. It increases the storage capacity if we ... Read More
