Found 52 Articles for Nature

What is the size of a desert rain frog?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 25-Apr-2022 08:15:17


Breviceps Macrops is known as the desert rain frog. This species belongs to the “Brevicipitidae” family, found only in Namibia and South Africa. The narrow strip of sandy shores that form in between the sea and the sand dunes is their natural habitat.The desert frog spends the day in a moist sand burrow dug up to the depth of 10-20cms. Unlike normal frogs, the desert frogs crawl and walk instead of hopping, as they have a stout body and webbed toes, hopping would be difficult.There are some interesting facts regarding this rare animal which is on the verge of extinct.The ... Read More

Why are mountains triangular in shape?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 10-May-2022 07:15:35


There is this favorite painting of every child, a triangular mountain which has a sun peeping through it, birds flying in the shape of small r, a small hut, and a tree. Well in all this, what amazes many of us is the triangular shape of the mountain. Has it ever bothered you, why mountains are triangular in shape and not circular or rectangular or any shape.Let's try to find an answer to this peculiar and amazing question.The mystery behind the triangular mountain shapeMountains take millennia to be formed and there are various forces like tectonic forces, gravity, frictional force, ... Read More
