Found 1376 Articles for MS Excel

How to Enable Show Details in PivotTable in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:48:55


PivotTables are powerful tools that allow you to summarize and analyse large amounts of data effortlessly. The "Show Details" option provides a convenient way to view the underlying data that makes up a particular summarized value in your PivotTable. With pivot tables, users can easily group, filter, and sort data, perform calculations, and create customized reports and charts. By simply dragging and dropping fields, users can dynamically rearrange and restructure data to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships that may otherwise be hidden. Pivot tables empower users to make informed decisions, identify key metrics, and gain valuable insights from complex datasets, ... Read More

How to Enable or Disable Button Based on Cell Value in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:47:35


In Excel, buttons are an effective tool for automating processes and improving user experience. You can regulate the availability or accessibility of a button's functionality by connecting it to a certain cell value, which makes your spreadsheet more dynamic and user-friendly. In this article, we'll look at how to activate or deactivate a button depending on the value of a cell. You can create Excel spreadsheets that respond logically to user inputs by mastering these approaches. We'll assume that you have a fundamental understanding of Excel and its features throughout this course. Let's get going and see how to use ... Read More

How to Enable Macros in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:42:09


Microsoft Excel is a potent application that enables users to effectively manage and analyse data. The ability to automate operations with macros is one of its most helpful capabilities. In Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), macros are collections of instructions that can be created or recorded to automate time-consuming or difficult activities. However, because macros could possibly be used maliciously, Excel disables them by default for security reasons. It's simple to enable macros in Excel, allowing users to take advantage of this automation feature's full potential. Whether you want to automate data entry, produce reports, or carry out complicated calculations, ... Read More

How to Eliminate Repeated Values (Remove Duplicates) in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:40:41


When working with huge data sets, duplicates in Excel spreadsheets can be a typical occurrence. Repeated values can skew data analysis, complicate sorting, and interfere with other activities. Thankfully, Excel offers a useful function called "Remove Duplicates" that makes it easy to get rid of repeated values and streamline your data. You will discover how to use Excel's Remove Duplicates tool in this article to find and eliminate duplicate values, providing accurate and clean data for your projects.. You will develop the abilities to spot duplicate values in a single column or across numerous columns by carefully following this step-by-step ... Read More

How to Edit/Change a Personal Template in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:39:33

1K+ Views

Excel templates are a great resource for streamlining tasks and boosting output. You can save time and work by using their pre-made structures and formulas that can be modified to meet your unique requirements. This lesson will walk you through the steps of editing and customising an Excel personal template. We can help, whether you need to make changes to an existing template or want to start from zero and design a new one. Throughout this video, we'll provide you step-by-step directions and helpful hints to make the most of Excel's user interface. No of your level of Excel proficiency—beginner ... Read More

How to Easily Reverse Selections of Selected Ranges in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:36:34


When working with data in Microsoft Excel, choosing individual cells or ranges is a regular activity. However, there may be instances where you need to swiftly invert or reverse your choice for a variety of reasons. Knowing how to reverse your selections can help you save time and effort, whether you wish to exclude specific cells from your selection or just need to deal with the opposite set of cells. This article will give you simple-to-follow instructions and pointers to help you effectively reverse your selections and streamline your data manipulation process, regardless of your level of Excel proficiency. You ... Read More

How to Delete All Rows Containing Specific Text Within a Column in Google Sheets?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:31:35

2K+ Views

Google Sheets is a robust and adaptable spreadsheet programme that provides a wide range of features and capabilities to aid in managing and analysing data. Data manipulation tasks frequently include removing rows based on predetermined criteria. In this article, we'll concentrate on a single scenario: removing all rows from a column that contain a particular text. We'll assume that you have a fundamental understanding of Google Sheets and its user interface throughout this lesson. To ensure clarity and simplicity of comprehension, we will offer step-by-step instructions along with screenshots. So let's get started and discover how to delete rows in ... Read More

How to Create/Make Backup Files/Copies of Workbooks in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:30:02


Welcome to the article on how to duplicate or backup Excel workbooks! To safeguard your critical data and make sure you have a backup net in case of any unforeseen problems or data loss, you must back up your Excel workbooks. You will discover quick and simple techniques in this article for backing up your Excel workbooks, providing you piece of mind and the ability to restore your data if necessary. This course will discuss a variety of methods that can be applied in various situations and according to various preferences. We will also explore automated backup methods that take ... Read More

How to Create a Searchable Drop Down List in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:27:37

1K+ Views

Powerful tools like Excel are frequently used for data management, organisation, and analysis. Making drop-down lists, which provide users specified alternatives to choose from and guarantee data quality and consistency, is one of its primary characteristics. A typical drop-down list is useful, but what if you could make it even better by making it searchable? Think about how much easier it would be to discover the necessary option by inputting a few characters as opposed to scrolling through a long list. We'll walk you through the steps of making a searchable drop-down list in Excel in this tutorial. You may ... Read More

How to Create a Dynamic Drop Down List in Alphabetical Order in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 23-Aug-2023 12:18:24


You will be guided step-by-step through the creation of a dependent drop-down list in Google Sheets during this lesson. You will discover how to provide data sources, establish list dependencies, and build a dynamic selection system that adapts to user selections. Let's get started and learn how to use dependent drop-down lists to improve your Google Sheets experience! You will have a strong grasp of how to design a dynamic drop-down list that changes automatically as new items are added or removed by the end of this course. You will also understand how to alphabetize the list in order to ... Read More
