Found 1376 Articles for MS Excel

How To Design Custom Border Style (Thickness/Width/Diagonal) In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 10:59:18


Borders are essential for improving your spreadsheet's aesthetic attractiveness and organisation. Excel has the option to design bespoke border styles to meet your unique demands while also offering a variety of established border patterns. In this article, we'll look at how to customise the width and thickness of borders in Excel as well as how to make diagonal borders. Understanding how to develop custom border styles will give you the power to produce any appearance you want, whether you want to draw attention to certain cells, make tables look professional, or inject some creativity into your worksheets. We'll walk you ... Read More

How To Delete Worksheet Without Prompt Or Warning In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 10:54:48

1K+ Views

Excel is a strong tool for managing data and organising information, and occasionally you might need to swiftly and effectively remove a worksheet from your workbook. When you try to delete a worksheet, Excel, by default, prompts you with a confirmation notice. While this can help to avoid unintentional deletions, it can also make workflow more difficult, especially when you need to delete several pages at once. In this article, we'll look at a technique that lets you delete a worksheet in Excel without getting prompted. We will walk you through the procedure with step−by−step instructions so you may get ... Read More

How To Delete Worksheet Based On Cell Value In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 10:09:07


Excel is an effective tool for organising and analysing data, and you might occasionally need to eliminate particular worksheets from your workbook based on predetermined criteria. This tutorial will show you how to automatically delete worksheets that match certain cell value criteria. It can take a while to manually delete worksheets, especially when working with large workbooks that contain a lot of sheets. To erase worksheets depending on particular cell values, we can make use of the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) programming language in Excel. Delete Worksheet Based On Cell Value Here, we will first create a VBA and ... Read More

How To Delete Unique Values From A Column In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 18:15:52


Excel is a powerful tool widely used for data management and analysis. When working with large datasets, it's common to come across scenarios where you need to remove unique values from a column. Whether you want to filter out one−time occurrences, identify and eliminate outliers, or streamline your data for specific purposes, deleting unique values can be a handy technique. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of deleting unique values from a column in Excel. We will cover different methods that can be used, depending on your requirements and the version of Excel you are using. ... Read More

How To Delete Tracer Arrows In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 18:00:47


Microsoft Excel's tracer arrows are tremendously helpful for grasping complex calculations and visualising links between cells. They enable you to track a formula's precedents (cells that have an impact on a certain cell) and dependents (cells that are impacted by a specific cell). While tracer arrows offer useful information about your spreadsheet, there may come a point when you need to remove them to simplify your analysis or clean up your worksheet. We'll walk you through the removal of tracer arrows in Excel in this tutorial. We'll explore several techniques to assist you effectively remove tracer arrows from your spreadsheet, ... Read More

How To Delete String After nth Character In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 17:58:00


You've come to the right place if you've ever needed to truncate or eliminate a portion of a text string in Excel. You may complete this operation fast and effectively using Excel's many features and strategies. Being able to remove or trim characters after a particular place can be quite helpful when working with large strings, URLs, or any other text data. You may learn this ability and cut down on the time it takes to complete data manipulation tasks by following the instructions provided in this lesson. We'll look at many methods to achieve this goal, including the built−in ... Read More

How To Delete All The Blank Worksheets In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 17:56:09


If you routinely use Excel spreadsheets, you may have run across the problem where your workbook has a number of blank worksheets. These blank sheets not only take up space in your desk, but they also make it difficult to properly browse and manage your data. In this video, we'll show you step−by−step how to find and remove all of Excel's blank worksheets. This lesson will provide you a quick and easy way to clean up your Excel file, regardless of how big or how many sheets your workbook is. You can streamline your workbook, get rid of pointless sheets, ... Read More

How To Delete All Sheets Except Specified/Current One In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 17:53:10


Excel is a strong programme that is frequently used for data management and analysis. You might need to erase superfluous sheets when working on complex workbooks with many sheets in order to simplify and streamline your workbook. Manually deleting sheets can take a while, especially if there are a lot of sheets to do so. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of deleting all Excel sheets other than the one you've selected or are now viewing. This strategy will enable you to complete the task swiftly and effectively whether you want to keep just one particular page ... Read More

How To Delete All Rows Except The First Header Row In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 17:48:05

1K+ Views

Microsoft Excel is a robust spreadsheet programme that is frequently used for data organisation and manipulation. It is typical to include a header row that summarises the contents of each column when working with huge datasets. There might be circumstances, nevertheless, in which you must eliminate all rows of data behind the header row while leaving the header alone. Manually removing rows can take a while, especially if the dataset is large. This tutorial will show you how to quickly and effectively erase all rows in Excel other than the initial header row. You may easily tidy up your data ... Read More

How To Delete All Rows Below Certain Row Or Active Cell In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 17:39:36


In order to successfully organise enormous datasets in Microsoft Excel, rows and columns must frequently be changed. It could occasionally be required to remove all the rows that are beneath the active cell or a particular row. Whether you're trying to streamline your spreadsheet, get rid of unused rows, or organise your data, eliminating rows can greatly enhance data organisation and analysis. This article will show you how to delete every row in Excel that is beneath a certain row or the currently selected cell. You will discover many approaches to complete this work that take into account user preferences ... Read More
