Found 825 Articles for Network

What is the TCP/IP Reference Model?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:28:44

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TCP/IP signifies transmission control protocol/Internet Protocol. It was created by Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA, later DARPA) in the late 1970s. It is a collection of communication protocol. It involves collection and methods for managing with packet transport, media access, session interaction, data transfer, email and terminal emulation.The TCP/IP reference model has four layers, as display in the figure −Host to Network LayerThis is the lowest layer in the TCP/IP reference model. The layer functioning is usually different in various relations. The main function of this layer is to instruct the upper layer when the host is linked to ... Read More

What are the Design Issues for the Layers of Computer Networks?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:17:23

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In data exchange between devices, communication procedures require to have the following to manage these factors of the exchange procedures −Physical Data EncodingThe data exchanged between two devices are physically transported using electrical signals considering particular coding methods. For two systems to accurately exchange data, they should consistently execute and translate data-carrying electrical signals.MultiplexingThis facilitates a parallel connection for various unconnected conversations.Transmission MediaThese concerns deal with the type of media used (fiber, copper, wireless, etc.), prescribed by the desirable bandwidth, protection to noise, and attenuation properties.Flow ControlThe data Communication procedure assigns memory resources, generally referred to as interaction buffers, to ... Read More

Explain various Computer Network Models

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:16:55


A computer network includes software and hardware that can transmit and get data from one device to another. The purpose of hardware is to determine the physical material required to communicate and get data. Simultaneously, software represents the collection of information that uses the hardware material for data transmission. Simple communication of data includes different phases at several layers of the computer network. In computer network models, we will explain the models to learn how the data is moved and taken at a computer level.Layered ArchitectureIn a layered architecture, a computer network is partitioned into interconnected end systems using a subnetwork. The communication ... Read More

What are the Uses of Computer Network?

Updated on 14-Sep-2023 21:58:55

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Computer Network provides several uses, both to organizations and individual users.Resource SharingThis is the main purpose of a computer network. It defines creating all programs, peripherals and data feasible to anyone computer on the network to all other computers without considering the physical areas. Thus a user at a considerable distance can share the resources or see computer data in a similar way that a local customer uses them.Another method of resource sharing is load sharing. If a job is needed, it can be implemented using various computers in a network by partitioning it, which reduces time consumption and loads ... Read More

What is MultiDrop Network Topology in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:16:09

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A fully interconnected network was limited in this topology by using an individual cable around all nodes. Thus in this topology, only one line is shared by all nodes. Whenever any network transmits a message, it keeps both the sender address and the destination or receiver address as tags.The message rides on the single line, and as the receiver receives the message, it acknowledges in the response of the same message on same on the line along with both addresses. Before sending a message, it is always checked whether the connection line is free or not. If the line is ... Read More

What is Fully-Interconnected Network Topology?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:15:50

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In this topology, every node is connected using a separate physical link. Each computer network has a direct dedicated link, i.e., point to point connection with all other network computers. Each computer has its control and decision power for communication priorities.It is a very reliable topology because any transmission line’s failure only affects the transmission between the two connected computers. The communication or message is high-speed and has mostly a full-duplex mode, but at the same time, a large number of communication lines make the network costly as for nodes lines or links are required.AdvantagesThe advantages of the tree network ... Read More

What is Bus Network Topology in Computer Network?

Updated on 27-Apr-2022 08:49:38

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The bus network topology is also referred to as horizontal topology. This topology is very common among local area networks. In this network, every computer is linked to a single connection line or cable through an interface. Thus each computer can directly communicate with other computer or device in the network.Each work station or node has a particular address, and to access a specific node, a user just needs to know its address. There is no concentration point in the network, and thus the problem of resolution is severe. Traffic flow among various computers in the network is relatively simple ... Read More

What is Tree Network Topology in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:15:00

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A tree network topology hierarchically links computers and requires data to circulate through the branches. In this network, various terminals and computers are connected to the main computer in a hierarchical aspect, with each additional device branching from one of the higher level.It uses simple software to control the network. Tree topology provides a concentration point for control and error resolution. It is the central computer which is at the topmost order of hierarchy. Mostly it is a mainframe computer. This topology is also known as a vertical network or a hierarchical network. The topology is shown in the figure.The ... Read More

What is Ring Network Topology in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:21:45

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A ring network topology consists of multiple computers or devices communicated in a closed-loop by a single communication medium. The information traverse around the ring to every station because it reaches the desired computer or device. It is so termed because of the circular method of the data flow. Generally, the data flow is unidirectional, but it must be bidirectional too. In a unidirectional ring, the data act in one direction only, while in bidirectional, it works in both directions.It is another popular technique for network configuration. The ring network topology is displayed in the figure below −A ring network ... Read More

What is Star Network Topology in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:14:39

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A star topology is constructed with each node such as offices, printers, laptops, servers, etc., connected directly to a central computer known as a network switch. Each office has a wire that goes from its network interface card (NIC) to a network switch. It is one of the most popular network systems. It includes various devices or computers linked to one centralized computer. This central mainframe is referred to as a server, and other computers connected to the server are referred to as clients or workstations.During communication or data transmission, the message first goes through the centralized computer to control ... Read More
