Found 825 Articles for Network

Cyber Crime Identity theft

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:08:15


The criminal action or crime through the computer or computer network harms an organization like a government, a private, or even an individual. Cyber crimes can be committed by individuals or a group. A breach of confidential information, espionage, financial loss, System failure, or any other method via the internet that affects the reputation of an organization or an individual is a major risk associated with cyber crimes. Cybercrime is not accidental but intentional to harm an organization or an individual’s reputation, loss, physical or mental harm through any electronic system by concealing the identity of the cybercriminals. The growing ... Read More

Cyber Crime

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:07:23

1K+ Views

The criminal action or crime through the computer or computer network harms an organization like a government, a private, or even an individual. Cybercrimes can be committed by an individual or a group. A breach of confidential information, espionage, financial loss, System failure, or any other method via the internet that affects the reputation of an organization or an individual is a major risk associated with cybercrimes. Cybercrime is not accidental but intentional to harm organizations or an individuals’ reputation, loss, physical or mental harm through any electronic system by concealing the identity of the cybercriminals. The growing usage of ... Read More

Cyber Security Policy

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:05:50


Cyber security generally works for securing the organization’s important assets, Employee details, and the operations performed from the hacker’s attacks or Hacks. The Cyber Security solutions are available to have a secure and less risky operation from cyber-attacks. High authorities and IT professionals both are more prone to cyber-attacks, so they need to take security precautions to limit the loss of their data and assets. Not only IT experts and senior managers should be concerned about security in an organization. The Employees and persons working in a computer system should know the cybersecurity policy for protecting their data and systems. ... Read More

Cyber System Security

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:04:45


The Cyber System generally means the word related to a group of computers or Information Technology. And Cyber security means the security of cyber systems. It provides a wide range of functions namely Information Technology, Networking, Computer systems, and mainly cyber security operations. Cyber System Security secures the computer system from cyber-attacks. It protects the system and the personal data, credentials, and passwords. Due to the developments in technology, the risks, and the cost to retain the services becoming higher. Cyber System A system that utilizes cyberspace is referred to as a cyber system. Information infrastructures, as well as ... Read More

Unicodes in computer network

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:46:15


Unicode is the information technology standard for the consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text that is expressed in the world’s writing systems. The standard is created by the Unicode Consortium in 1991. It includes symbols, arrows, characters, etc. Characters that are mostly used in the English language, are represented by the ASCII subset of Unicode. Unicode, on the other hand, is a more thorough encoding technique that can represent characters from various languages and scripts, including mathematical symbols and other specialist characters. Unicode Standard approved by the Unicode consortium and international standard ISO. Definition Unicode is a universal character ... Read More

Understanding Web Authentication behind the login screen

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:27:39


Web Authentication is verifying the user login details in any of the online accounts like an e-commerce website, social media, online banking services, etc. Each time when a user creates an online account in any of the web applications, a unique Id and key value will be created for future verification and these are stored in secured web servers. Authentication can also be done through other ways like matching with retina, fingerprint, and voice recognition. Consider an example of Gmail or any mail account each time during login, the user is required to enter a username or email with a ... Read More

Trojan horse and Trap Door

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:12:31

2K+ Views

A threat is designed by hijackers to change the behavior of the process. The threat can reach the system through any path to our system or any organization sever. When the attack happens, it leads to the corruption of data, the stealing of personal information, and the loss of data. The Trojan horse and trap door are some of the program threats which need to be avoided for the proper functioning of the system. So it is a great deal to protect the system from program threats. The protection of files and other resources from misusing the data is important. ... Read More

Types of Cyber Attacks

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:10:05


In the digital world, everybody is accessible to applications, digital systems, and software. We get the details of the things we want easily on the internet today, so it is a positive change in our lives. But compared to the positive one, we should deal with the negative thing also. And the main challenge is cyber-attacks. It has been increasing every year when people try to access vulnerable sites. The main objective of cyber-attacks is data manipulation, stealing of data, and decreasing the performance of the system. There are many types of cyber-attacks and some of them are given here. ... Read More

Top 10 Common Security Log Sources

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:07:24


In this article, we will see the top 10 common security log sources that are being developed and used by companies. Log Sources are a type of data source that creates an event log in an organization. The log is nothing but the records with data. An event log is a tool that has software and hardware-related information. When any security threat occurs, these logs help the security specialists to use this information in the event logs for security management. Event logs are generated in a computer system that has the stuff for identifying the bugs, risks, or threats. Every ... Read More

The Role of IoT in Disaster Management & Emergency Planning

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 28-Mar-2023 12:29:39


IoT can't prevent disasters, yet it can assist with recognizing hazardous dangers, ready specialists at the beginning phase, and help protect those impacted, saving lives, assets, and cash. The board and reaction can be upgraded using IoT innovations crisis and have far superior results. Floods and storms have seen the most common increment, with floods dramatically increasing. Yet, there have likewise been significant increments regarding dry spells, out-of-control fires, and outrageous temperature occasions, alongside an ascent in geo-actual occasions, for example, tremors and tidal waves, which have killed a more significant number of individuals than some other normal peril. Add ... Read More
