Found 1376 Articles for MS Excel

How to Navigate Between Cells in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:22:32


With the help of the robust spreadsheet programme Excel, you may easily organise and analyse data. To be as productive as possible, regardless of your level of experience, you must be able to move through cells swiftly and efficiently. In this article, we'll look at a number of techniques and short cuts that can help you navigate an Excel workbook with ease. We'll go over both fundamental and sophisticated ways to help you easily browse through huge datasets, spreadsheets, and workbooks. The ability to move about with ease can dramatically improve your workflow and increase your general Excel expertise, whether ... Read More

How to Name Sheets Based on Cell Values (From List) in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:22:04


Excel sheet names may significantly improve organisation and make it simpler to browse through your files. Using cell values from a list is a potent approach to give sheets names. In this article, we'll look at a step-by-step method for naming sheets automatically depending on particular cell values. You can use Excel's functionality to organise your workflow whether you have a lengthy list of departments, projects, or any other type of categorization system. You will have the skills necessary to automate the process of naming sheets based on cell values by the end of this session. Let's get started and ... Read More

How to Multiply Two Columns and then Sum in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:21:05

2K+ Views

Excel is a programme that is frequently used to organise and analyse data. Complex calculations and data manipulation are made simple and effective by its extensive array of features and functions. Multiplying two columns, then adding the results, is a typical task. When you wish to combine two sets of data to determine a total or weighted average, this operation is extremely helpful. As an illustration, imagine you have a spreadsheet with two columns: one for the number of things sold and the other for their related prices. You must multiply the amount by the price of each item and ... Read More

How to Multiply Hours and Minutes by an Hourly Rate in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:19:20

3K+ Views

Knowing how to compute profits or expenses based on an hourly rate is crucial when working with time-related data in Excel. Understanding this procedure can help you save time and effort whether you're handling employee payroll, keeping track of project expenses, or just attempting to figure out how much a service will cost. In this article, we'll go through how to multiply hours and minutes by an hourly rate in Excel step-by-step, so you can rapidly calculate the monetary value of a certain amount of time. Make sure Microsoft Excel is installed on your computer before we start. This video ... Read More

How to Multiply a Range of Cells by Same Number in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:18:22


This technique will help you save time and effort while performing financial computations, data analysis, or any other operation that calls for scaling values in Excel. You may rapidly and effectively multiply a set of cells by a constant value using a straightforward formula, doing away with the need for manual calculations. You will be guided step-by-step through the process of multiplying a set of cells by the same value throughout this tutorial. Please make sure you are familiar with the fundamentals of Excel's user interface before we start, including how to navigate between worksheets, choose cells, and enter ... Read More

How to Move Y Axis to Left/Right/Middle in Excel Chart?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:16:53

12K+ Views

The Y-axis, commonly referred to as the vertical axis, is essential for effectively showing and analysing data in charts. The Y-axis is by default positioned on the chart's left side. However, you might need to move the Y-axis to the right or even centre it, depending on your data and chart requirements. You'll discover how to adjust the Y-axis position to meet your demands, whether you want to make room for more data series, make the chart easier to read, or provide a particular aesthetic effect. In order to better assist you in comprehending and applying these strategies, we will ... Read More

How to Move Words to Next Line in an Excel Cell?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:15:55


Knowing how to style cells efficiently in Excel, a powerful tool for managing and analysing data, can significantly increase your productivity. You could occasionally come into instances where a word or a sentence in a cell is too long to fit in the allotted area. To ensure readability and retain the integrity of your data in these situations, transferring the extra text to the next line can be a helpful strategy. In this article, we'll look at how to shift words inside of an Excel cell to the next line. These methods will assist you in maintaining a tidy and ... Read More

How to Move to the Beginning or Start of Next Row for Data Entry in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:15:05


Excel is a strong programme that is frequently used for data management and analysis. Efficiency and knowledge of numerous keyboard shortcuts are crucial when working with huge datasets since they allow you to move through the spreadsheet more rapidly. Moving to the beginning or start of the next row for data entry is a frequent operation. You can shorten the time it takes to enter data by mastering this method. This lesson will show you how to quickly enter data into Excel by using a mechanism other than the mouse or arrow keys to advance to the beginning of the ... Read More

How to Move to Next Cell After Input Automatically in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:14:09

1K+ Views

Excel can make it difficult and time-consuming to manually go to the next cell after each input when working with huge datasets or carrying out repetitive operations. Thankfully, Excel has a number of useful functions that may automate this procedure and save you a lot of time. Regardless of your level of Excel proficiency, this course will arm you with the skills and resources you need to improve your productivity and streamline your work processes. Make sure you are familiar with Microsoft Excel's interface before we begin the various strategies. Understand the principles of worksheets, cells, and data entry. Let's ... Read More

How to Move the Group Plus/Minus Sign to Top in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:13:21

2K+ Views

The plus/minus symbol, which allows you to expand or collapse grouped rows or columns, is by default positioned on the left when working with vast amounts of data and using Excel's grouping tool to organise your information. You're in the proper position, though, if you'd rather have these signs show up at the top of your groups. We'll walk you through the process of moving the group plus/minus sign to the top in Excel in this lesson. To finish the assignment, we modify the outline's properties. By following these guidelines, you'll be able to improve your worksheets' visual design and ... Read More
