Found 4378 Articles for MySQL

Explain the difference between a table, view and synonym in SQL

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 03-Jul-2021 08:45:34

3K+ Views

Let us understand what table, view and synonym in the structured query language (SQL) are.Table, view and synonymA table is a repository of data, where in the table it is a physical entity. A table resides physically in the database.A view is not a part of the database’s physical representation. It is precompiled, so that data retrieval behaves faster and also provides a secure accessibility mechanism.A synonym is an alternate name assigned to a table, view, sequence or program unit.ExampleCreate table employee (empID integer primary key, name varchar2(30), skill varchar2(30), salary number(20), DOB datetime).Let’s say there is a scenario where ... Read More

What is the use of update command in SQL?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 03-Jul-2021 08:42:19

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Update command is a data manipulation command which is used to edit the records of a table. It may be used to update a single row based on a condition, all rows or set of rows based on the condition given by the user.It is used along with the SET clause, operationally, a WHERE clause may be used to match conditions −Example 1An example is given below for the use of update command −update table student set name=’sneha’ where branch=’CSE’;Example 2Given below is another example of the usage of update command −create table employee(ename varchar(30), department varchar(20)); insert into employee ... Read More

How can you order the result obtained by select query in MySQL?

Pawandeep Kaur
Updated on 10-Jun-2021 12:26:46


It is common to select certain data or rows from a table. The rows are returned in the order in which they appear in the table. We may sometimes require that the rows we select from the table must be returned to us in ascending or descending order with respect to some column.The “ORDER BY” statement is used to order the results with respect to some column. The following example will provide more clarity.Suppose, we have a table which consists of various fields including the “name” field. We want to select all the rows from the table but we want ... Read More

Dropping a MySQL Table using NodeJS

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 09:34:02


You can delete an existing table from MySql Database using the "DROP TABLE" statement in Node. Sometimes, we need to delete the whole table, though in corporates it is always advised to archive the tables which are not in used instead of deleting them.While deleting a table, we have two scenarios −Deleting a table if it exists, else throw an errorDeleting the table whether it exists or not.We will discuss both the scenarios here.Before proceeding, please check the following steps are already executed −mkdir mysql-testcd mysql-testnpm init -ynpm install mysqlThe above steps are for installing the Node - mysql dependecy ... Read More

Creating a MySQL Table in NodeJS using Sequelize

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 09:15:06

2K+ Views

Introduction to SequelizeSequealize follows the promise-based Node.js ORM for different servers like – Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server.Following are some of the main features of NodeJS sequelize −Transaction SupportRelationsEager and Lazy LoadingRead Replication and more...Connecting to MySQL using SequelizeWe need to establish a connection between MySQL and Node.js using Sequelize.After creating a successful connection with sequelize, we would require the following three files for configuration. Please carefully create the following files in their respective folders only.SequelizeDemo > application.jsThis will be our root file which will hold the actual logic.SequelizeDemo>utils>database.jsThis will hold all the connection details to MySQL.SequelizeDemo>models>user.jsThis ... Read More

Difference Between ALTER and UPDATE Command in SQL

Updated on 15-Apr-2021 07:46:18

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In this post, we will understand the difference between the ALTER command and the UPDATE command in SQL.ALTER CommandThis command is a Data Definition Language (DDL).It performs operation at the structural level, not the data level.This command is used to add, delete, and modify the attributes of the tables in a database.This command, by default, initializes the values of all values in the tuple to NULL.It changes the structure of the table.Syntax: Add a column −ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype;Drop a ColumnALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;UPDATE CommandThis command is a Data Manipulation Language (DML).It performs operations on the ... Read More

Difference Between MySQL and PostgreSQL

Updated on 25-Mar-2021 06:28:38


In this post, we will understand the difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL.MySQLIt is a relational database management system.It is the product developed by Oracle Corporation.It is supported by Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, UNIX, z/OS, Symbian, AmigaOS.It can’t be extended.In this system, the phpMyAdmin tool gives the GUI.Mysqldump and XtraBackup provide backup in MySQL.It provides temporary table.It doesn’t provide a materialized view.It doesn’t provide Data Domain Object to the system.PostgreSQLIt is an object-relational database management system.It was developed by the Global Development Group.It is supported by Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and BSD but not by UNIX, z/OS, Symbian, ... Read More

Difference Between Where and Having Clause in SQL

Updated on 25-Mar-2021 06:10:10

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In this post, we will understand the difference between WHERE clause and HAVING clause in SQL.WHERE ClauseIt is used to filter the records from the table based on a specific condition.It can be used without the ‘GROUP BY’ clause.It can be used with row operations.It can’t contain the aggregate functions.It can be used with the ‘SELECT’, ‘UPDATE’, and ‘DELETE’ statements.It is used before the ‘GROUP BY’ clause if required.It is used with a single row function such as ‘UPPER’, ‘LOWER’.HAVING ClauseIt is used to filter out records from the groups based on a specific condition.It can’t be used without the ... Read More

Difference Between COMMIT and ROLLBACK in SQL

Updated on 25-Mar-2021 05:55:45

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In this post, we will understand the difference between COMMIT and ROLLBACK in SQL.COMMITIt validates the modifications that are made by the current transaction.Once the COMMIT statement has been executed, the transaction can’t be rolled back using ROLLBACK.It occurs when the transaction is successfully executed.SyntaxCOMMIT;ROLLBACKIt removes the modifications that were made by the current transaction.Once ROLLBACK is executed, the database would reach its previous state.This is the state where the first statement of the transaction would be in execution.ROLLBACK happens when the transaction is aborted in between its execution.SyntaxROLLBACK;

Difference Between SQL and T-SQL

Updated on 25-Mar-2021 05:40:58

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In this post, we will understand the difference between SQL and T-SQL.SQLIt is a non-procedural language.Relational databases use SQL.It stands for structured query language.It uses query to view and manipulate data.DML and DDL operations are used- Data manipulation language, and data definition language.It is considered as an open-source language.It helps in the manipulation of data and data controlling.Transfer of data happens one by one when SQL is used.T-SQLIt is a Microsoft product.It is known as Transact Structure Query language.It gives a high degree of control to the developers/programmers.It works its best, and provides good performance with Microsoft SQL server.It is ... Read More

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