Found 4378 Articles for MySQL

Using MySQL in Batch Mode

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:18:55

1K+ Views

MySQL can be run in batch mode. To perform this, the statements that need to be executed should be put in a file and then ‘mysql’ should be indicated to read the input from this file. It can be done as shown below −shell> mysql < batch−fileIf mysql is running on Windows, and there are certain special characters on the file that could potentially create problems, the below line of code can be run −C:\> mysql −e "source batch−file"If the connection parameters need to be specified on the command line, the below line of code needs to be executed −shell> ... Read More

Getting Information About MySQL Databases and Tables

Updated on 09-Mar-2021 06:58:50


It is possible for the user to forget the name of the database or table or the structure of table or the name of the columns. This issue can be solved using MySQL since it supports many statements that provide information about the databases and tables which it supports.The ‘SHOW DATABASES’ query can be used to list all the databases that are managed by the server. To see which database is currently in use, the ‘DATABASE()’ function.Let us understand this query in the below section −Querymysql> SELECT DATABASE();Output+---------------------+ | DATABASE()          | +---------------------+ | databaseInUse     ... Read More

Connecting to and Disconnecting from the MySQL Server

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:14:08


A MySQL user name needs to be provided when ‘mysql’ is invoked. Next a password has to be entered. If the server runs on a system which is not the same as that on which the user logs in, the host name also needs to be provided while trying to log in.It is suggested to contact the administrator to find out the parameters that are required to connect to the server.Once the parameters are determined, the below lines need to be sued to connect to the server −shell> mysql −h host −u user −p Enter the password: ***Here, ‘host’ represents ... Read More

Entering MySQL Queries

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:13:36


Before entering queries on the console, it is important to ensure that the user is connected to the server. The below query would give the version number of the server being used, and the current date.mysql> SELECT VERSION(), CURRENT_DATE;Note: The function ‘VERSION()’ and ‘CURRENT_DATE’ are case−insensitive. This means ‘version()’, ‘Version()’, ‘vERsion()’, all mean the same. Same goes with ‘CURRENT_DATE’An SQL query is followed by a semi-colon.When a query is issued to mysql, it sends the query to the server for execution. The results are computed and displayed. Another ‘mysql>’ also gets printed, indicating that the server is ready for one ... Read More

Upgrading MySQL with the MySQL SLES Repository

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:10:56


MySQL can be upgraded using MySQL SLES repository. Let us see the steps required for this upgradation. By default, the MySQL SLES repository updates MySQL to the latest version in the release series that the user would have chosen during installationTo update to a different release series, the subrepository for the series that has been selected needs to be disabled. It is suggested to upgrade from one series to the next, instead of skipping a series. Inplace downgrading of MySQL is not supported while using MySQL SLES repository.Upgrade MySQLUpgrade MySQL and its components using the below command −shell> sudo zypper ... Read More

Upgrading MySQL with the MySQL APT Repository

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:10:31


The MySQL APT repository can be used to perform an in-place upgrade for the MySQL installation.It can be done using the below steps −Upgrade MySQLEnsure that MySQL APT repository is already present on user’s system's repository list.Ensure that the most up−to−date package information on the MySQL APT repository is present by running the below command −shell> sudo apt-get updateBy default, the MySQL APT repository updates MySQL to the release series that has been selected by the user when they add the MySQL APT repository to their system.In general rule, it is suggested to upgrade from one release series to another, ... Read More

Upgrading MySQL with the MySQL Yum Repository

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:10:25


Let us understand how to upgrade MySQL with the help of MySQL Yum repository −MySQL can be upgraded using MySQL Yum repository. Let us see the steps required for this upgradation. By default, the MySQL Yum repository updates MySQL to the latest version in the release series that the user would have chosen during installationTo update to a different release series, the subrepository for the series that has been selected needs to be disabled. The next step is to enable the subrepository for the target series. It is suggested to upgrade from one series to the next, instead of skipping ... Read More

Upgrading MySQL Binary or Package-based Installations on Unix/Linux

Updated on 09-Mar-2021 07:24:51


Let us understand how MySQL binary and package-based installations can be upgraded in Unix or Linux. This can be done in-place as well as by using a logical upgrade method. Let us understand both these methods in brief −In place upgradeAn in−place upgrade involves shutting down the old MySQL server, replacing the old MySQL binaries or the packages with the new ones.Once this is done, the MySQL server is restarted on the existing data directory.After this, the remaining parts of the existing installation, that require some kind of upgrade, are upgraded.For some Linux platforms, MySQL installation from RPM or Debian ... Read More

Upgrading MySQL on Windows

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:07:36

1K+ Views

MySQL can be upgraded on Windows using two methods. They have been listed below −Using MySQL installerUsing Windows ZIP archive distributionUpgrading MySQL with InstallerMySQL installer doesn’t support upgrades between the community and commercial releases. If such an upgrade is required, it can be done using the ZIP archive method.Let us understand how MySQL can be upgraded with MySQL installer. This is considered the best approach when the current server installation is performed along with it and the upgrade happens within the current release series.MySQL installer doesn’t support upgrades between release series, such as from 5.7 to 8.0 and so on. ... Read More

Upgrading a Docker Installation of MySQL

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:07:08

2K+ Views

Before upgrading the docker installation of MySQL, ensure that the below mentioned steps have been followed −Download a MySQL server docker image.Start a MySQL server instance.Connect to MySQL server instance from within the container.Following are the steps to upgrade a Docker installation of MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 −Stop the MySQL 5.6 server using the below command. Here mysql56 is the name of the container.docker stop mysql56Download the MySQL 5.7 Server Docker image.Start a new MySQL 5.7 Docker container with the help of the old server data and configuration.Perform modifications if required.If MySQL community server is present, run the below command ... Read More
